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The 13th Step

An explosive new documentary film that exposes the criminal and sexually predatory behavior in AA.

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The 13th Step

The 13th Step

The 13th Step

The 13th Step

The 13th Step

An explosive new documentary film that exposes the criminal and sexually predatory behavior in AA.

An explosive new documentary film that exposes the criminal and sexually predatory behavior in AA.

An explosive new documentary film that exposes the criminal and sexually predatory behavior in AA.

An explosive new documentary film that exposes the criminal and sexually predatory behavior in AA.

MONICA Richardson
MONICA Richardson
MONICA Richardson
MONICA Richardson
1 Campaign |
Los Angeles, United States
$24,321 USD 118 backers
54% of $45,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


In my 36 years as a member of Alcoholics Anonymous, I discovered that violent criminals and sex offenders are being court ordered into AA meetings, unknown to the public and AA members. As a result, innocent people looking for help are being sexually harassed, financially scammed, raped and murdered.

I learned that it is a violation of our 1st Amendment rights to sentence people who get a DUI ticket to AA, a laypersons support group that has already been deemed '"highly religious" in 25 states.

Is Alcoholics Anonymous a Drug Treatment Program? If it is, then it would be regulated by the state, but it's not. Why not?

Is Alcoholics Anonymous a religion?  If so, then my government cannot send me there for treatment. So why do they?

I was in AA for 36 years. I came in willingly on my own and viewed AA as a fellowship not a “program”.  I tried to change the system from the inside, but I was threatened and my words fell on deaf ears.

So I left.

My Message Has Already Started To Spread.

 Even Katie Couric Has Listened:

Click Here: To Watch  Monica Richardson On Katie Couric


Monica Richardson On Katie Couric

As a teen, I was preyed upon by older AA members, but I survived and through the support of the fellowship I stayed. There are many less fortunate people than I who did not have support, and lived in silent shame – some even committed suicide. I know firsthand that AA's philosophy can be harmful to some very sensitive, vulnerable types of people.

By the time I was 22, I had been a Public Information Chair for AA in Hawaii, an Area Chair, a DCM (District Committee Member) for Honolulu. I was a sponsor, a secretary, a treasurer, a coffee maker; you name it, many times over throughout the years. 

In my final years in AA, I was a General Service Rep in Los Angeles, CA and founded a grassroots movement called Make AA Safer, where I taught local AA groups how to keep people who wanted to stay sober safe in meetings from those who wanted to take advantage of them. I created and collaborated on literature with a small group of woman and we hosted the first Make AA Safer workshop in Culver City, CA in April of 2010. I wanted to help AA, make it relevant and safer for all.  When Alcoholics Anonymous World Services found out about what I was doing, they shut me down.

The AA service structure is broken and I set out to help change it. But, instead of being met with open-arms we received threats because of the work we were doing to keep people safe in the meetings. However, our work did get one rapist arrested and taken out of meetings where he was harassing new-comers on a daily basis. But when I heard about Saundra and Kristine Cass's murder, I felt I really needed to warn the public and the AA community.  I cannot sit idly while more people become victims of the system. 

What, if at your weakest moment, at your most vulnerable age in life, those that are supposed to help you are preying on you?

Is it normal for random 50-year-old men to attend meetings with 16 year- olds girls and be their confidants?

Is it okay that criminals are taught to accept that they are not responsible for their own actions?

This is a story that needs to be told now, before another child or young adult is made a victim. 


                                           Karla Brada

               Victim of murder by a man she met in an AA meeting.


                       A life taken so young - Karla Brada

About The Film:  

This feature-length documentary film is about the criminal and sexually predatory behavior that occurs systemically in Alcoholics Anonymous. We will address the real meaning of the term The 13th Step and clear up any misconceptions the public has about AA, the steps and how AA sponsorship really works.

13 stepping is a specific term where an older AA member with lots of sobriety takes advantage of a new member romantically, sexually or financially.

This behavior goes unchecked by A.A.’s world headquarters, despite repeated warnings from respected board members and longtime members. This behavior is exacerbated by the systematic sentencing of criminals and sex offenders to AA meetings without the knowledge of the other AA members.

I have been making this film since May of 2011, investing my own money, time and equipment. During that time I traveled across the country interviewing victims and former AA board members. 


