Concept Trailer
Disclaimer: This concept trailer is provided to merely give a visionary example for Severed Silence. All contents are owned by their respected owners and in no way are claimed by or credited to Almost Normal Productions in any capacity. It is illegal for anyone to distribute any copyrighted files without permission by its owner. There are NO parts to this concept trailer that can be or will be claimed, sold or distributed by Almost Normal Productions.
Hana spent two decades suppressing a maleficent curse that was placed upon her bloodline. That is until a spontaneous wedding reunites her estranged family and one of them knowingly awakens an unthinkable evil and the curse is released.
Hana not only has to figure out who in her family is fighting against her but also how to prevent the bloody curse from grabbing hold of them and killing them off one by one.
Hi, everyone! It's Beta, Kath, and Bela here! We are the award-winning filmmakers that brought you the films Find Me, Complexion, Because These Kids Are, May I Die, and Working it Out! With over 20 years of combined experience, we're confident that we will have you shaking in your boots with this next horror feature film, Severed Silence!
We've spent years making indie films and enjoying the festival and critical recognition that came along with it. Did you know that every single one of our films was self-funded? Well, they were, it forced us into wearing many hats and learning all aspects of filmmaking. From SFX to editing, our experience is vast and colorful and we have a lot of industry professionals that we've met along the way.
We now want to take all that juicy knowledge, as well as all of those great connections, and put it into making Severed Silence. We believe wholeheartedly that this film will be a success with your help!
We are off to an excellent start, guys!!! We've ALREADY funded and completed our ENTIRE development stage! It's taken thousands of man-hours (woman-hours) and thousands of dollars, but we are ready to move into pre-production! We have a fully packaged film; including a finished script, coverage, business plan, projections, full budget, lookbook, poster, graphics, website, and concept trailer. In addition, we have attached an amazing team of actors and crew members!
Now, we are ready to TAKE THIS TO THE NEXT LEVEL!
Our goal for this FIRST ROUND of fundraising is to reach $25k (total budget $500k). Once we reach our goal of $25k, we will work to stretch that goal and secure MATCHING FUNDS to move us faster into principal photography!
So what do we need to make our film and where will your generous contributions go? Well, for this round of fundraising we are focusing on a big portion of the physical creative areas of our film like Special Visual Effects, Props, Makeup, Set Dressing, and Wardrobe. As you can see by the pie chart below, it takes a LOT of stuff to make this look and feel authentic!
While this film will be made from our blood, sweat, and tears, we will still need money to make it all come together. So for every one of your contributions, you'll not only receive a big fat "THANK YOU" from us but you will be rewarded with some amazing perks!
Experts say that being scared, at least when we can control it, can be healthy. So this film will give you eternal health... just kidding...but it will give you a few extra heartbeats though! Severed Silence is in the vain of great films like The Omen and The Conjuring, so it will be sufficiently terrifying.
While we love horror, we are first and foremost storytellers, and good ones at that. We won't just test your horror receptors, we will hone your sleuthing skills and seduce you with our powerful and mesmerizing characters - juxtapositioned with a gruesome backdrop.
The three of us gals are not only huge FANS of horror, but having made two award-winning horror/thriller short films, are in very familiar territory with the genre as FILMMAKERS. So when you combine our overall experience and love of horror, you can be certain that we will make you cringe, squirm in your seat, cover your eyes, and scream out loud with Severed Silence.
In addition to our extensive festival exposure, navigating distribution deals for our films, partnering our philanthropic films with organizations like PACER'S National Bullying Prevention Center, optimizing exposure through press connections such as LA Times and "The Queen Latifah Show," and receiving our "Best Filmmakers" award at GIFF, Almost Normal Productions is confident that we will make Severed Silence a commercial, critical and artistic success!
The most important part of the campaign is YOU... our audience, our ARMY!
By stepping up and joining this campaign now, you will get to be a part of something from the beginning; something that will not just be ours any longer, but also YOURS as well!
It would be such an honor to have you be a part of our team and our journey!
If you aren’t able to support Severed Silence financially but have faith in our project, please send our campaign page link to others you know who might be interested - lovers of film, the horror genre, supporters of the arts, fans of our cast members, etc!
You can also help us gain awareness on social media by liking our page and passing it along to others to get excited about Severed Silence!
Keep checking back for secret perks and updates that will be added weekly!