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The Fellowship

We finally want to make something non-commercial and really fun! So! We're making a web series full of adventure and magic!

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The Fellowship

The Fellowship

The Fellowship

The Fellowship

The Fellowship

We finally want to make something non-commercial and really fun! So! We're making a web series full of adventure and magic!

We finally want to make something non-commercial and really fun! So! We're making a web series full of adventure and magic!

We finally want to make something non-commercial and really fun! So! We're making a web series full of adventure and magic!

We finally want to make something non-commercial and really fun! So! We're making a web series full of adventure and magic!

Szymon Szymański
Szymon Szymański
Szymon Szymański
Szymon Szymański
1 Campaign |
Warsaw, Poland
$427 USD 27 backers
1% of $32,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

„The Fellowship” is a web series set in a renaissance-like realm where adventurers become a part of a great conspiracy. It all starts small with a girl – Sparks – trying to find the secret of her brother’s death. Philip was a member of the powerful Guild of Mages and got involved in some dirty business. During Sparks’ journey she meets with other adventurers. They gather to create a fellowship.

There is of course loadz of other characters.

So… Marvelous. It is a word perfectly describing the project. And I wanted to use it anyway. It’s an awesome word. Let me say it again. Marvelous!

The storyline isn't about saving the world. Nobody’s actually thinking about saving the world. They think about adventure, friends, good times, chasing bad guys (or escaping them), good inns, compulsive dueling, pints and dances. And maybe a little about revenge. But only a tiny little bit. Just enough to make them move towards the unknown. And get into serious trouble. Take a look at few of the finished movie frames.

And here you have some of the storyboard frames prepared by various artists for the scene we're planning to film after the fundraising.

The crew is a merger of regular collaborators from three production companies. We've worked together on some other productions, commercial mostly, but none of them was as epic and as complex as “The Fellowship”. That’s why we gathered all our resources and started this quest.

Pacamera Studio – a production company specializing with ads and internet video content production. Pacamera is managing visual idents in Poland for companies and events such as Porsche and Continental. It’s also producing cgi and vfx for feature films. Contributed graphic design, filming equipment, and early post-production trials. Pacamera Web Site

Ghont Gallery – specializing with costume, sets and props design, mainly for TV but feature films also. Ghont also produced its own stage shows including a musical based on Weber’s “Phantom of the Opera”. Contributed costumes, props, set designs and make up artists. Ghont Workshop on FB

Eurocom Studio – over 20 years of experience with dubbing and voice-over production. Clients such as National Geographic, Canal+ and FOX don’t need any more introduction. Eurocom is also a producer of its own animated children stories, one of them in co-production with LandMarvel from India. Contributed early sound design, studio for voice recordings, filming equipment and production design. Eurocom Web Site

“The Fellowship” is a result of our interests, experience, possibilities and passions. Each company contributes the project in its own way. Mainly with manpower. And that is a lot of power.

The first series comprises of 16 episodes with an average duration of 9 minutes. The series end isn't decisive. Some parts of the plot come to an end but others… Enough to say we have good anchors for season 2.

You will see a lot of adventure, action, sword fighting, drop of magic, bead of drama and a touch of romance. All this topped with a little humor cause these guys aren't always the sharpest sticks...

Yo will also have chance to see few scenes from the realm's history. At the same time you will meet with one of our best characters - the raghai. It is a creature that we're planing to create for the opening scene of the first episode. The raghai is a magically created race of a mighty-badass-killing-monster-machines. They were built with one purpose - to bring the Guild of Mages down. Will they succeed?

Check some raghai concept arts:

These will be nice treats.

The first extra series will be a making of about the production of every episode. So each time we publish an episode of the main series, you will also get a chance of seeing how did the production actually looked like. Each of them will be about 2 minutes long and full of fun and embarrassing live action footage.

The second series is a tutorial on “How to make your own independent web-series”. We didn't actually name it yet. Maybe it’ll be “H.T.M.Y.O.I.W-S.” Or something. Anyway. We've worked on “The Fellowship” a long time and gathered a lot of experience. When we combine that knowledge with the one from our daily basis media and film work, we get a lot of stuff to share. So we really want to share that wisdom. We want to watch a lot of pro-made, well prepared and interesting productions. We know it’s not that easy and you can make a lot of mistakes that can ruin your whole enterprise. We already made those mistakes and there’s no point for keeping that to ourselves. So you will get to watch an 8 episode series with loadz of prompts and tips. We will get you through the whole production process and make sure you succeed. Like we will :D

“The Fellowship” is an indie project. We are all working non-profit and we need your help to finish it.

