Bookshop co-owner Terry McCoy with poet Anne Waldman - photo: Lauren at www.maepoe.blogspot.com
St. Mark's Bookshop, a beloved independent bookstore doing
business for 37 years in New York's historic East Village, seeks funding so it
can carry on its mission in a new location.
St. Mark's has been regularly lauded as one of New York City's
top bookstores. Over the years we've developed nurturing relationships with
noted authors such as Patti Smith, Sean Wilentz, Junot Diaz, Anne Carson, Neil
Gaiman, Peter Straub, and many others. Through weekly events our bookstore has
offered ample opportunity for writers to promote their work while offering
readers the chance to interact with authors they are just discovering and those
they already adore.
We've also been an important community space. As you know,
independent bookstores are vanishing all over the country. But establishments
such as ours still serve as vital neighborhood centers that foster cultural
exploration and intellectual growth as well as lively conversation and debate.
Can you help us continue serving our community?
With your help we can make the move and remain in business for
years to come. In our new home we'll be looking at alternative business models
that will allow us to flourish in the face of the complex factors forcing so
many independent bookstores out of business.
Your donation will help us to:
- Remodel the new location and transform it into a contemporary bookshop
and events space.
- Cover the costs of moving our current inventory and equipment to the
new shop.
- Strengthen our inventory with a fresh injection of the quality books
and periodicals for which we're known.
With your help, we'll have the new St. Mark's Bookshop up and
running in June. We just have a little more to go!
Interior at 31 Third Ave
For 15 years we thrived on St. Mark's Place, the East Village
street from which we take our name. In the early 90's we were offered an
opportunity too good to pass up: a move around the corner that came with a 15
year lease, a manageable rent, and an affiliation with neighborhood art and
engineering college Cooper Union. We loved our new locale so much that we
decided to renew our lease when it expired in 2007. Over the last several years
a number of factors--the proliferation of e-books, a sluggish economy, the
changing nature of the neighborhood--have made staying in business
But last year came another opportunity: the chance to lease a
city-owned property at an affordable rent, only a few blocks away from our
current location--136 East 3rd St off Avenue A--where we can continue serving
our community as we've been doing for almost 40 years.
We are close to signing the lease and we're raising the funds
we need, thanks to over 400 people like you who have already contributed. A
little more will help us reach our goal.
Exterior of the store's prospective location
Please check out our generous perks to the right. Most of them offer gift
certificates at cash value. Signed first editions personalized by the authors
are thank-you gifts to our more generous campaign supporters.
The right book is a tool for entertainment, intellectual
inspiration, and personal transformation--and the physical bookshop remains,
even in this digital age, the best, serendipitous place to discover that book,
elbow-to-elbow with other voracious readers and writers. We want to be that
place for many years to come--your contribution will help
make it happen.