A Long Shot
The LongShots is a campaign comprised of 7 creators and 9 titles. the titles include Comic book Genres like action, adventure, fantasy, superhero, horror and science fiction All in one package. 9 books with over 250 pages of pure unadulterated comic book story goodness just for You!
The Story so Far...
There was a Dream. A dream that 7 creators could break the distribution stranglehold that Diamond had on the comic book industry. The dream was to Forge a new era for small creators and self publishers. An era where Free thinking creators could stand against the machine of corporate comics. It was a Dream, a Longshot.
It was a dream that ended in a complete disaster...... Or so it seemed. In classic comic book style the 7 creators who were betrayed and left for dead rose from the ashes of a burnt out deal to resurrect their dream. This unlikely group of creators, this motley crew of creativity have risen like the phoenix to launch the Greatest comeback campaign ever known. Now you can be apart of the Dream and reap the rewards created by the Crew that has come to be known as the Longshots!
Only Death Can Save Us
A Bronze-age inspired, cosmic, fantasy romp, bringing together action and pathos as the ancient elemental known as 'Death' leaps from his ethereal retirement to help a young soul protect her loved ones, her world... and even existence itself!
GODS HAND follows the once notorious pirate turned monster hunter, Jean Lafitte who after fifteen years in exile is unexpectedly called back to the city he once called home to investigate an unnatural murder. The victim is his one time partner and lover the Voodoo Queen herself, Marie Laveau. Once back in New Orleans Lafitte and his team of supernatural hunters are given 48 hours to find Marie‘s killer and the ancient book of shadows that was stolen from her.
Hybrids: The Sons of Gods
Hybrids: The Sons of Gods is an Action/Adventure Superhero comic that blends folklore, legend, and mythology with the excitement and action of modern day superhero sagas. A small team of heroes takes on a major corporation at the center of a human trafficking ring. Fast-paced action and character-driven storylines will draw too in to an ensemble cast of relatable personalities.
Shield Of The Interceptor
When David Flynn discovers the Shield of Avalon, he is thrust into a war that has ravaged the mystical isle of Avalon for ages. Now that war threatens to spill over into the world of humans, and David stands alone to stop it. Can one man, with one shield, protect two worlds?
Indie Volt Revolt
The Independent Comics revolution is here! Now is the time for REVOLT! Indie Volt Revolt is a collection of just what the indie and alternative comic market is capable of, brought to you by the art form’s best and brightest talent from all around the world. Featuring a variety of short stories, sometimes under a particular theme and sometimes just an eclectic mix of sequential art, designed to spark the imagination and put on display the true power of comics!
The Oswald Chronicles
The Oswald Chronicles, asks the question what would happen if the greatest sorcerer of our time was born in the body of a mouse. Oswald is a daring mouse who’s looking for the meaning of his life and why he’s the only one of his kind who can speak. Living on Park Avenue in New York City Oswald finds himself the center of controversy amongst fae, Kalsions, and Grogs and the many other races that live alongside man. As Oswald grows he learns of the dark power that wishes to consume our world and how he’s the one tasked with stopping it.
The Wellkeeper
THE WELLKEEPER© is the tale of a young girl named Zoe, the latest in a long line of women known as Wellkeepers. She is charged with the task of guarding the living energies of the earth itself and is empowered to communicate and control those very forces. With these gifts, Zoe can talk with plants, animals and control the forces of life itself. But she is hunted by dark forces that seek to destroy her to take her gifts and bring about the death of all things.
Long before being a part of the quest to retrieve the stolen Great Seal of Iberion, Gabriel was a young music student dreaming of entertaining the courts of the realm. Instead, he found himself captured in a barbarian raid and forced to train not in the music he loved but instead in war and brutality.
Hero Bot Zero
When the city becomes overrun with monsters and strange disasters, young Tippy Toetak, whose parents run and own Toetak Tech, help to create a hero for the job; Hero bot Zero! Hero Bot Zero is a 3-foot- tall “giant robot” warrior who has an entire arsenal built in his body designed to defeat any menace he might face. Unfortunately, due to a programming “glitch” Hero Bot Zero also comes with a pretty bad attitude who insists on working only “on the clock” complete with hazard pay.
All printed metal items will be handled by Brandon Flynn (Phoenix Animation)