Honestly, we need you. We’re running dry on our private funding.

The optimum for finishing the project is $32.000

It’ll be enough to pay the bills, software and buy enough food for us in order to have 3 months of work secured only for The Fellowship. This amount includes also the budget for one missing scene. We will film it after the fundraising. And I know you will love this one. It’ll be a part of the first episode. It’ll be a battle sequence and a place for our cool monster – the raghai. Have a look at some of the early designs:

The filming of episodes 2 to 16 is finished, they are edited, partially color corrected and composed with early cgi's. Episode 1 is filmed in half. The filming of the other half is scheduled for end of June while the post-production will be already running. The post-production schedule is depending on the crowd-funding. If we manage to gather the fixed funding amount we will be able to push the post-production and have the first episode published at the end of September. If not, well, we didn't actually take into account any other scenario. We are so irresponsible…

We’re planning on some extra stuff too. Just in case.

If we raise more than we anticipate, maybe around $41.000, we plan to film two extra shorts, each of them around 10 minutes duration. They are some really cool stories. One of them is based on a graphic novel by Stan Sakai (involving a very famous rabbit). The second one is a kind of sci-fi / post-apo. Both of them loosely refer to the main “Fellowship” series. So you can basically call them spin offs. It’ll be fun! There's even more to come with the extra activities! A detailed info about the realm and a classic paper-like RPG.

Now about the rewards :)

“The Fellowship” is a long term project. We’re already working on it for quite some time and planning on continuing the adventure in the future. When we, with your help, manage to successfully finish this season we will get a moment of rest and start working on season 2. Before that we still have a lot of work. There is still a lot of postproduction to be done. The cgi’s, composition, color correction, sound editing and filming one scene will take us 3 to 4 months. This project is a great adventure and we want it to share it with you! And that’s not just a catchy phrase. “The Fellowship” is being produced for two reasons. First of all this web series is meant to be watched and enjoyed by you! And second of all – we work on this project for fun!

For more detailed info on our project visit our website Fellowship Web Series We're still working on it so please give us some time. But pretty soon you will find a lot of awesome content in there, some of it about the web series, some detailed info about the Fellowship's realm and other stuff.

Also check out this short teaser: The Fellowship Teaser

One last thing. Thanks a lot to the Pacamera crew for helping us out with preparing this Indiegogo Campaign. We still have a lot of work to do! As for the rest of you - viewers, fans and contributors - big hugs and:

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Choose your Perk

Dreaming about an Adventure

$3 USD
You're starting to dream about an adventure? We'll thank you for that on all of our social media. Maybe it'll get you going?
0 claimed

Talking about an Adventure

$5 USD
So now you're talking about going on an adventure? It'll help if we thank you on our social media and put your name on our www page. Your friends will then put a lot of pressure on you and you'll be forced to go!
0 claimed

An Adventure's Plan

$10 USD
So you need a plan for your adventure? After we thank you on our web page and social media, we'll also email you the full "Fellowship's" digital script so you can see how we planned our adventure. But remember - it'll happen after we publish the final episode.
0 claimed

An Adventurer's ID

$15 USD
If you're decided to go on an adventure you'll need good ID that'll grant your passage through dark lands. We'll give you all above PLUS a digital card with your picture and our great thanks on it. Remember to send us your photo/selfie/full figure/nude. We will also publish them as a thank you announcement.
0 out of 700 of claimed

A Blessing for the Road

$25 USD
Yes! That's it! You'll need it! To be safe and protected by any kind of deity you'd like. We will publish a social media and www thank you note, send you a digital copy of the script. And then You will get a video file with our thanks to you recorded by the director or one of the actors! We will also publish the video thanks on our YouTube Channel - FellowshipTheMovie.
0 out of 500 of claimed

Picture Your Adventure

$35 USD
It's good to get a glimpse of what's going to happen before it does. To make it happen we will send you a printed picture of one of our digitally drawn storyboard frames. It'll be signed by one of the actors or the director. Apart from that - our great digital thanks and a digital script emailed to you after the last episode.
0 out of 200 of claimed

