Hey! Asaf Ronen and
Kacey Samiee here, the producing team for Sinergy. Between the two of us
we have thousands of hours of production experience for film and stage,
and it’s all led up to this.
Sinergy came about out of a conversation between Asaf who needed to jump
start his writing and Kacey who was auditioning for roles that didn’t
speak to her. “What kind of role would you play if you could?” From that
question came the character of Sheridan, the dark center of this dark
comedy where magic and commerce co-exist (like in the world of
movie-making...hey!) That was five years ago and it’s only now that our
schedules and hearts have opened up enough to take on such an ambitious
What We Need & What You Get
For Season One we
need $32,561.00. We created a tight and precise budget based on the day
rates for cast and crew, the expenses of producing a film (insurance,
food, location cost, equipment, props, costumes, etc.). Every bit of
funding we get will go into the production so we can pay people for
their time.
We have designed several perks to thank you for your contribution. From
participating in the production, partying with us when it's over,
receiving unique props used during principle photography, as well as
unique art prints and getting your photo taken with a real live demon.
Hopefully there's something in there to get you interested!
And when Season Two of this series rolls around (we like to swing for the fences), you will have the front row seats to it.
Risks & Challenges
This is Asaf’s first time
as a film director, though he has been collaborating, directing and
creating for over 25 years on stage, in classrooms, in videos, and he
even wrote a book. This, however, is a whole new ballgame, with
technical challenges, logistical challenges, and some
how-are-we-going-to make-this-happen challenges. The story is king and
whatever it needs, we’re going to throw at it. Whatever professionals
Asaf needs to help him through the first-timedness, we want to provide,
because at the other end of it, will be a project that is fun, unique
and only the beginning.
Other Ways You Can Help
know money is tight for everyone (that's why we're asking for some).
And we also know that even if you can't contribute financially, that
doesn't mean that you don't want to see the project produced. So, if you
can't contribute, please share! Share like crazy! Use any and all of
the social media platforms to help us spread the word about this
campaign. Even talk to your friends and family, maybe they can help out!
There are other things that would be of great help:
- Catering.
We want to create a comfortable environment for our talent so that they
can bring their best to the project. That means vats of coffee and
trays of breakfast tacos in the morning, doses of protein in the
afternoon. Any food connections that would lead to donations or hefty
discounts would be greatly appreciated.
- Props.
We are needing to build a couple of the office sets from scratch
including desks and office chairs and some other odds and ends.
- Transport.
Those big props won’t fit on the back of Asaf’s scooter. Friends with
trucks and some time to kill would be a big help. And while you’re on
set, maybe you can take an extras role for yourself!