Sonic Prologue 2 is a 3D animated Source Filmmaker fan film project that retells the events before the 1994 video game, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 as it was written in the original Japanese manual. This film is also designed to be a 25th anniversary gift to the creators Sonic the Hedgehog brand!
Last year, in August 2014 we here at Necomix™ released our very first project Sonic Prologue on Youtube! A 25 minute animated fan film, centered around the video game character Sonic the Hedgehog and retold the original tale of how he met his sidekick, Miles "Tails" Prower. It was very successful, currently holding more the 900K views in counting as well as serving as the very first fully CG animated film revolved around the Sonic franchise! If you like, you can watch it here!:
We are very proud of what we created, however we think we can do a lot better and really want to up our game with the sequel!
Sonic Prologue 2 is designed to be a better film than it's predecessor in every way imaginable. Higher quality animation, bigger locations, updated voice work and just over all creating more of an engaging experience! But we can't do it alone. In order to really make this project at the best of our ability we're going to need your help!
Your contributions will be used for:
• General Operating Expenses will be the main one out of them all. This basically allows us to have enough in our budget to afford the standard services needed and basic cost to create this film. Such as storyboarding, sound designing, animating, editing etc.
• Last but not least are the sums that we'll need to create and deliver our line of perks that've been chosen by you guys!
And that's all there is to it! Plain and simple!
YES! We can guarantee that when funded, Sonic Prologue 2 will be released as promised! To our knowledge we are the only organization to release a Sonic the Hedgehog fan film complete with everything promised prior to its release, as well as launch on time with 0 delays! Don't worry, you're safe with us!
Making fan films about blue talking hedgehogs is fun and all, but not without it's challenges. Unfortunately if we don't reach our funding goal, 100% we cannot make the film as we imagined. We just simply won't have enough to cover the services needed to complete the film. However, all is not lost! If we end up falling short, depending on what we earn, we will do our best to create the next best thing, so no one walks out empty handed! But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it! For now, let's climb to the top! Every little bit counts!
Of course! Whether you're donating or not, you can still help us reach our goal! Spread the word about this project! Tell everyone and everything about it! Sometimes a loud voice is all you need and in this case it will definitely help us out big time!