With a world seemingly in turmoil and divisions in the human race as big as ever, now seems like the perfect time for a generation (our generation) to learn from the experiences of those before us. Men and women who have witnessed everything, from extremes of hate to unbelievable movements of love.
SNIOP is a feature length documentary, book and a related multi-media project that asks the older generation 3 simple questions about life. The answers give an insight in to the world
of those that have had a lifetime of experience, yet are often overlooked. Sharing
a plethora of fabulous opinions, knowledge and views, SNIOP will entertain,
enlighten and capture moments that may otherwise be forgotten.
The answers to these simple questions will not only be captured in the documentary but will also be shared via our website (
www.sniop.co.uk) and popular social networking platforms; Facebook and Twitter.
We will also establish a Youtube channel for the transmission of all the interviews conducted; a resource that will live well beyond the projects origins and its creators. SNIOP is intended as a continuing project; capturing social history and depicting changing attitudes and beliefs. Think of it as an ever evolving time capsule of the human spirit.
We also want to reach beyond the screen and create real, tangible change. Therefore, this will be a non-profit project, donating any and all of its profits to a variety of charities doing wonderful work across the globe. This includes profits derived from sponsorship, DVD sales, downloads of the film, and sales of the book of selected photographs and interviews.
In 2015, we have reached a point in time where it’s easier than ever to share experiences and reach out to one another. SNIOP intends to embrace the technological advances we have made as a worldwide society and bring voices to light that may otherwise be forgotten.
Created with passion and joy, SNIOP will share these voices far and wide, so we can learn from and hopefully make a difference to all our futures.
Thank you for reading and for the opportunity to make SNIOP a reality.
Brian M Franklin (Creator & Director)