“Somewhere up there on the hill, there's a screeching roar. A mechanical, unearthly gargle. A sound that would wake up the dead and silence the living.”
Skinjacker a sci-fi/horror tale that features a lesser-known creature from Scottish mythology. It brings to life a dark and mysterious beast, but when mixed with a sci-fi element, it adds to the horror and suspense of the story with an approach rarely seen in films coming out of Scotland.
This is a story that focuses on the escape and survival of the characters within it, yet it is the stunning, bleak Scottish landscapes and the unpredictability of the story which play the biggest parts.
We will be looking towards the use of a shallow depth of field when we are amongst the cast to contrast the wide expansive landscapes that Scotland has to offer, but we won’t be restricted to this. When the moment presents itself, we will engage with their surroundings as the shadows around them grow long.
Both cinematographer Thomas Dobbie and Director David Izatt have dark, moody styles, so expect a very atmospheric film (Skinjacker being their 8th film project together).
"We see shots of the hills, shadows are deep and long now and the light is fading fast. Clouds swarm across the sky like they are in a hurry to escape the approaching night and the cold, bitter and unrelenting bite that it offers."
The film was written by and will be directed by David Izatt.
In 2018 his debut feature film (as director) ‘A Christmas Carol’ was released on Amazon Prime TV. Before that he worked as a cinematographer on the horror film ‘Plan Z’ which was released on Netflix and the Martin Scorsese produced film ‘Tomorrow’ as EPK Producer and the official stills photographer, working with Stephen Fry, James Cosmo and musician Joss Stone amongst others.
While David is also producing the film, our experienced team also includes:
Thomas Dobbie (The Necromancer) - Cinematographer
Keith Nicholl (Bannan) - Production Manager
Khaled Spiewak (Schemers) - Editor
Chris Capaldi (Tellurian) - Assistant Producer
Featuring a very large cast for a sci-fi/horror feature film, including:
Marcus Macleod (The Necromancer, Convergence) as 'Jimmy'.
Jacob Anderton (13 Graves, I Am Vengeance: Retaliation) as 'Trevor'.
Nicolette McKeown (Feel The Dead, Convergence) as 'Sarah'.
Richard Ashton (Vikings, Dr Who, The Fifth Element) as 'Myce'.
Reanne Farley (Schemers, Shetland) as 'Vivian'.
Gareth Morrison (Tommy's Honour, Outpost: Rise of the Spetsnaz) as 'Baz'.
The cast also includes, Eugene Horan, Rebecca Wyman, Ryan Livingstone, Sarah Meikle, Grant R Keelan, Chris Capaldi, Gordon J Millar, Scott Ironside and Vivien Taylor.
You can't make a film without an influence from another in some way, shape or form. We draw influences from classics such as Alien and The Thing as well as incredibly moody Scottish set sci-fi / horrors such as Under the Skin.
But we also draw inspiration from the likes of 'Stranger Things', the German sci-fi series 'Dark', Korean Monster movie 'The Host' and recently the Russian TV series 'To The Lake'.
No proper sci-fi / horror isn't complete without a brilliant 'monster' and Skinjacker certainly has this in it's locker.
You can grab the original concept design for The Mycelinid by artist John Cameron on a t-shirt or poster as one of our perks.
Set building started in July 2020 at our Soundstage in Dunfermline, Fife. It is a massive undertaking with several interior rooms being built along with a very sci-fi looking area. Some of our exciting perks will offer you an insight as to what's going on behind the scenes. With highly classified A4 posters available for those that purchase the signed script perk.
We aim to create a feature film in Scotland which is topical, original and has the potential to expand into an entire franchise. But we need your help in getting us there.
We are aiming to raise a minimum of £20,000. With these additional funds we will be able to complete our amazing set build at our soundstage. Funds will also go towards travel, accommodation, transport, location fees, equipment rentals, expenses, catering and more.
Can't contribute? That's ok, but if you could please help us by spreading the word and getting this crowdfunder shared around Social Media. The more people that hear about this sci-fi / horror feature film, the better the chance we have of reaching our goal!
Team Skinjacker :)
Thank you!