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Sex After Kids

An edgy ensemble comedy about what happens when you’re too tired, uninterested, or annoyed to seduce the person you love, loathe, or haven’t even met yet.

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Sex After Kids

Sex After Kids

Sex After Kids

Sex After Kids

Sex After Kids

An edgy ensemble comedy about what happens when you’re too tired, uninterested, or annoyed to seduce the person you love, loathe, or haven’t even met yet.

An edgy ensemble comedy about what happens when you’re too tired, uninterested, or annoyed to seduce the person you love, loathe, or haven’t even met yet.

An edgy ensemble comedy about what happens when you’re too tired, uninterested, or annoyed to seduce the person you love, loathe, or haven’t even met yet.

An edgy ensemble comedy about what happens when you’re too tired, uninterested, or annoyed to seduce the person you love, loathe, or haven’t even met yet.

Jeremy LaLonde
Jeremy LaLonde
Jeremy LaLonde
Jeremy LaLonde
3 Campaigns |
Toronto, Canada
$61,057 USD 345 backers
122% of $50,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects




Thanks to each and every one of you, we achieved our initial goal of $50K and then some!  We shot the film in 2012, it played festivals in 2013, and was released theatrically across Canada in 2014.

As of May 2nd, 2014, it will be available on iTunes and other leading VOD providers across Canada and the US!  Here are the links to purchase or rent the film on iTunes Canada: and iTunes USA:



***Apr 4, 2012: We've been nominated for's PROJECT OF THE MONTH.  Please vote for us here:  Winning will get us a consultation with the Sundance Institute!

***Apr 4, 2012: Zoie Palmer and Jeremy LaLonde make good on their chipmunk promises:

***March 27, 2012: Please click on the "Updates" tab to find out whenabouts you'll get to see Zoie Palmer and writer/director Jeremy Lalonde in their chipmunk costumes!  We couldn't have gotten past the $40K mark without you, and we appreciate your patience with everyone's schedules.  THANKS!

***March 19, 2012: Thanks for voting us Indiewire's PROJECT OF THE WEEK!  We will also be in contention for their PROJECT OF THE MONTH poll at the end of March, so stay tuned to throw us some additional votes then.

***March 9, 2012: If we raise $40K by Friday, March 23rd at midnight, Zoie Palmer and writer/director Jeremy Lalonde will BOTH wear chipmunk suits to a local playground where they will get into many hijinks, all for your viewing pleasure!

***March 6, 2012: Check out the "Moms" teaser video featuring Zoie Palmer, Amanda Brugel, and Shannon Beckner!



SEX AFTER KIDS is an ensemble romantic comedy about what happens when you’re too tired, uninterested, or annoyed to seduce the person you love, loathe, or haven’t even met yet.  If you've got children, plan on having them, just got rid of them, or want nothing to do with them - this is the film for you!  We can't promise that watching it will help with any post-child sexual frustration that you may have, but it'll sure help you to laugh about it knowing that others share in your pain.  With the writing and directing talents of Jeremy LaLonde (writer/director of The Untitled Work of Paul Shepard) coupled with a cast that includes some of Canada’s best-loved performers of stage and screen (see below for more info) SEX AFTER KIDS is on track to become an instant comedy classic. 

Our fundraising goal has been set at the minimum level at which we can make this movie.  A plan dependent on cheeky favours, breaking rules, and a general attitude of "let's just fucking do this!"  Should we exceed our goal rest assured that the money will go right back into film and onto the screen.  In the event that we fall short of our goal we will revise our plan to include cheekier favours, more broken rules, and a hell of a lot more attitude.  The bottom line is that we're making this film and every additional pledge allows us to minimize compromises and maximize quality. So, if you're a new backer contemplating a pledge, please come aboard. And if you're already a backer, well hold onto your hat, because it's full steam ahead!

If you aren't in a position to support the film financially at this time, that's okay!  Another way to help is by spreading the word about it using the share tools here on IndieGoGo.  Join and share our Facebook page and website (  Tweet and blog about us!  Direct others who might be able to get involved back to this IndieGoGo page.  Anything and everything helps!

Every pledge lifts the quality of the movie and is gratefully appreciated!  And keep in mind that most of the perks simply won't be available once the campaign ends.

