This campaign is closed

Supper Duck: A cute and challenging Duck Collecting game

Challenge your brain and skills to rescue all those cute ducks! Get our FREE Perk Items by sharing our campaign! (Click "Read Story" if you're on your phone)

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Supper Duck: A cute and challenging Duck Collecting game

Supper Duck: A cute and challenging Duck Collecting game

Supper Duck: A cute and challenging Duck Collecting game

Supper Duck: A cute and challenging Duck Collecting game

Supper Duck: A cute and challenging Duck Collecting game

Challenge your brain and skills to rescue all those cute ducks! Get our FREE Perk Items by sharing our campaign! (Click "Read Story" if you're on your phone)

Challenge your brain and skills to rescue all those cute ducks! Get our FREE Perk Items by sharing our campaign! (Click "Read Story" if you're on your phone)

Challenge your brain and skills to rescue all those cute ducks! Get our FREE Perk Items by sharing our campaign! (Click "Read Story" if you're on your phone)

Challenge your brain and skills to rescue all those cute ducks! Get our FREE Perk Items by sharing our campaign! (Click "Read Story" if you're on your phone)

Chic Innovations
Chic Innovations
Chic Innovations
Chic Innovations
1 Campaign |
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
$204 USD 10 backers
1% of $15,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

 **if you're donating less than $5, we would appreciate it if you donate by Credit Card, since most of your great donation would go to the handling fees in Paypal.**

Official Site:

What is Supper Duck | The GameThe Followship | Our Goal | The Duck Perks | Risks & Challenges | FAQ 

Recently Mentioned on:

"A Quest Only A Duck is Worthy of Taking" - Julie Morley , Cliqist


Get these #SupperDuck Coaster, EyeMask, Bag for FREE now by sharing our campaign!

Item Details:!shop/c1f48

^ All 4 coasters would be the same design.

^^ You can choose 1 Duck Bag for Life from the 5 Designs we have.

* We can only track Successful referrals when you use the Share Bar to refer to your friends

* Please send us an email to ( with your name so that we can contact you (your name must be the same as the account you logged in)


- We will notify you by email( in 1-2 working day) when you earned 3 stars after your 3rd referee buys any of our perks (Even the $5 one!)

- Share Bar is under the video of our indiegogo page, it includes using Facebook, tweeter, g+, email, html or Link sharing.

- You will be asked to log in to your Facebook, Twitter or g+ account while sharing, this helps us keep track of your referrals.

- We will email you a form after the end of our campaign to let you choose the design you want

Terms and conditions are subject to the interpretation of “Chicken Innovations” which shall be final and conclusive.


First, thank you for clicking in to check out our game!
Supper Duck is the first game we are making as indie developers. We started with a small team, but with you joining us, we will be less smaller XD

Supper Duck is the hero in a world called dUcktopia, where Ducks rule the world. 

There are all kinds of cute and hilarious Ducks that are only serious when making fun of each other. They will go to very great extent just to have a good laugh!
It's the kind of world we hope to bring to all players while enjoying our game!

Do you know Supper Duck is not actually a Duck?
(Sounds stupid? Check out more in our website:


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Ducks God - Sardine explained~

Ducks love sardine fish as a daily meal. The King of sardines cannot withstand it and started a plan to stop these ducks. He disguised himself as an enormous Duck taller than a mountain that shows up behind a curtain.

Definitely not controlled by fear, ducks were amazed by the huge muscular body of Sardin and praise him like a God. They worship him day by day and prepares his favorite Tomato hot spring pool inside a volcano every month. Ducks are so busy and have no time for fishing!

Things were going well until one day, the smartest looking duck contributed a Fat chili instead of a tomato and caused the Beak Bang explosion.

The son of Sardin, Dhor wanted to restore peace to dUcktopia and started his journey. Dhor suited up as a duck and went to the scattered islands that was formed by the Beak Bang to rescue all the ducklings.


"Supper Duck : To the Rescue" is the first game of our Supper Duck series.

