Short Summary:
This is an official Greek Fundraising campaing. Not some charity for the poor Greeks.
Many things will be explained here and i hope people around the world will understand what it needs to successfully end this chaos in Greece.
Every coin can become a profit if invested.
The whole campaign is based on Yanis Varoufakis article theory about bitcoins and how powerful they are as a currency. We believe Yanis, why should he spend so much time praising a currency such as Bitcoin if its fake?
We need your support to create the biggest Bitcoin miner in Greece and our only chance to pay our dues in less than 60 years. It takes only one euro from you to invest and help us create.
This idea is not supported from our government but we must find a way ourselves to do something out of our field of deals and support the fight against the tyrrany of Europe.
The more we earn the faster we will pay Europe and keep our economy in a balance rope.
So, what will you get from all this? I can promise a 100% profit for every single Euro invested. I can keep track of any investor and pay back either your campaigns or send you the money via Bitcoin. The only thing i do not know is the payback time. It's up to the miner's speed to send profit back to us and then to you.
After 6 months of failed negotiations between Greece and Europe, Prime Minister Tsipras taken over the whole situation and asked the people what they want. Europe deal or Greek deal. The people (after so much propaganda from media) said NO proudly. But media tried to manipulate their thoughts about what the refendum is.
So we believed that the refendum was a rejection to Europe and we all fell from the sky.
PM cleared i am going myself to Europe to deal for something better. Not a five month death sentence or chaotic Grexit. Just a deal for the next years to help him create a path into the flourishing economy.
This is why Europe doesnt want our PM because he is a visionary leader of the whole Europe and he can bring balance to equal rights.
But PM brought back the heaviest deal package and he calls us to bear this weight. It was the only thing possible to do after 17 hours.
Everyone named it a coup to our country and everyone knows they are the next ones to be slayed. Are you sure you want this Europe? We want our democratic Europe not an Empire under the ugly face of that man with a bear. But we need an 'illegal' weapon to fight back the monsters something that will work in the same line as our economy undercover and out of sight. Just as support.
Take everything you wanna spare and keep building the miner. The more speed, the more money will be collected. We need to support our government to keep our nation healthy and not hungry while they are using spare resources for other priorities. Its a difficult time we are facing people. This is why we are calling everyone around the world. Fight with us, support us!
If we establish enough devices we can cover your investments while funding the government official account with money. We will also earn their support and maybe they will spare electricity support or an unused building to keep ugrading the miner with more devices. The more the better.
We do not expect our miner to mine billions to pay Europe. We are honest we want to end this unfair situation but even bitcoins are not enough to cover our dues. But we can support the greek economy and cover their expenses and little by little we can fix the damage created by previous governments.
To close, our future is in your hands and your future inside and outside Eurozone and euro is in our hands. If Greece fails every damned nation will fall. Total chaos.
Support us create the biggest miner ever and use Bitcoin as our weapon.
I hope that was enough to write. If you have more questions you can contact me and discuss.
We love you all
We need you all
This is an official Greek Fundraising campaing. Not a charity.