                             Kristine and Saundra Cass 

Murdered August 2010 by Clayborne Conley who was court ordered into AA.

Do you have a story to share? 

How To Share Your Story


I have been blessed to be given the trust of so many people.  I have now interviewed 60 people who were harassed, raped or sexually assaulted by fellow members of Alcoholics Anonymous.

With extensive research, I have managed to document the stories of children being molested by AA members. I have also traveled across the country and interviewed the surviving family of AA members who were murdered by violent offenders ordered into AA as part of probation. 

This activity is well known in Alcoholics Anonymous.  AA NY Headquarters knows this is going on. Our courts are mandating that anyone arrested for an alcohol offence be sent to AA. A teenager caught drinking at a party can be told by a judge to attend an AA meeting where a sexual predator was also told to go, and no one is allowed to tell that teen the history of his/her sponsor!

AA has been the foundation of alcohol treatment in this country since its inception in 1935.

It has become a place where older members act as sexual predators, scouring the room for new victims aka, “13 stepping”, among its “secret” type culture of “we are anonymous”. Thousands are harmed and forced to live in shame, too afraid to tell their story. 


                                      Young Victim TJ 

TJ sought refuge but instead 13 Stepping resulted in his murder.


Yes, AA has helped some people, but AA's Big Book published in 1939, may need to be updated and/or replaced with science, kindness and new modalities. 

AA simply needs to keep up with the times. There needs to be "Safety Policies and Procedures". The judicial system must get involved and understand what AA really is and what is occurring behind closed doors. 

There needs to be transparency and education in an organization that has been given so much power and free promotion. I believe that other options run by trained facilitators, counselors, psychologists and members of the medical profession should be given more validity. AA Should NOT be the only choice for treatment.


Of course, our goal is to raise the minimum amount of money we need to proceed with production, but more than that, to help us to go further in completing the film. If we exceed our goal, we will use the additional funds for additional weeks filming and editing. We have already filmed many interviews. There is a plan for shooting at least 50 more interviews. The money raised will be used to hire professional cinematographers and sound people and their crews, an editor, a producer and assistants, hard drives, archival footage, music, sound, and to cover travel and legal expenses. We also plan to raise additional funds from private investors and foundation grants.

You can also view our website here: 

Web Site: The 13th Step The Film

Follow us on Facebook:        Facebook 13 Stepping 

Follow us on Twitter:             Twitter 13 Stepping

Follow us on Instagram:        Instagram 13 Stepping

Follow us on YouTube:          YouTube The 13th Step

And please ask me any questions you may have! 


                                               Young Monica in Colorado


The Goal

If we hit our goal we will be able to make serious social change in the field of drug and alcohol rehabilitation and help launch this film into the mainstream. It will also ensure that millions of at risk youth and parents hear about the cover-ups occurring so that innocent victims will not be put in harm’s way .

We want to start a dialogue for change with the judicial system and ensure there are separate meetings for those court ordered to attend AA.

All of the proceeds from this campaign will go directly to completing production and starting post production.


I have a team of people working with me. Some are already very talented Hollywood professionals; Barry Rubinow,  award-winning Editor, Edwin Pendleton Stevens  Director of Photography, Diana Lundin, DP who filmed 2 main interviews, Matt Mc Clain who filmed interviews in NYC, Leon Luis, Music Supervisor, Jay Silverman, filmed my first interview.  He gave his time, his studio and service as a donation to my project; Hank Linderman, a top Hollywood engineer/musician, engineered and edited my last album "Record Store", soon to be on iTunes and on CD Baby. David B. Smallman Esq. from Smallman + Snyder Law Group PLLC for Legal Services, and Kevin, my husband who has given me his unrelenting support. 


Is AA a religion or is it a Drug/Alcohol Treatment Program? If it is a religion, how is our government forcing people there? If it’s a Treatment program then it needs to be regulated by the state and Federal government.

At the start of every meeting is read the AA Preamble: “Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking” Yet why are people who don’t want to stop drinking, who are not alcoholics, told by judges they have to attend AA or go to jail? Why is AA letting people who don’t want to be there stay and harm those who really want to be helped? In my research I have discovered that there is so much coercion and even extortion being done to Pilots, Doctors, and Entertainment people .