It starts with the story where dUcktopia fell into chaos by a huge explosion due to a misplaced fat chilli into the tomato hot spring bath for their sardine God.
The Beak-Bang explosion sent ducks flying and stuck in the Scattered Islands. 

Supper Duck is a 2D action puzzle game where you will play as Supper Duck to dive into the dangerous Scattered Islands while ducking fire, fighting monsters and finding the best way to rescue ducks.

We like games with a lot of choices and different ways to win. In every Level, you get to rescue different Ducks with super powers. They will be available to be chosen for the next Level to help you with their powers to solve puzzles and kill monsters! Every level has their own challenges, there is never one best combination of Ducks for the game.

We get tired of games very easily, so this game must be good or we won't be making it!

New Gameplay Update - Pink Stars are Falling!

Go rescue all those hilarious Ducks in dUcktopia now!


Here are some of the ducks in dUcktopia:   


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 Ducks are loyal followers, when you rescue them in the game, they will follow each other all the way - this forms The Followship of the Ducks.

 Join The Followship now! Go to our website and register in our The Followship forum to give us your ideas and thoughts on Supper Duck!


We are giving away FREE Codes for 1mRuler for every registered account!

Official Site:


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  Still reading? You must love us!

We started this project a few months ago working on our spare time and now we would love to put all our time on it with your help! We would go slowly even without much help, but there are things that time can't pay off, such as the sound effects and music, license fees and legal stuff. 

If you like Supper Duck, please support us to reach our goals below! 


We have a ton of awesome perks in return for you! (Check out our perks! 

You can buy them directly in our Duck Shop:!shop/c1f48

Or get them at 10% Cheaper by contributing to our perks!


It's ok if you can't contribute, just help us spread the word to everyone around you!

Click on the "Share This Campaign" Link above!


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 We made a ton of awesome Duck products in return for your support!

Donate $5 to get Yellow Duckling!!

Receive our loudest QUACK of thanks !!

  • Your NAME added to our "Yellow Duckling" family list in our website's Credits Page!
  • PLUS the "Yellow Duckling" Badge for exclusive access to our Backers-only FORUM! 
  • You may now re-introduce yourself as a Yellow Duckling to your friends! 
  • Exclusive Concept Art and News of our game delivered by Seagull Express to your email!


 Donate $10 to get BarbeCuted Duck!!

Receive our loudest QUACK of thanks x2 !!

  • Everything Above BUT in "BarbeCuted Duck"! (Instead of "Yellow Duckling")
  • The OFFICIAL Supper Duck Wallpaper hanging in your email for your PC or Mac!
  • Gain the Secret Key to access into The Very Secret Level in the Official Game on release!
    (But be careful! Cause you won't wanna come out!)


Donate $25 to get Rubber Duck!!

Receive our Squeakest QUACK of thanks!!
You may now Quack when you are squeezed!

  • Everything in "BarbeCuted Duck" BUT in "Rubber Duck"! 
  • A FREE copy of the Complete digital Art Book from c̶r̶a̶p̶ Concept Arts to ALL Ducks with details and stories! ($30 in Amazon on release)


Donate $55 to get PeKing Duck!!

Receive our Highest pitch QUACK of thanks!!
(In total silence for Non-Duck believers)

You may now give orders to All Ducklings in dUcktopia or even in our Forums! 
(Hope some ducks will follow them~)

  • Everything in "Rubber Duck" BUT in "PeKing Duck"! 
  • A set of 4 Coasters for your soda, cup, mug and crown delivered to your door step! 
  • LIMITED Early Worm access to bug into our Beta version of the Game! 


 Donate $80 to get Ugly Duckling!!

Receive our Happiest QUACK of thanks in Tears!!!!

  • Everything in "PeKing Duck" BUT in "Ugly Duckling"! 
  • Our Supper Tips and Tricks e-Book with all the tips for puzzles and the tricks to your hands! 
    (Please give us a huge tip while you're at it!
     And Don't tip anyone with the Bonus Feather Code in the book!) 


Donate $100 to get Duck 'A L'Orange!!

