Wondering if your donation is tax deductible? It can be - very easily. See below how your donation to this film can be a donation to a non-profit 501(c)(3) and therefore tax deductible.
We're making a feature film! I want to stress the word FEATURE! This will be the first feature film I've directed in over a decade. During that time I've made a lot of short films and had them screen in a lot of film festivals but now it's time to make another feature and with all I've learned and with the many incredible cast and crew members blessing me with their talents - even on a microbudget - this film is going to be good! Very good! One reason is that unlike my previous feature films this one will have Screen Actors Guild (SAG-AFTRA) talent. Go onto IMDb and look up these actors: Clive Rosengren, Mark Schneider, Elizabeth Gudenrath, Sonya Davis, Ira and Brady Rubin and these are just the union actors that are coming on board for this film!
The story is overall being called a drama but it is an adventure and it has comedy and music and action so what I'm saying is that it is going to be very entertaining. Sometimes we refer to it as a "dramedy". But it also a very meaningful film about life, about getting older, about survival.
So keep looking through all the details in the Indiegogo campaign and then make a contribution to the campaign or contact me and let me know what questions you may have.
Stephanie C. Jones
Stephanie C. Jones has appeared on stage in Southern Oregon for many years. Some of her favorite roles include Viola in Shakespeare in Love at the Umpqua Actors Community Theatre, Marie Curie in Radiance at Collaborative Theatre Project and Cherie in Bus Stop at the Craterian Theatre. Ms. Jones can also be seen on regional television in the Southern Oregon Buick Dealers commercials.
When I began writing the screenplay it was very important to me that I write a film in which Marlyn Mason was the lead - the true lead - the subject of the film. In The Eve of May the story is about Marlyn's character Evamay. In her long career I don't believe Ms. Mason has ever been in a feature film or even TV show where she was been the protagonist. Granted she has shared top billing before but never has the story been about her character. The Eve of May finally places her in that role.
The Eve of May Facebook page link https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1000928...
Ray Nomoto Robison has directed 4 feature films including the award-winning Sixes (aka Sixes and the One Eyed King) and countless short films. He has nearly 150 film festival selections and most recently won at the 2023 Green Bay International Film Festival with his short film An Affair Remains which starred Mason and Akira Kurosawa actor Masayuki Yui. The Eve of May may well be Robison’s feature film directorial swan song.
Here are some of the films we have made it the past which I feel best represents what you might expect with The Eve of May. Some of these short films are of a different genre but they do represent production level which our team produces.
I promise you that this will be the last crowd-funding campaign I do for any creative endeavor. I've enjoyed many years of independent filmmaking but finding funding for these projects has taken its toll and I just don't have the energy to keep doing that part of the process. So when I say this film will be my swan song I mean it will be my last film for which I will raise funds. After this if someone hands me funding of course I will make a film but no more fundraising for me.
The biggest challenge with this film is funding. We are making this film on a true shoestring and I'm hopeful this Indiegogo goes over the amount we have set as our goal. But the cast and crew are devoted professionals who know this film is not about the film business but about the art of film. They are willing to work for practically nothing and eat peanut butter sandwiches without any jelly while they endure long days on set. We have made many films as a team and we always figure out how to avoid the seemingly unlimited pitfalls.
We have been so fortunate to have Ghostlight Playhouse include us in their fundraiser. The first $5000 donated to their crowdfunding campaign go directly to support the production of The Eve of May. So go to this link, donate and deduct your donation from you 2023 tax obligation. https://theeveofmay.eventgroovefundraising.com/...