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Terminal Emulator v2

A Short, Supernatural, Sci-Fi and Horror Film, Combining Live Action and Stop-Motion Animation

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Terminal Emulator v2

Terminal Emulator v2

Terminal Emulator v2

Terminal Emulator v2

Terminal Emulator v2

A Short, Supernatural, Sci-Fi and Horror Film, Combining Live Action and Stop-Motion Animation

A Short, Supernatural, Sci-Fi and Horror Film, Combining Live Action and Stop-Motion Animation

A Short, Supernatural, Sci-Fi and Horror Film, Combining Live Action and Stop-Motion Animation

A Short, Supernatural, Sci-Fi and Horror Film, Combining Live Action and Stop-Motion Animation

Benjamin Capps
Benjamin Capps
Benjamin Capps
Benjamin Capps
3 Campaigns |
Chicago, United States
$185 USD 4 backers
3% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

TERMINAL EMULATOR is the sequel to my award winning, retro science fiction/horror short films, CIVET and It Grows Dark.  This third chapter follows the character of Nejla Prather (Katherine Bellantone) from CIVET forced into a supernatural downward plummet beginning while stationed on Jupiter's moon Ganymede. 

Terminal Emulator is the unraveling of a nefarious corporate executive whose sexual selfishness attracts the attention of demons.

My films are innovating in that they combine live action with life size, stop-motion animation puppetry. This film will also involve spaceship model compositing photography real FX.  I will have the privilege of again collaborating with cinematographer, Matthew Hughes! TERMINAL EMULATOR will be shot in the fall of 2022 and we are excited to have you be a part of bringing another film from The Inner Below to life.

You may watch both CIVET (NSFW. Requires sign in) and It Grows Dark below.  Please visit THE INNER BELOW website .

「ターミナル・エミュレータ」は、悪事を企てる会社役員の異常性的行動のため、悪魔に襲われるストーリーとなります。本映画は、私が他に製作した受賞の超自然的SFホラー映画の2作に連続して3作目となります。「ターミナル・エミュレータ」は、2016年に受賞した「It Grows Dark(暗くなる)」、及び2018年に受賞した「Civet(シベ)」に続いて私が作成いたします。SF映画、ホラー映画、もしくはコマ撮りアニメーションがお好みの方へ (ストップモーション、本企画への応援をご検討いただければと思います。前作の映画をご覧になりたい方は、www.theinnerbelow.comにてご覧下さい。宜しくお願いいたします。

これをサポートするには、緑色のボタンをクリックしてください. (SUPPORT THIS).









$10 スポンサーとしての映画の10ドルのクレジット








As a child of the late 70s and early 80s, my imagination was first captured by the sleek, white curves of monochrome monitors, endless infinity mirrors and arcades swathed in the colors of back-lit Plexiglas.  I received my BA in Theatre in 1998 and now write, direct and perform in my own films as well as creating the stop motion animation puppetry.  My films have been experiencing success winning awards in the film festival circuit worldwide and I have also traveled to give multimedia presentations on stop motion and Theatre of Cruelty.



An animated GIF gallery of all my stop mo puppets! KLIK HERE!

Stop Motion test of the two new TERMINAL EMULATOR demon puppets:


All funds raised from this campaign will be used for paying a crew, talent and the rental of equipment.  I have started building set pieces, props and constructing the stop-motion puppets from my own resources. Most shooting locations will be on my own property.


The Rakshasa puppet from CIVET

Your contribution to my film will go toward:

Hiring of the crew.

Rental of a lighting package for 2-3 days.

The rental of a 4k camera package and prime lenses.

Hiring a special effects makeup artist and intimacy coordinator.

Hiring an additional animator.

Properties and costuming.

Film Shoot Insurance.

Compensating talent.

Post production engineering.



In my puppet studio

Promo for my lecture at the HP LOVECRAFT FILM FESTIVAL

On the set of It Grows Dark

We are offering some great rewards for your contributions including early, exclusive access to the film,  limited edition TERMINAL EMULATOR t-shirts and even the honorary titles of Producer and Executive Producer.

Thank you for your support!

Special thanks to Mary Mitchell for the Japanese video subtitle translations!

映画への早期独占アクセス、限定版のTERMINAL EMULATOR Tシャツ、さらにはプロデューサーやエグゼクティブプロデューサーの名誉称号など、あなたの貢献に対していくつかの素晴らしい報酬を提供します。



Benjamin Capps

CIVET's stop motion sequence

Me lecturing at the Kansas City Art Institute (Artaud on the screen!)