Receive our most precious Limited QUACK of thanks!!
This is a Special "Duck À L'Orange" Perk! Get it Now!

  • Everything in "Ugly Duckling" BUT in "Duck À L'Orange"! 
  • Unique "Duck À L'Orange" Glasses Cloth, only 50 worldwide! 
  • CUTE "Yellow Duckling - Bag for Life" with a huge tummy to fill in anything! 
  • Gain the More Secret Key to access into The Very Very Secret Level in the Official Game! 
    (Yes, it is more secret than the Very Secret Level!) 

We will send you a form by email to state your Bag for Life choices.

Donate $250 to get DuckFace!!

Receive our quackiest QUACK of thanks!!
Get Both Duck Sleeping Mask and Supper Traveling Pillow now!

**DuckFace character design will be announced shortly.

  • Everything in "Duck À L'Orange" BUT in "Duckface"! 
  • Unveil your Duckness while at sleep! 1 of 4 choices to our adoring Duck Sleeping Masks! 
  • Get our Support to your neck with 1 of 3 choices of Supper Traveling Pillows! 
  • Access The Very x3 Secret Level with the Most Secret Key! 
    (Yes, it is the utmost secret of all Secret Levels!) 

We will send you a form by email to state your Duck Sleeping Mask, Supper Traveling Pillow and Bag for Life choices.    

Donate $500 to get The Beaktles!!
(UNIQUE Perk!)

Receive our Classic QUACK of thanks!!
Get ALL 4 Designs of the Duck Sleeping Masks!
This is the ONLY perk that let's you design and play your own Level in the Game!

**The Beaktles character design will be revealed soon!

  •  Everything in "DuckFace" BUT in "The Beaktles"!

  • Unveil All of your Duckness while at sleep! 
    You get ALL 4 adoring Duck Sleeping Masks!
  • ALSO !! Welcome to our team! 
    A UNIQUE Perk to DESIGN your own Personal Level ONLY accessible to you in the Official Game!
  • PLUS your NAME in the Credits of the Official Game on release!

We will send you a form by email to state your Supper Traveling Pillow and Bag for Life choices.

Donate $1000 to get Double-Egg 7!!

Receive our Secret QUACK of thanks!!

**Double-Egg 7 character design will be coming soon......

  • Everything in "DuckFace" BUT in "Double-Egg 7" with ALL 4 adoring Duck Sleeping Masks!
  • Special Black Carpet treatment with 10% off in our Duck Shop!!
    (Order by email to get discount!)
  • Includes the original Founder's Tie that ties us together in one!
  • Very Limited AUTOGRAPHED Thank you Post card by our Duck team!

 We will send you a form by email to state your Supper Traveling Pillow and Bag for Life choices.

Donate $1500 to get Duck Vinci!!
(UNIQUE Perk!)

Receive our Deepest QUACK of thanks!!
This is the ONLY perk that let's you design one of the Level in the Game!

**Duck Vinci character design will be coming soon.....

  • Everything in "Double-Egg 7" BUT in "Duck Vinci"!
  • This is a UNIQUE Perk with your own created Backers Level!
    Yes, your own designed Level will be included in the Official Game for everyone to play!
  • PLUS your NAME in the Level of the Official Game on release!

We will send you a form by email to state your Supper Traveling Pillow and Bag for Life choices.

Donate $2000 to get Seamurai!!

(UNIQUE Perk!)

Receive our Sharpest QUACK of thanks!!
This is the ONLY perk that let's you design your own DUCK in the Game!

**Seamurai character design will be coming soon.....

  • Everything in "Double-Egg 7" BUT in "Seamurai"!
  • Cut through the water and create your own Duck!
    This is a UNIQUE Perk with your own Duck to be collected by everyone in the Official Game!
    You can give us your Idea of Duck and our artist will make it happen!

We will send you a form by email to state your Supper Traveling Pillow and Bag for Life choices.

Donate $5000 to get ConDucktor!!
(UNIQUE Perk!)

