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The Dolls

An NYU Queer Dramedy Thesis Film

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The Dolls

The Dolls

The Dolls

The Dolls

The Dolls

An NYU Queer Dramedy Thesis Film

An NYU Queer Dramedy Thesis Film

An NYU Queer Dramedy Thesis Film

An NYU Queer Dramedy Thesis Film

Marg Zhang
Marg Zhang
Marg Zhang
Marg Zhang
1 Campaign |
New York, United States
$480 USD 13 backers
6% of $8,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


Hi, I’m Marg. I’m a senior at NYU Tisch Film & TV in the process of creating “The Dolls”, my thesis film. 
At it's​ core, 'The Dolls' is about unconventional relationships, finding identity, and escaping the cycle of isolation. But here's a more concise description: 

Our Characters: 

By supporting my film, you will be helping a queer and female creative team as well as a story that aims to bring awareness to the plight of loneliness in the digital age. 

Meet Our Crew:

What We Need & What You Get

In order to make 'The Dolls' come to life, we are looking to raise $8,000

This will be going towards production costs, which we've outlined here: 

If the campaign doesn't meet it's goal, we will be prioritizing the funds for the comfort of those involved. Whatever we get, we will make sure everyone is fed, secure with the stunts and content of the script, and compensated. Safety is our priority. 

But enough about us, let's talk about you. 

By donating to our film, you have the chance to receive a personalized video from the doll herself: Miki! Just make sure to be family friendly, or she might show up in your house... 

You can also receive specialty props from the film after shooting, such as Miki's bloodied dress, Amari's heart, Miki's box, and Juno's pasties- among others. As well as prints, stickers, and buttons designed by yours truly. 

The highest doners will be credited as an executive producer, which grants you the bragging rights of having produced a film! Yay! 

The Impact

Growing up, I’ve moved about eleven times, to four different states and three different countries, having to assimilate to my environment each time. Doing so,  I’ve always felt a separation from other people. Realizing my queer and nonbinary identities just added more complications to the mix; I often feel that I am incapable of love- that it's something unreachable for me, as I hold a lot of guilt for who I've become. 

With “The Dolls”, I wanted to explore loneliness through a feminine and queer perspective- having been rejected through not fitting into the expectations set for you in being socialized as a woman, and learning to form your own identity outside of these expectations. 

Here are some incentives you will be supporting through donating- 

Queer Community: 
We aim to build solidarity and relatability with the queer community. Featuring a queer cast, crew, and narrative. We will also be looking to LGBTQ organizations for funding and support. The goal is to build a small community of our own through our shared experiences.

In the digital age of dating apps and mass media, it can be difficult to form meaningful connections- let alone romantic ones. We want to spread awareness of loneliness in the 21st century. Perhaps we are not as alone as we thought.

(Asian) Women/ Femmes: 
Miki’s experience finding identity outside of fetishization is one many Asian women have to deal with, and we seek to find an audience that relates and sees themselves within this struggle. 

Risks & Challenges

'The Dolls' is a small-scale, student film with a tight budget and schedule. Though we've mapped out the budget, there is a chance the spendings will go over its limits simply based on unknown expenses such as crew transportation or necessary rentals. Should that happens, I am willing to pay out of pocket. No matter what, a film will be made!

Rewards will go out from May to July. Digital media will go straight to the emails provided. The $100 Tier prop reward will require pick-up or shipping arrangements at the doner's convenience.

We aim to complete the final film by January 2025. However, there could be unexpected bumps along the post-production road that would hinder release. Again, a film will be made no matter what! All doners will be notified should there be any delays.


Other Ways You Can Help

If you don’t have the means to contribute, please feel free to spread the word through sharing our campaign and following our Instagram and TikTok: @its_mikis_room 

Thank you so much for viewing my campaign. Miki loves you all <3


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Choose your Perk

The Appendix

$15 USD
Receive a special thank you message on the @itsmikisroom Instagram and TikTok stories! As well as a downloadable PDF of the film's poster.
Included Items
  • Thank you on Insta story
  • Digital poster
Estimated Shipping
April 2024
5 claimed

The Veins

$30 USD
Get a print of the film's poster for your personal viewing pleasure! Now Miki can watch you just like she watches Amari :D
Included Items
  • Poster Prints
Estimated Shipping
April 2024
5 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

The Skin

$50 USD
Get a behind the scenes look at all the tomfoolery on 'The Dolls' set. Find out how Miki's mask works and how we made Amari's heart.
Included Items
  • BTS Photos and Videos
Estimated Shipping
May 2024
1 claimed

The Eyes

$100 USD
Receive a personal postcard from Miki. She can't write very well but its the thought that counts... Also includes some exclusive stickers designed by the director of the films characters.
Included Items
  • Personalized Miki postcard
  • The Dolls Stickers
Estimated Shipping
May 2024
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

The Teeth

$150 USD
Receive a personal Cameo-style video from Miki. She will say anything you want! As long as its not insane. If it is, you will find her in your house tonight.
Included Items
  • Miki Thank You Video
Estimated Shipping
April 2024
0 claimed

The Intestines

$250 USD
Get exclusive stills from the unreleased film, as well as a laminated poster signed by the cast and crew.
Included Items
  • Film Stills
  • Signed poster
Estimated Shipping
June 2024
0 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

The Brain

$500 USD
Get a look into the mind behind the magic. Receive a copy of the entire film process from script to shooting script. Includes the storyboards, shotlist, character moodboards, and costume design.
Included Items
  • Director's Binder
Estimated Shipping
June 2024
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

The Lungs

$750 USD
Get credited as an Associate Producer! Plus receive a prop of your choosing, including the mask from @itsmikisroom's social media videos and anime figures from Amari's room.
Included Items
  • Associate Producer Credit
  • Exclusive Prop
Estimated Shipping
July 2024
0 out of 6 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

The Heart

$1,000 USD
Become an Executive Producer of our film! Receive a credit at the end with all our lovely crew, as well as special props such as Amari's heart, Miki's bloodied dress, Miki's handmade Frankenstein dress, and even the dummy sex doll. Since you are now an Executive Producer, you will also be sent a personalized welcome message from our cast and crew.
Included Items
  • Executive Producer Credit
  • Exclusive Props
  • First look at film
  • Welcome from Cast and Crew
Estimated Shipping
July 2024
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

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