Serial Crises: Car, Cat, and Root Canal!
Serial Crises: Car, Cat, and Root Canal!
Serial Crises: Car, Cat, and Root Canal!
Serial Crises: Car, Cat, and Root Canal!
Serial Crises: Car, Cat, and Root Canal!
This campaign is closed
Serial Crises: Car, Cat, and Root Canal!
Hello, all! I'm Kij Johnson, a writer of science fiction and fantasy. At the moment, I'm in dire straits, and I really hope you can help me. We all have horrible things happen that eat away our emotional and financial reserves; mostly I manage fine, but this last week, I finally hit the wall, so I'm asking my world for help. This is hard for me, and I feel weird doing it, but the stress of not doing it is rapidly outweighing the stress of asking.
Here's the troubles, all of them: My beloved Subaru Forester (it's the blue of summer skies when you look straight up) destroyed its engine when I was on my way to a conference last weekend. I had it towed back to my mechanic. The bad news is that it needs a replacement engine, but we found a good used one with the same mileage ($4500 installed).
So there's that. But I was already struggling to come up with the money for two other urgent situations: my small, charming black cat (who has no official name but is generally known as The Black Cat of Ulthar; that's her in the picture) is popping out all over her stomach with fatty tumors that need to be removed ASAP (this is probably $1200 or so) -- and I need a root canal (my share is $600). Both urgent and both not happening: I've been stalling both for the last four months, even knowing how ill-advised this is, because I'm trying desperately to save for food, rent, and student loans over my unpaid summer -- I just haven't had the time to build any financial pad.
This all adds up to $6300, which is a lot, I know. Anything at all helps!
I see that people don't usually offer rewards for donations here at indiegogo life; but I'm a writer, and that's how many of you know me. So here are some collective rewards.
1. If we make $2000, I'll post online for free an epic chicken poem. It's a sequel to Chaucer's "The Nun's Priest's Tale" and it's funny. To me, anyway.
2. If we make $4500 (paying for the car: I need the car to drive the cat places!), I'll post online for free a poem or story about a car. I haven't written this yet, so I'll be on my game.
3. If we make $5700 (adding the cat), I'll give her an official name, and it will be brilliant and awesome.
4. If we make $6300 (adding my teeth), I'll write a story that involves cars, cats, and teeth.
As I said, it feels very strange to be doing this, but I'm hoping that some of you will remember some story of mine you read for free online (my website is, but I have free fiction all sorts of places), and might consider helping out. It would mean everything to me, my cat, and my car.