Receive our Official QUACK of thanks!! You earn our Salute!
This is the ONLY perk that let's you add your OWN Brand in the Game!

**ConDucktor character design will be coming soon....

  • Everything in "Double-Egg 7" BUT in "ConDucktor"!
  • This is a UNIQUE Perk with your own Brand Level in the Official Game!
    You dominate your very own Island in dUcktopia!
    Send us your Brand to be in the background of your very own Brand Level to be played in the Official Game!

We will send you a form by email to state your Supper Traveling Pillow and Bag for Life choices.




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Making a game is challenging and surprises may happen.To ensures that we can deliver the game, we made a running prototype of the game before we started this campaign. We had friends trying it out and they find the game mechanics and the multi-choices are surprisingly challenging and addicting. They kept wanting to try out the different combinations until we had to kick them out of the house! This made us very confident in starting this campaign.

We still need to implement more graphics, sound and cut scenes. We also need to have the game running on different platforms before we can formally release. It does take time and we hope to finish it around 6 months. If we're lucky to have all the features on our stretch goals, it may take a bit more time. But whatever happens, we will do all we can to release Supper Duck as soon as possible!

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Q:How can I Buy add ons?

A:Just tell us in your comments when paying a perk. Write as much to let us know which add ons you want in your preferred design. Don't worry, we'll carefully read every line you write!
(Or buy in our Duck Shop directly:!shop/c1f48)


Q: When can I receive the perks?

A: Digital Perks would be sent out right after we get the funding from Indiegogo, which is a few weeks after the campaign (Except for the Supper Tips and Tricks e-book and the Art-book, which will be delivered when the game is done). In-Game perks will be received when the game is released. Physical perks will take 6-10 weeks after the campaign depending where in the world you are. But be prepared to receive them much earlier.


 Q: Can I upgrade my perks to a higher tier?

A: Yes! Of course! Just donate the additional Amount and leave comment to let us know to which tier level you want. You will receive all the items in the tier level of your choice.


Q: How can I tell you what design I want in the perks?

A: Simple, we will send you a form to your email to let you fill in your choices. We'll make sure to get it right! 


Q: Can I register in The Followship forum with a different Email address than the one in indiegogo?

A: Yes. Just let us know which email address you will use for register. Just in case you change your mind after donation, you can email us with details and we will allocate the correct Duck to the account you registered!


Q: Will the game be paid or free?

A: The game will be free on release. We want everyone to enjoy Supper Duck. But only you backers get to play the exclusive Secret Levels! 

Q: Will there be a reward for reading all the FAQ?

A: Of course! You get to know most of our secrets in this campaign, and also........... 
it shows how much you like us! So don't hesitate and Like us on Facebook now!!


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Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
Need more information
Let us know if you think this campaign contains prohibited content.

Choose your Perk

Yellow Duckling!

$5 USD
Our loudest QUACK of thanks! Your NAME added to our "Yellow Duckling" family list in our website's Credits Page! PLUS the "Yellow Duckling" Badge for exclusive access to our Backers-only FORUM! You may now re-introduce yourself as a Yellow Duckling to your friends! Exclusive Concept Art and News of our game delivered by Seagull Express to your email!
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
1 claimed

BarbeCuted Duck!

$10 USD
Our loudest QUACK of thanks x2 !! Everything Above BUT in "BarbeCuted Duck"! (Instead of "Yellow Duckling") The OFFICIAL Supper Duck Wallpaper hanging in your email for your PC or Mac! Gain the Secret Key to access into The Very Secret Level in the Official Game on release! (But be careful! Cause you won't wanna come out!)
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
1 claimed

Rubber Duck!

$25 USD
Our Squeakest QUACK of thanks!! Everything in "BarbeCuted Duck" BUT in "Rubber Duck"! You may now Quack when you are squeezed! A FREE copy of the Complete digital Art Book from c̶r̶a̶p̶ Concept Arts to ALL Ducks with details and stories! ($30 in Amazon on release)
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
1 claimed

PeKing Duck!