Plan Your Adventure

$45 USD
So you're finally decided to go on an adventure! It's easy to loose the count of days on the road. You'll need this on-of-a-kind Fellowship's pocket calendar to make your notes, plans and memoirs. And also you have our great digital thanks and a digital script emailed to you after the last episode.
0 out of 100 of claimed

An Adventurer's Uniform

$50 USD
You can't leave without a special uniform that will allow other adventurers to recognize you in the wild. So we will mark you with our Fellowship T-Shirt so that you can be seen from a distance and not mistaken with a mere troll or goblin. The T-Shirt will be snail-mailed to you after you have our great digital thanks and a digital script emailed to you after the last episode is published.
0 out of 50 of claimed

A Tune for the Road

$60 USD
There will be a lot walking during the quest so let's make it go smoothly with a good tune for the road. We will post an audio CD. It'll be an album by Jelonek - an insane, great violinist and a total wacko. You will hear some of the tunes that you will find on the series' score. +Digital thanks +Digital copy of the script.
0 out of 50 of claimed

Watch the Adventure

$80 USD
Before you go, take a seat and watch the whole Fellowship's adventure. All of the episodes at once will make a good binge watching. You will get a real copy of a DVD with the whole series and all of the making ofs. +Digital thanks +Digital copy of the script.
0 out of 50 of claimed

Hope for the Road

$110 USD
Adventures can be hard and dangerous. You can lose your faith while experiencing difficulties. You'll need a lot hope to get by. That's why we will send you "The Colors of Hope". It's a combination of a book and two CDs of two great artists - Sopor and Ryszard Wolbach. Their music is a part of the Fellowship's score so you'll get a chance to get to know all of their work. +T-Shirt +Calendar +Digital thanks +Digital script.
0 out of 30 of claimed

An Epic Traveler Package

$240 USD
Are you an Epic Traveler? You'll need this package for your adventure! To get you motivated you'll see your name in the end titles of three of the episodes. Plus: You'll get a real compass to give you directions. You'll get an awesome (latex) sword to protect yourself against evil on your adventure and a real compass to give you directions. +DVD +T-Shirt +Poster +Calendar +Digital thanks +Digital script.
0 out of 20 of claimed

Die a Heroic Death!

$450 USD
Sometimes adventures end up with the hero's death. And this could be you! Die as a Hero on our set! You'll get a professional make up, a costume, a sword and you'll be directed by our professional stunt coordinator. You'll have to get to Warsaw on your own but we will accomodate you for three days (2 nights). +Your name in the end titles of your episode as a stunt! +A latex Sword +A Compass +DVD +T-Shirt +Poster +Calendar +Digital thanks +Digital script
0 out of 3 of claimed

A Hero's Armor

$600 USD
You'll need to be well protected on your journey. That's why we'll give you an original Fellowship piece of handmade elvish armor (eg. a pair of pauldrons or bracers). Plus all the other goods: +Your name in all the end titles! +A latex Sword +A Compass +DVD +T-Shirt +Poster +Calendar +Digital thanks +Digital script
0 out of 10 of claimed

Reveal yourself, Hero!

$1,500 USD
The world wants to know who you are, Hero! The world will see your name in the intro of the Fellowship before every episode. Plus you get: +A latex Sword +A Compass +BluRay with the Fellowship Series +T-Shirt +Poster +Calendar +Digital thanks +Digital script
0 out of 3 of claimed

The Scriptwriter

$3,000 USD
Be one of the Scriptwriters of the Fellowship's awesome adventure! Invent and name a character for the Fellowship Web Series - Season 2! (We will work on the character's shape with you to match our ideas). Plus you (or your companies logo) will be mentioned in the intro of the Fellowship before every episode. Plus you get: +A latex Sword +A Compass +BluRay +T-Shirt +Poster +Calendar +Digital thanks +Digital script
0 out of 2 of claimed

The Creator

$5,000 USD
Be a true Creator of the Fellowship Web Series. You get a full sponsor's package! Your name and/or your company's logo will be placed in the series intro, in every information about the project, you get your logo on the front page of our website, info and logo in our social media and we give you the exclusiveness within your branch. All this plus of course: +A latex Sword +A Compass +BluRay with the Fellowship Series +T-Shirt +Poster +Calendar +Digital thanks +Digital script
0 out of 2 of claimed
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