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Super Bake - Cake Shop by Senior Ladies

Social enterprise created for senior ladies to work part time and bake old-school homemade cakes

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Super Bake - Cake Shop by Senior Ladies

Super Bake - Cake Shop by Senior Ladies

Super Bake - Cake Shop by Senior Ladies

Super Bake - Cake Shop by Senior Ladies

Super Bake - Cake Shop by Senior Ladies

Social enterprise created for senior ladies to work part time and bake old-school homemade cakes

Social enterprise created for senior ladies to work part time and bake old-school homemade cakes

Social enterprise created for senior ladies to work part time and bake old-school homemade cakes

Social enterprise created for senior ladies to work part time and bake old-school homemade cakes

Super Bake
Super Bake
Super Bake
Super Bake
1 Campaign |
Belgrade, Serbia
$6,342 USD by 160 backers
$6,270 USD by 156 backers on Jan 1, 2018
Super Bake is an initiative for opening a cake shop where senior ladies - grandmas (in Serbian ''bake'') will work. By creating an environment for senior ladies to work part-time through a self-sustainable social enterprise project. That way they would have a specially tailored setting for making extra income in addition to their modest pensions, as well as an occasion to enrich their social lives. This is our way to fight against ageism, social isolation & loneliness of seniors.

***Verzija na srpskom jeziku je u nastavku***

Super Bake takes you back to your childhood

In order for senior ladies to share their rich qualities, or at least one part of their great experience, we want to create a cake shop where they will bake original homemade, old-school cakes.

Super Bake will be a self-sustainable social enterprise cake shop and catering service tailored especially for senior ladies. 


Do you remember the taste and scent of your granny's homemade cakes?
Does it remind you of childhood, love, and happiness? 
Super Bake will make sure that you revive such memories whenever you want!

Old school, homemade cakes made according to grannies' secret recipes that they've tested and perfected for decades. This is something unique as this kind of cakes you can solely eat at your grandma's, but only if you are lucky enough to still have your grannie around. These cakes are a combination of long life experience and pure love and they can't be bought anywhere - but we are here to change that!  

Super Bake share a huge love for seniors, to be more specific - for grandmas. We believe that experience, knowledge, skills, wisdom and warm heart that senior ladies have are something that should be shared with the world around them. 

Meet our Super Bake grannies

  • Mira (67)  likes to bake "gibanica" cake with nuts and homemade apple jam  
  • Zora (79)  loves to cook for her family when they come home from the distant place where they live
  • Biljana (72) also has her specialty - "lenja" pie with poppy seeds
  • Olga (65) enjoys preparing "šapice sa urmama" (date cookies) using a special recipe of her husband of Middle East origin
  • Jovanka (60) is passionate about all sorts of cakes and likes to see happy faces of people who share her love for sugar 
  • Mirjana (72) loves nature and healthy food, so her cookies are sugar-free & healthy 

We want a place that will help to bridge the generation gap - where seniors who don't have a chance to interact with younger population will be able to do so in a very friendly environment, and vice versa. 

Super Bake is going to be a place where senior ladies can bake cakes and where the rest of community can enjoy them. Super Bake creates a sensible working environment that is opposite to ageism - for us, age is an advantage, not a lack.  

What we need...

To achieve our goal we need to equip a kitchen where senior ladies can make their secret delicacies. They will work part-time and thus make an extra income on top of their modest pensions (which are less than 200 euros per month on average in Serbia) and also have a great chance to interact and enrich their social lives. 

Our goal is to raise $5,000 which is enough to fully equip the kitchen! 




So... what can you do? 

If you support our grannies, they will show their huge gratitude by making our unique perks and feeding you with LOTSSSSS of nicest homemade cakes and other cute grannie goodies. 

Apart from making a donation, you can support this campaign by: 

  • Sharing news about the campaign on your social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
  • Sharing news about the campaign while you're having coffee and cakes with your friends


Super Grannies are sending you a sweetest 
T H A N K   Y O U


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Super Bake vas vode nazad u detinjstvo 

U cilju kreiranja prilike za penzionerke, odnosno bake, koja bi im omogućila da podele bar deo svog bogatog iskustva želimo da otvorimo poslastičarnicu gde će raditi upravo one - bake, tj. Super Bake. 