$55 USD
Our Highest pitch QUACK of thanks!! (In total silence for Non-Duck believers) Everything in "Rubber Duck" BUT in "PeKing Duck"! You may now give orders to All Ducklings in dUcktopia or even in our Forums! (But we can't assure how many will follow them~) A set of 4 Coasters for your soda, cup, mug and crown delivered to your door step! LIMITED Early Worm access to bug into our Beta version of the Game!
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
2 claimed

Ugly Duckling!

$80 USD
Our Happiest QUACK of thanks in Tears!! Everything in "PeKing Duck" BUT in "Ugly Duckling"! Our Supper Tips and Tricks e-Book with all the tips for puzzles and the tricks to your hands! (Please give us a huge tip while you're at it! And don't tip anyone with the Extra Feather Code in the book)
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 claimed

Duck À L'Orange !

$100 USD
Our most precious Limited QUACK of thanks!! Special "Duck À L'Orange" Limited Perk !! Everything in "Ugly Duckling" BUT in "Duck À L'Orange"! Unique "Duck À L'Orange" Glass cloth, only 50 worldwide! CUTE "Yellow Duckling - Bag for Life" with a huge tummy to fill in anything! Gain the More Secret Key to access into The Very Very Secret Level in the Official Game! (Yes, it is more secret than the Very Secret Level!)
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 50 of claimed


$250 USD
Our quackiest QUACK of thanks!! Everything in "Ugly Duckling" BUT in "Duckface"! Unveil your Duckness while at sleep! 1 of 4 choices to our adoring Duck Sleeping Masks! Our Support to your neck with 1 of 3 choices of Supper Travelling Pillows! Access The Very x3 Secret Level with the Most Secret Key! (Yes, it is the utmost secret of all Secret Levels!) We will send you a form by email to state your choices.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 claimed

The Beaktles - UNIQUE Perk!

$500 USD
Our Classic QUACK of thanks!! Everything in "DuckFace" BUT in "The Beaktles"! Unveil All of your Duckness while at sleep! You get ALL 4 adoring Duck Sleeping Masks! ALSO !! Welcome to our team! A UNIQUE Perk to DESIGN your own Personal Level ONLY accessible to you in the Official Game! PLUS your NAME in the Credits of the Official Game on release! We will send you a form by email to state your choices.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 25 of claimed

Double-Egg 7!

$1,000 USD
Our Secret QUACK of thanks!! Everything in "DuckFace" BUT in "Double-Egg 7" with ALL 4 adoring Duck Sleeping Masks! Special Black Carpet treatment with 10% off in our Duck Shop!! (Order by email to get discount!) Includes the original Founder's Tie that ties us together in one! Very Limited AUTOGRAPHED Thank you Post card by our Duck team! We will send you a form by email to state your choices.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 50 of claimed

Duck Vinci - UNIQUE Perk!

$1,500 USD
Our Deepest QUACK of thanks!! Everything in "Double-Egg 7" BUT in "Duck Vinci"! This is a UNIQUE Perk with your own created Backers Level! Yes, your own designed Level will be included in the Official Game for everyone to play! PLUS your NAME in the Level of the Official Game on release! We will send you a form by email to state your choices.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 25 of claimed

Seamurai - UNIQUE Perk!

$2,000 USD
Our Sharpest QUACK of thanks!! Everything in "Double-Egg 7" BUT in "Seamurai"! Cut through the water and create your own Duck! This is a UNIQUE Perk with your own Duck to be collected by everyone in the Official Game! You can give us your Idea of Duck and our artist will make it happen! We will send you a form by email to state your choices.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 3 of claimed

ConDucktor - UNIQUE Perk!

$5,000 USD
Our Official QUACK of thanks!! You earn our Salute! Everything in "Double-Egg 7" BUT in "ConDucktor"! This is a UNIQUE Perk with your own Brand Level in the Official Game! You dominate your very own Island in dUcktopia! Send us your Brand to be in the background of your very own Brand Level to be played in the Official Game! We will send you a form by email to state your choices.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 3 of claimed

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