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Choose your Perk

Social Media Shoutout

$5 USD
For contributing at this level we will express our thanks to you in a weekly public shoutout on social media! Thank you for helping bring this film to life! このレベルでの貢献に対して、私たちはソーシャル メディアでの毎週のパブリック シャウトアウトであなたに感謝の意を表します!この映画に命を吹き込んでくれてありがとう!
Included Items
  • Social Media Credit
Estimated Shipping
October 2022
0 claimed

The Hall of Benefactors

$10 USD
For a contribution at this level, you will be included in our roster of benefactors and receive our unwavering thanks for helping bring this film to life! このレベルの貢献に対して、あなたは私たちの後援者の名簿に含まれ、この映画に命を吹き込むのを助けてくれた私たちの揺るぎない感謝を受け取ります!
Included Items
  • Social Media Credit
  • Credit as a Benefactor
Estimated Shipping
October 2022
0 claimed

Premiere Film Access

$25 USD
As a contributor at this level you will not only be included in the credits as a benefactor but also be given exclusive access to view TERMINAL EMULATOR before it is screened in any public venues. このレベルの貢献者として、恩人としてクレジットに含まれるだけでなく、公共の場で上映される前に端末エミュレーターを表示するための排他的アクセスも与えられます。
Included Items
  • Social Media Credit
  • Credit as a Benefactor
  • Early Access to See the Film
Estimated Shipping
October 2023
2 claimed


$50 USD
As a contributor at this level, you will be credited as a benefactor, be granted early access to see the film before it is screened publicly, You will also receive a full-color, glossy limited edition TERMINAL EMULATOR 8x10 signed by the filmmaker. あなたは恩人としてクレジットされ、リリース前に映画を見るための早期アクセスが許可されます.また、映画製作者によって署名されたフルカラー光沢の限定版ターミナルエミュレーター8x10を受け取ります.
Included Items
  • Social Media Credit
  • Credit as a Benefactor
  • Early Access to See the Film
  • Glossy signed 8x10
Estimated Shipping
October 2023
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$100 USD
As a contributor at this level, you will be included in the credits as a benefactor be granted premiere access to view TERMINAL EMULATOR before it is screened at any public venues. You will also receive a full-color, signed 8x10 and a custom T-Shirt. クレジットには、一般に上映される前に端末エミュレーターを表示するためのプレミア アクセスが付与された後援者が含まれます。また、フルカラーのサイン入り 8x10 とカスタム T シャツもお届けします
Included Items
  • Social Media Credit
  • Credit as a Benefactor
  • Early Access to See the Film
  • Glossy signed 8x10
  • Terminal Emulator T-Shirts
Estimated Shipping
October 2023
1 claimed

Signed Film Script

$250 USD
At this level of contribution you will receive a bound and autographed copy of the TERMINAL EMULATOR screenplay, as well as all the perks of the $100 contribution including early film access. T-shirt and signed glossy 8x10. サイン入りの TERMINAL EMULATOR 脚本の製本とサイン入りコピー、および映画への早期アクセスを含む 100 ドルの寄付のすべての特典を受け取ることができます。 T シャツとサイン入りの光沢のある 8x10。
Included Items
  • Social Media Credit
  • Credit as a Benefactor
  • Early Access to See the Film
  • Glossy signed 8x10
  • Terminal Emulator T-Shirts
  • Signed Film Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2030
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Associate Producer Credit

$1,000 USD
At this level you will receive the honorary credit of Associate Producer in the credits and on IMDB as well as all other perks from previous levels. The honor would be ours to have such a show of faith in our work! クレジットと IMDB でアソシエイト プロデューサーの名誉クレジットを受け取り、以前のレベルのその他すべての特典を受け取ることができます。私たちの仕事にそのような信頼を示すことができて光栄です。
Included Items
  • Social Media Credit
  • Credit as a Benefactor
  • Early Access to See the Film
  • Glossy signed 8x10
  • Terminal Emulator T-Shirts
  • Signed Film Script
  • Associate Producer Credit
Estimated Shipping
October 2023
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Executive Producer Credit

$3,000 USD
At the $3000 level you will receive the honorary credit of Executive Producer in the end credits and IMDB. All other perks from the $1000 level will be included as well! $3000 レベルでは、エンド クレジットと IMDB でエグゼクティブ プロデューサーの名誉クレジットを受け取ります。 $1000 レベルの他のすべての特典も含まれます。
Included Items
  • Social Media Credit
  • Credit as a Benefactor
  • Early Access to See the Film
  • Glossy signed 8x10
  • Terminal Emulator T-Shirts
  • Signed Film Script
  • Executive Producer Credit
Estimated Shipping
October 2023
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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