Super Bake će biti samoodrživa poslastičarnica socijalnog preduzetništva
u kojoj će raditi bake, odnosno penzionerke

Da li se sećate ukusa i mirisa domaćih kolača svoje bake?
Da li Vas podseća na detinjstvo, ljubav i sreću?
Super Bake će se pobrinuti da oživite te uspomene kad god to poželite!

Tradicionalni, domaći kolači napravljeni prema tajnim receptima baka, kao i stari kolači koji su svima poznati, bake su testirale i usavršavale decenijama.
Ovo je nešto što je postalo jedinstveno jer ovakve poslastice možete jesti jedino kod baka, ako ste dovoljno srećni da još uvek imate svoju baku. Ovi kolači su spoj dugog životnog iskustva i čiste ljubavi i ne mogu se kupiti nigde - ali zato su Super Bake ovde da to promene!

Super Bake gaje ogromnu ljubav prema starijima, da budemo precizniji - prema bakama. Verujemo da su znanje, veštine, mudrost i toplo srce koje imaju bake nešto što bi trebalo deliti sa celim svetom.

Upoznajte naše Super Bake bake

Mira (67) voli da pravi "Slatku gibanicu" sa orasima i domaćim pekmezom od jabuka
Zora (79) voli da kuva za svoju porodicu kada se oni vrate kući sa raznih krajeva sveta gde su otišli da žive
Biljana (72) takođe ima svoju specijalnost - "Lenju" pitu sa makom
Olga (65) uživa u pripremi "Šapica sa urmama" koristeći poseban recept sa Bliskog istoka svog supruga
Jovanka (60) je strastvena u pripremi svih vrsta torti i kolača i voli da vidi srećna lica ljudi koji dele njenu ljubav prema slatkišima
Mirjana (72) voli prirodnu i zdravu hranu, tako da su njeni kolači bez šećera i zdravi

Želimo mesto koje će doprineti prevazilaženju generacionog jaza - gde će starijima, koji nemaju priliku za interakciju sa mlađom populacijom, biti omogućeno da to učine u jednom vrlo prijateljskom okruženju.

Super Bake će biti mesto gde penzionerke mogu da spremaju kolače u kojima će ostatak zajednice moći da uživa.
Super Bake kreiraju radno okruženje koje je suprotno mladosticizmu (ejdžizmu) – za nas godine ne predstavljaju nedostatak nego, upravo suporotno, prednost. 


Potrebno nam je…

Da bismo postigli cilj potrebno je opremiti kuhinju u kojoj će penzionerke moći da spremaju svoje poslastice.
One će raditi određen broj sati u toku nedelje (nepuno radno vreme) i time ostvariti dodatni prihod uz svoje skromne penzije (koje u Srbiji, u proseku, iznose manje od 24.000 dinara). Takođe, imaju odličnu priliku za socijalnu interakciju, sa jedne strane, i unapređenje svog društvenog života, sa druge strane.
Naš cilj je da prikupimo 5.000 dolara što je dovoljno za potpuno opremanje kuhinje!
Za početak prvo će raditi samo kuhinja koja će kolače distribuirati putem keteringa i narudžbi a kasnije je u planu i otvaranje poslastičarnice. 


Kako možete da učestvujete & šta Vi možete da uradite?

Ako podržite naše bake, one će vam pokazati veliku zahvalnost tako što će vam učiniti jedinstvene zadovoljstvo i hraniti vas sa  PUNOOOO najlepših domaćih kolača i drugih poslastica.

