Short Summary
This is a team that makes good on its one aim : to create world class independent art film regionally, in the northern Midwest.
We are reaching out to those who support genuinely risk-taking independent film. The campaign for THE HUNTER will allow serious supporters of thoughtful work to join us as we create the absurd gem that this film will be.
Our poetic, meditative IN WINTER, which saw 8 festivals, was labeled "..A masterpiece of a film..." by Steve Kopian of Unseen Films, and was acquired by Dreamscape Media for international distribution.
Our passion for filmmaking hasn't waned. Our experience on our first film puts us in a position to realize another level of vision. THE HUNTER will express that vision.
What We Need & What You Get
Our shooting budget is significantly more than our Indiegogo request. Our funding plan calls for support from all arms of the octopus, so to speak, including crowdfunding, giving those who want in but have less than $1,000 to offer an opportunity to be part of the work.
Funds will be segregated in a dedicated bank account until commencement of production. Should we, for any reason, fail to shoot the film, ALL financial inputs shall be returned in full to all supporters (indiegogo or private patrons).
Supporters with $1,000 to offer (or multiple thousands) should contact to discuss ownership of shares in the project.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute money, but that doesn't mean you can't help:
You can :
Share this campaign and our work with others!
Donate space for actors to sleep when we fly them in.
Cook us food!
Donate services such as graphics or marketing talent, locations for shooting scenes, props needed, and so forth.
Buy a DVD of IN WINTER or watch it on a streaming service.
Get in touch to work on the project.