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The Elder Scrolls Short Film Series

(Live Action) Join us in the making of the most epic web series of all time and have your chance to win The Amulet Of Kings!

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The Elder Scrolls Short Film Series

The Elder Scrolls Short Film Series

The Elder Scrolls Short Film Series

The Elder Scrolls Short Film Series

The Elder Scrolls Short Film Series

(Live Action) Join us in the making of the most epic web series of all time and have your chance to win The Amulet Of Kings!

(Live Action) Join us in the making of the most epic web series of all time and have your chance to win The Amulet Of Kings!

(Live Action) Join us in the making of the most epic web series of all time and have your chance to win The Amulet Of Kings!

(Live Action) Join us in the making of the most epic web series of all time and have your chance to win The Amulet Of Kings!

Spencer Barrett
Spencer Barrett
Spencer Barrett
Spencer Barrett
3 Campaigns |
London, United Kingdom
$85 USD 3 backers
2% of $3,800 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

The Story So Far

Hello, my name is Spencer Barrett, I am the writer and director of The Elder Scrolls Fan Series. For a long while now I have been working on the Elder Scrolls Series, it's been kept under wraps whilst all the back-ground work happened. Now it is all up to the fans, fans who want to see a real series set in Tamriel. 

We need the fans of the games to get behind us and help make this dream of mine a reality. This is no parody of the games, this is a full series set inside the Elder Scrolls World, Tamriel. We just need your help funding for our first episode!

Without your backing and support this will never be anything more than an idea.


Imprortant: This is a fan series and is in no way affiliated with Bethesda, we will not be making any profit at all from this series, everything bit of money we get goes straight in to the series

What Is The Series About? 

The Elder Scrolls Series follows Drell Osin a master assassin on his journey throughout the world of Tamriel, initially set in Skyrim it will move to Cyrodil and other lands too.

Drell comes in to the possession of an ancient and powerful sword which has powers unlike Tamriel has ever seen before.

Drells adventures will bring him in contact with some fantastic characters and frightful creatures, including Hagravens and towering Orcs.


"I know who you are, you are Drell Osin, the most feared Assassin in Tamriel"  -  Emperor Titus Mede II


The Cast So Far 
Jack Fox - A very talented actor, as soon as I saw his audition I knew this was the man that was going to play Drell Osin. He is exactly the lead man that a series like this needs
Victor Ebuwa - Ex BB housemate, he's a fantastic guy who is going to be playing a fantastic role, he will be bringing his talents to the screen in the role of Malik
What We Need & What You Get

We need $3,800 in order to get all of the props and the location we need. If this is to be true to the series then we can't afford to take the cheap route with the props.

So what can we give you in return? 

A prize that you can not get ANYWHERE else in the world right now, a replica of the Amulet of Kings. This is a prop being specially made for the series and you can have a chance to win one of 3! 

There is simply no-where else you can get one of these! Once the funding has close we will randomly select the 3 winners who will recieve their Amulet in the post! 


You can also have the opportunity to get exclusive updates and get digital copies of the script!

Other Ways You Can Help

Spread the word! that is the best way possible, talk about it on twitter, facebook, G+ and any other place you can think of. All you need to do is take the link from the address bar or use the sharing tools provided!


Final Word

I would just like to say that this is not only a series that I am making for my own entertainment, this is a series I am making for every single fan of the Elder Scrolls. This will be something that in the future the fans will be able to shape and mold. Your support will keep this project alive. 

You can follow me on twitter! @S_Barrettfilms 

This could be one of the most exciting fan series ever made and this is your chance to say that you were there, right in the beginnning!


Thank you for taking the time to read, I hope to hear from you all soon!


Spencer Barrett

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