How IndieGoGo works: You decide how much you want to pledge and choose an associated perk.  When our campaign ends, IndieGoGo takes a 4% fee off the money we’ve raised.  If we don't reach our goal, the fee is 9% (which is crazy high, and also why it's important we reach our goal).  Another 3% or so also goes to IndieGoGo for credit card processing fees.  But everything else will go straight into making this movie (and making sure everyone gets their perks).

Our goal is to start shooting the film as early as this spring and have it ready for the 2013 festival season.  The proceeds from this campaign will go towards everything from script copies to props on the set to film festival submissions. 

And feel free to leave your own Sex After Kids stories in the comments section.  Who knows, you may inspire us to include them in the film!



in alphabetical order:

Paul Amos (Lost Girl, Aaron Stone, Murdoch Mysteries)

Shannon Beckner (Super Hybrid, Billable Hours, Eating Buccaneers)

Katie Boland (The Master, Daydream Nation, Adoration)

Kristin Booth (The Kennedys, At Home By Myself… With You, Defendor)

Jay Brazeau (Gunless, Watchmen, Best In Show)

Amanda Brugel (The Firm, The Death of Alice Blue, Paradise Falls)

Ennis Esmer (The Listener, The L.A. Complex, Young People Fucking)

Kate Hewlett (Stargate: Atlantis, 11 Cameras, Flashpoint)

Kris Holden-Ried (Lost Girl, Underworld: Awakening, Three Days in Havana)

Christine Horne (The Stone Angel, Borealis, The Untitled Work of Paul Shepard)

Peter Keleghan (18 to Life, The Newsroom, The Red Green Show)

Mary Krohnert (Sworn to Silence, Flashpoint, The Untitled Work of Paul Shepard) 

Mimi Kuzyk (The Day After Tomorrow, Sophie, Blue Murder)

Zoie Palmer (Lost Girl, The Untitled Work of Paul Shepard, Instant Star)

Mark Robinson (Warehouse 13, The Listener, The Line)

David Tompa (An Insignificant Harvey, Murdoch Mysteries, Flashpoint)

and Gordon Pinsent (Canadian screen legend!)



Look to the right to see some of the lovely perks you can receive for your contribution!  We'll cover shipping costs for all Canadian orders on things that need to be shipped.  For the $50 and $100 perk packages, if you are located outside of Canada, we are requesting that you add an extra nominal amount to help us cover shipping (see those contribution levels for details).  We'll cover shipping worldwide for the higher contribution levels.



Where can I learn more about the project?

Please visit our official website,  There you can find a full synopsis of the story, cast and crew bios, and more!


Do you even know how to make a low budget film?

Indeed we do!  Please go to to check out the last film from our writer/director, Jeremy LaLonde.  Also, watch one of producer Jennifer Liao's independent shorts, What You Eat (and why not join the Facebook page for her upcoming film The End of Days at Godfrey Global Inventory).


If I contribute, when can I redeem my perks?

After we finish principal photography we will start to manufacture the physical merchandise and arrange other perks involving the cast and crew.  The screenings, parties, DVDs, etc. can only happen after the film is completed so this will take a bit of time.  Bear with us!  


What if I don’t want a perk, I just want to contribute?

No problem, there is a button that you can select if you don’t want a perk.


What is a “limited availability” perk?

This is a perk that we can only offer in limited quantities, so once they are gone, they’re gone!  In instances where your pledge level includes “all of the above” from previous reward levels, these will NOT include limited perks.  (The limited perks are: Test Screening, Character & Script, Exec Producer/Dinner Party, Costa Rica or Haliburton, and Wine Tasting)


Can I increase my pledge once it’s been made?

YES!  Once you donate to our campaign, you may want to change your incentive perk to a different one, or increase your pledge amount.  Go for it!


Can I gift an incentive?

YES!  That’s very awesome of you.  If you would like to donate to the film but give the perk to someone as a gift, go through the normal process of making a donation in your name.  For billing purposes, this action must be in your name.  After our deadline, we will send a message to you through IndieGoGo to the email address you provided.  We will request your address from you at that time.  Please reply with the information of the person who should receive the perk, and we will make sure it gets to them.


How do we get the voice recordings if we choose that type of perk?

We will ask you for the details of your personal message and then record it as a .wav file and email it to you.


Why raise the money this way? 