“GO to our REHAB or you are through! “


This is a part of more modern saner solutions and movement to educate, change how people view alcohol and drug overuse problems.  Many innocent women, men and teens are court ordered to AA and have no idea that it’s been deemed “highly religious” and that there are dangerous, violent felons forced to attend those same meetings.

Jail or AA. Which would you choose?

Everyone deserves help. Everyone deserves to be safe.

Anything you can give we are grateful for. Thank you!

The Indigogo campaign is over but you still can donate to us through the IDA and get a tax deduction or directly to my INWOOD GIRL Productions LLC. I have used over 80K of my own money over the past 3 years. We have raised and people have donated an additional $6 ,000 through my fiscal sponsor the IDA.

We are still clearing music, cleaning up sound and color and a bit more editing.  We are submitting to film festivals and talking to Distributors.

Thank you all,


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$5 USD
Our deepest gratitude and the reward that you have helped our independent documentary. Knowledge that you have helped save a life and made a change in our world simply by acknowledging injustice.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
11 claimed


$10 USD
Our deepest gratitude and the reward that you have helped our independent documentary. Knowledge that you have helped save a life and made a change in our world simply by acknowledging injustice. Plus, a personal email from the director to thank you for your contribution.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
5 claimed

You Are A Rock Star!

$25 USD
Personal email thanking you from filmmaker Monica Richardson. Our deepest gratitude and the reward that you have helped our independent documentary. Knowledge that you have helped save a life and made a change in our world simply by acknowledging injustice.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
10 claimed

"Record Store"

$50 USD
Signed copy of Monica's CD "Record Store" and a personal thank you from Monica. (We welcome everyone from overseas and are honored by your participation. We hope you don’t mind adding $5 for shipping outside the continental US).
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
8 claimed

DVD and Web Site

$100 USD
One copy of the the DVD "THE 13TH STEP" and special recognition on the website to thank you and recognize your involvement in our project.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
15 claimed


$150 USD
One copy of the the DVD "THE 13TH STEP" and a copy of Monica's 2nd CD 'HANDSTORIES".
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
3 claimed

Now We Are Talking

$250 USD
A great value for you and a huge help for us. You get 5 copies of the DVD, 2 signed mini 11 x 16 movie posters and 2 of our crew-member T-shirts. Use the DVD's to spread the word, take the lead in spreading change! And of course we will list you as a key supporter on our website.(We welcome everyone from overseas and are honored by your participation. We hope you don’t mind adding $10 for shipping outside the continental US and $5 inside the USA).
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
5 out of 50 of claimed

Fans Favourite

$500 USD
10 autographed copies, Comic-Con 8 x 10 Fan Memorabilia character picture of Kevin Michael Richardson, and a copy of the book Her Best-Kept Secret: Why Women Drink-And How They Can Regain Control by Gabrielle Glaser.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
2 out of 10 of claimed

Fan's Favourite

$1,000 USD
This is for the fan: you will get one personal voice message for your phone from famous actor, Kevin Michael Richardson. He will record what you like, within taste and reason. You also get 5 DVD's of THE 13TH STEP the film, PLUS a "Special Thanks" Screen Credit.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed

Premiere Fan

$2,000 USD
You get 10 DVD's of the film, 10 mini movie posters, and 2 theater tickets to the premiere in your choice of NY or LA. Plus a "Special Thanks" screen credit. (We welcome everyone from overseas and are honored by your participation. We hope you don’t mind adding $10 for shipping outside the continental US and $5 inside the USA).
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 30 of claimed

Time To Party

$5,000 USD
A dinner with your choice of 3 friends with Monica Richardson and her husband Kevin Michael Richardson in Los Angeles followed by the greatest fun you have ever had at a private Karaoke room! As two renowned singers and jokers you will split your sides laughing (accommodation and transportation to Los Angeles not provided). 10 copies of the film in DVD format PLUS a "Special Thanks" screen credit and 5 tickets to the premier.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed

Co-Executive Producer

$10,000 USD
Congratulations! You are a Co -Executive Producer for THE 13TH STEP. You get 10 copies of the DVD's of the film, 2 autographed mini movie posters. You will also receive 10 tickets to the premiere in either NY or LA, including dinner for you and a guest at the producer's dinner. (transportation and accommodation not provided) We know this film will promote change so get your name in lights and join the revolution with us.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 4 of claimed
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