DragonGuard Artist Kevin Sharpe here .
I'd like to Introduce you to Dragon Guard. Before I do, I want to tell you about myself. I'm a 25 year veteran of the comics Industry. I've worked for Marvel , DC , Dynamite Entertainment, Image , Crossgen, and IDW for starters. I've drawn some of the most popular characters in comics, From Thor, to Xtreme Xmen, to Black panther and Generation X and Nova as well as Legion of SuperHeroes, Man of Steel, Katana - Shazam, and Arsenal. I've even drawn cult faves like Vampirella and Army of darkness.
One of my biggest passions, is Fantasy, BIG , BOLD, 80’s cartoon Fantasy. Beyond anything I've ever drawn, DragonGuard is a love letter to that era of Fantasy—like Thundercats, Masters-of the universe, Visionaries , Conan, Gargoyles, Sectaurs, and Dungeon and Dragons. I want to show you what I can do , and you'll see from the art, that this is my best looking work EVER.
Are you let down by the big two? Tired of your favorite books being bogged down by stories that are less and less about good comics and more about agendas????
I am too. That's what DragonGuard is here for ...the Fans!!
On the faraway planet of Mysterra, an ancient evil arises that threatens the cosmos. A long forgotten order of mystic warriors called the DragonGuard return to find, protect, and train the heralded sword bearer.......the teenage son of a humble blacksmith!
DragonGuard is a 60 page, full color, Epic Fantasy comic, that's a love letter to the fantasy cartoons of the glorious 80's . If you love Thundercats, He-man, Visionaries, Conan, Sectaurs or Gargoyles or if you miss the bombastic excitement of 90's comics like Pitt, Wildcats or BATTLE CHASERS, then this comic is FOR YOU!!
To make this comic a reality, I need BACKERS and that means you.
While I can draw this book, I can't pay for everything to produce it. I can give you highly detailed pencils, but I can't pay for colors , letters, production costs, and printing.
When you back the book, and select from perks, you help fund these costs, so I can give you the most exciting art I can wring from these hands.
You can see throughout the campaign examples of my pencils, inking, and the color work in the book....REAL EXAMPLES. Not promotional art, not proposed art...THE ACTUAL COMIC ART. What you see, is what I have ready, and what YOU CAN TRUST you will get.![]()
Joining me on this book is my creative team.
My creative team includes:
Loren Bobbitt--My editor and co-writer. She's the creator, writer and artist of Unconquered on Webtoons.
Alonso Espinoza--the main colorist for the book. He does Amazing work . You see it right before your eyes. I want vibrant colors because I want kids to love this too and Alonso delivers!!!![]()
Eric Weathers- He letters Everything. He also has a book called Flying Fortress.
Bob Stone --Logo man and main production guy for the book. He worked on Jaw Breakers. ![]()
and Me--Ill be drawing and Inking mostly everything.
I say MOSTLY, because there's some surprises for you . A guest cover or two along with cards, prints, and stretch goals that, if you dig my art, then you'll dig them as well!
You'll be Funding me to pay:
The creative team.
Printing-- I'm looking to print this as a perfect bound graphic novel not a floppy. But it depends on FUNDING!
Shipping for the books and the perks you will sign up for.
Supplies ---the small stuff like mailers and mylar protectors to protect your investment in the dream!
Villains Cover B
OK. With any project there can be hiccups along the way. Right now the biggest unknown factor is with the current Coronavirus. Some large printers have issued delays. My hope by printing in late October is to cushion any potential delays by a printer. BUT because of the unusual times we are experiencing, its difficult to predict every bump in the road with our partners, We WILL keep you informed if theres any problems. You also have the option to back out at anytime BEFORE THE CAMPAIGN ENDS. Also Barring any serious illness or complications with my health ( diabetes) I will work to be on time and will be giving you the best work of my career! I will being updating looks at art weekly so you feel you are informed of progress.