Who is Black Talons Entertainment?
Black Talons Entertainment was formed by Lyssa Rayne. As a veteran of the USAF I traveled and experienced many things, both stateside and overseas. Many of these experience expanded me as as person and ultimately led to me becoming a writer. As such I have both written and directed every one of my films.
About the film:
Stitch is a story about a woman that has lost her sister to a random act of violence. When the justice system fails her, she turns to the occult. This movie has various elements all wrapped a singular core. The desire to see justice served. Some of these elements/themes are horror, thriller, and a touch of supernatural occultism.
What we need?
To complete this project will require many elements. Namely a good crew, dedicated actors, a well thought out script, good shooting locations, and of course funding. Set to film in Florida, weather permitting, all will get a sneak peek into some of the lesser traveled places. The crew has been selected and actors as well. This is where you come in. To get this film from pre-production to wrapped with require a minimum budget of $50,000 and stretch goal of $80,000. Nothing by Hollywood standards but as an Independent film production company this is a massive undertaking.
Being independent in and of itself is a risk. Though most struggle with film completion that will not be the case in this situation. We have assembled a cast and crew that are both dedicated and committed to completing every goal set. Once Stitch is completed, we will continue to work with various distributers to ensure that this film is seen as it was designed to be. On the big screen as well as at home. The biggest challenge for any independent venture is distribution. With our goals met, that will ensure that distribution won't be an issue.
Other ways to help:
While many can and will help financially, not all are able to do so. First, thank you for taking the time to stop by and learn about our project. Next, the best way to help us reach our goal is to share this posting. Tell your friends. Share this on social media. Everything helps. We are always one person away from the person we need in this world.
What You Get
We have created some interesting and fun perks for everyone. Scroll through and find the one that appeals most to you. Many will make a wonderful gift to your favorite movie lover!
The Impact
There are no words to describe the impact this film will have on many. As a woman led company I have made it my mission to uplift and assist other women seeking to walk this path. We are committed to creating a safe and diverse workplace where many can safely express their art. Our goal is to create new and original content that you can not only support but enjoy now and in the future.
We will keep you all informed as this project progresses. Thanks you for your support and we hope to share this with you all in the near future!
Thank you!