We're making this film on the lowest budget possible - any additional funds raised will go right into the film.  But most importantly, we want this project to be owned by the artists making the film, and by using crowdsourced funds that is possible. 


Why $50K? 

Big budget films spend that much money before lunch on the first day, but we'll be able to use it to fund every aspect of the production.  A $50K budget for an entire feature is bare bones compared to the way films are traditionally made, but don’t fret!  We know how to make a budget like this work!


How do we contact you?

Glad you asked!  Please go to our website for the film ( or our Facebook page.  You can also e-mail us at We will get back to you quickly if you have questions!


What region will the DVDs be?

Region free!  Play it anywhere.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
Need more information
Let us know if you think this campaign contains prohibited content.

Choose your Perk

Exclusive Updates!

$1 USD
Exclusive updates on the film sent directly to you!
11 claimed

Credit & Sneak Peak!

$10 USD
Special thanks on our website and in the film’s end credits, exclusive updates, plus a digital poster e-mailed to you, and a sneak peek at a scene from the film!
19 claimed

Digital Download & Postcard!

$25 USD
Digital download of the finished film, Sex After Kids postcard autographed by a member of the cast, a ringtone by the film’s composer, plus everything above!
67 claimed

Autographed DVD!

$50 USD
DVD of the finished film and a Sex After Kids mini-poster, both autographed by members of the key cast and writer/director, plus everything above! (Canada shipping included. For US, please add $3, for international, $5.)
55 claimed

Media Package!

$100 USD
Media Package: Digital downloads of both Sex After Kids and The Untitled Work of Paul Shepard (featuring Zoie Palmer and Kris Holden-Ried), as well as DVDs for both films autographed by members of the key cast and writer/director, and a digital download of Sex After Kids soundtrack/score. Plus everything above! (Canada shipping included. For US, please add $4, for international, $6.)
63 claimed

Test Screening!

$100 USD
Want to see the film before anyone else??? Be one of a select bunch to view and provide feedback at a test screening in Toronto, ON! Also include digital download of finished film! (travel and accommodations not included)
2 out of 10 of claimed

Cast & Crew Screening!

$150 USD
2 tickets to the cast/crew screening in Toronto (travel and accommodations not included), plus everything above! (For items to be shipped, we'll cover worldwide shipping at this level.)
22 claimed

Associate Producer!

$300 USD
Be an Associate Producer! Credit seen in the film’s credits, website, and on Get invited to the wrap party (travel and accommodations not included), and a cast member will record a personal outgoing message for your phone. Plus everything above! (excluding limited availability items) (For items to be shipped, we'll cover worldwide shipping at this level.)
34 claimed

Notes or Director/Cast chat!

$500 USD
Get script notes on your own script and up to two hours of consultation via Skype, phone (or in person for residents of Toronto) with writer/director Jeremy LaLonde. Or if you don't have a script, Skype with the director and/or a cast member about anything you please! Plus everything above! (excluding limited availability items) (For items to be shipped, we'll cover worldwide shipping at this level.)
6 claimed

Exec Producer/Dinner Party!

$1,000 USD
Be an Executive Producer! Credit seen in the film’s credits, on the website, and on A seat at a dinner party in Toronto with writer/director Jeremy LaLonde, producer Jennifer Liao and two key cast members (travel and accommodations not included), plus everything above! (excluding limited availability items) (For items to be shipped, we'll cover worldwide shipping at this level.)
4 out of 8 of claimed

NEW Costa Rica or Haliburton

$1,500 USD
Enjoy a one week stay at either a waterfront cottage near Haliburton/Minden, Ontario OR a house in Playa Grande, Costa Rica! Accommodations only, but what accommodations they are! First contributor to choose this perk gets their choice of location. See ABOUT THE PERKS for full details and photos. Plus receive everything above! (excluding limited availability items – though it will include an Executive Producer credit!) (For items to be shipped, we'll cover worldwide shipping at this level.)
1 out of 2 of claimed


$5,000 USD
Be a Producer! Credit seen in the film’s credits, website & Enjoy a set visit, plus access to the film’s rough cut and fine cut and have the opportunity to provide your notes! You’ll also be invited to present the film with us at a festival of your choice (subject to us being accepted, of course, and you’ll need to cover your own travel, though we’ll take care of accommodations). Plus everything above! (excluding limited availability items) (We'll cover shipping.)
3 claimed
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