Tammy & Nathan Sparks
Tammy & Nathan Sparks
Tammy & Nathan Sparks
Tammy & Nathan Sparks
Tammy & Nathan Sparks
This campaign is closed
Tammy & Nathan Sparks
I am introducing my friends, Tammy and Nathan Sparks. They are a Christian couple that have a strong belief, as many of us do, that God will help them through any and everything. They are in need of monetary help at this time. I am asking for help for these loving and caring friends. This is their story.
Tammy is 47 years old, a mother and grandmother to a beautiful family. She has been stricken with multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and lyme disease. Along with numerous complications such as carotid artery blockage, stage 4 kidney failure and high blood pressure.
Nathan is 48 years old, a father and grandfather too. He was stricken recently with bladder cancer in which he had to have his bladder removed and prostate removed. He deals with an urostomy bag. Of course he had to go through chemo and is suffering from the side affects, nausea and loss of weight, etc. Nathan has also had fusion surgery on a hip and is due to have one on his vertebra, which doctors told him he may never bend over. Nathan is scheduled to have a double hernia surgery March 28, 2017.
I know GOD will provide the strength and healing powers for them. Its the money that's needed to get them to and from the hospital and the mounting bills of home owners insurance, utility bills and car repairs that they need our help. Any amount will help Tammy and Nathan.
Thank you