MAGA7 begins as a 24-page Superhero political parody comic book.
MAGAnificent 7 is the brainchild of Mike S. Miller, 28 year comic book industry veteran best known for his work on INJUSTICE for DC Comics, GAME of THRONES for George R. R. Martin, and ADVENTURES of SUPERMAN, also for DC Comics. Mike left the mainstream and found a new fanbase here on Indiegogo where he's produced his own patriotic super-hero universe: The BLACKLIST UNIVERSE. Featuring the smash hit crowdfunding super-patriot: LONESTAR!!!
But really, who are the MAGAnificent7? MAGA7 is a parody comic featuring super-heroes fighting against the leftist MELTDOWN. The SOROSIAN, a creature whose machinations threaten the world takes control of his leftist minions and merges them into a giant creature hell-bent on destroying Trump at his 2021 inauguration! DEAN CAIN sends out a distress signal to call together EL RUSHBO, STRANGE ANIMAL, THE INGRAHAMMER, DEAD HEAD, SHAP-HERO, and DOCTOR SAVAGE to come to the rescue! They, the AMERICAN AVENGER and the BOMBSHELL BRIGADE fight MELTDOWN to save the President, the nation and the world itself!
What do we need?
YOUR HELP! What do you get? A chance to use a fun, exciting medium to share with friends, kids, friends-kids, kids-friends, anyone who wants a little entertainment that isn't dripping with SJW pablum.
MAGANIFICENT 7 is completely drawn and colored. So we are keeping the target goal, and the pricing low!
The culture war cannot just be fought on Fox News or OAN. We need good, solid, quality entertainment created from a conservative worldview that lets people feel what is good and right by elevating traditional moral values and principles above the cesspool of moral degradation we see coming out of the comics and entertainment industries.
BLACKLIST UNIVERSE has already raised and fulfilled over $400K worth of campaigns with Blacklist comics. Mike has a proven track-record of delivering high quality content and original intellectual properties. The goal is to some day take Blacklist into the broader entertainment mediums. You can be a part of that effort by supporting MAGA7 today!
BLACKLIST UNIVERSE books LONESTAR and MONSTER HUNT, also available in limited quantities in this campaign, for more info check out lonestarcomic.com!
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean you can't help! Everyone on social media has an audience. Whether that's just your family, or whether you have a million followers. Please share this campaign out to as many people as often as you can during the campaign, and let people know that you support good, right-thinking QUALITY entertainment!
Sample pages:
First stretch goal at $20K unlocked a sticker sheet with art by various, but the main figure by Elliot Fernandez!
Second stretch goal at $25K was an AMPHIBIOUS BULK Trading card, also by Elliot Fernandez!
Third stretch goal $30K was an El RUSHBO trading card by KELSEY SHANNON!
Fourth stretch goal $35K is an INGRAHAMMER trading card to be drawn by CEAGE O'SEANACHAIN!
Not Final Image
Random tags:
Jawbreakers, Cyberfrog, Earthworm Jim, Graveyard Shift, Cash Grab, Cecil, Jon Malin, Richard C Meyer, Ethan Van Sciver, Vampirella, Billy Tucci, Miss Fury, Shi, Expendables, Comicsgate, Tadhya, thump, magalorian, tim lim, usagi, wall-might, black hops, Kaitlin Bennett, Reignbow the brute, rainbow brute