Pored donacija, ovu kampanju možete podržati i tako što ćete:

  •  Podeliti vesti o kampanji na Vašim društvenim mrežama (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
  •  Podeliti novosti o kampanji dok sa prijateljima uživate negde u kafi i kolačima (i razmišljate   kako Vam baš nedostaju pravi, domaći, bakini kolači:)

Super Bake Vam šalju najslađe i najsrdačnije 


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Choose your Perk

Special Xmas Cake Workshop

Special Xmas Cake Workshop

$100 USD
Super Bake Cake Workshop One of our grandmas will teach you how to bake a cake and you get to take your cake home. If you are not in Serbia they will do it online and instead of the cake we will send you a very special surprise gift! A perfect loving Christmas gift for someone you care about or a special caring treat for yourself!
Included Items
  • Workshop & cake
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
2 out of 15 of claimed
Cake & Coffee - Kafa & kolač

Cake & Coffee - Kafa & kolač

$12 USD
Cake & Coffee voucher for Super Bake Cake Shop once it is opened (after spring 2018). Kolač & kafa u Super Bake poslastičarnici kada se otvori (planirano za proleće 2018).
Included Items
  • Cake & coffee
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
23 claimed
Cake & coffee for 2

Cake & coffee for 2

$20 USD
Cake & Coffee for 2 - voucher for Super Bake Cake Shop once it is opened (spring 2018) Kolači & kafa za dvoje u Super Bake poslastičarnici kada se otvori (planirano za proleće 2018)
Included Items
  • Cakes & Coffees (2)
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
45 claimed
Super Bake apron +cakes&coffee

Super Bake apron +cakes&coffee

$40 USD
Apron with Super Bake logo + Cake & Coffee for 2 voucher for Super Bake Cake Shop once it is opened (spring 2018) Kecelja na kojoj je logo Super Bake + Kolači & kafa za dvoje u Super Bake poslastičarnici kada se otvori (planirano za proleće 2018)
Included Items
  • Apron, cakes, coffees
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
14 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Starter Baking Kit + Cakes

Starter Baking Kit + Cakes

$80 USD
Super Bake starter baking kit including apron, spatula and cake mixing bowl + cakes&coffees for 2.
Included Items
  • Spatula, bowl, apron, cakes
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
4 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Honor your Grandma

Honor your Grandma

$150 USD
Send us your grandma's favourite recipe and we will have it on our menu for one month named in her honor. + Also we will share her photo on social media and the recipe, if you like.
Included Items
  • Homage
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
3 out of 20 of claimed
Baking Kit, Workshop & Tribute

Baking Kit, Workshop & Tribute

$300 USD
Baking Kit - Super Bake starter baking kit including apron, spatula and cake mixing bowl. Workshop - Super Bake Cake Workshop: online or in person + the cake Homage - Send us your grandma's favourite recipe and we will have it on our menu for 1 month named in her honor. + Also, we will share her photo on social media and the recipe, if you like.
Included Items
  • Baking Kit, Workshop & Tribute
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
1 out of 12 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Super Bake Sweet Table

Super Bake Sweet Table

$600 USD
Super Bake sweet table for your wedding, baby shower, birthday, your company's event or any other occasion. 5kg of homemade cakes made with lots of love by our Super Bake grandmas.
Included Items
  • Cakes
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
1 out of 3 of claimed
BIG cake or LOTS of cakes

BIG cake or LOTS of cakes

$1,000 USD
Wedding cake or special event cake from our cake selection 10kg of homemade cakes made with lots of love by our Super Bake grandmas.
Included Items
  • Cakes
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
0 out of 3 of claimed
Your Super Bake Party

Your Super Bake Party

$1,500 USD
Super Bake Party designed especially for you, your friends and/or your company Includes: 10kg of homemade cakes made with lots of love by our Super Bake grandmas. Special homemade drinks. + grandma DJ to put the unique jam on and make you dance!!!
Included Items
  • Cakes
  • Grannie DJ
  • Party
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
0 out of 2 of claimed
Visit Belgrade & Your Party

Visit Belgrade & Your Party

$2,000 USD
Come to Belgrade and we will: Provide you with unique retro accommodation in Belgrade downtown for 3 nights (you +1) Organize a Super Bake Party designed especially for you including LOTS of homemade cakes made with lots of love by our Super Bake grandmas and special homemade drinks. + grandma DJ to put the unique jam on and make you dance!!!
Included Items
  • Cakes
  • Grannie DJ
  • Party
  • Accommodation
Estimated Shipping
May 2018
0 out of 2 of claimed

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