Short Summary
What's up, Downers. This is Dan Smotz, host of The System is Down podcast, where we talk about all the uncomfortable topics, like conspiracies, politics, and religion.
I'm taking TSID to a whole new out of this world level and we're going to make the first ever TSID documentary together.
This film is going to comedically explore all sides of the debate and open the door to the moon landing hoax theory to a whole new audience. While everyone else is pushing their confirmation biases, we're going to talk the humble dummy approach to try to figure out why people believe the way they do.
There's a whole lot more to this theory than most people think and it's one that has started the free thinker wheels turning for many people in the past, so I think it's a great place to start our journey into TSID documentary making land together, because in a world of followers, to be weird is to be authentic. So, ladies and gentlemen.... let's get weird.
What You Get
The goal amount for this project is set at $500 simply because that's the lowest goal Indiegogo would let me set. I don't necessarily need your money, but I wanted to give you the opportunity to pre-order and be a part of this new adventure with me. In return, some of the perks you're able to get include:
- Hard and digital copies of the film.
- Hard and digital copies of the original film soundtrack.
- Autographed copies of the film.
- Posters.
- Shirts.
- Merchandise.
- Access to join and chat with me in the private advanced online film screening.
The Impact
As stated in the video, I'm not just making this film for you and I to enjoy. I'm making it for your children and my children to discover in the future. Free thought, open-mindedness, and just general curiosity are becoming less and less acceptable traits these days and I want to show the next generation and generations to come, that it's ok to question the status quo and think outside the box. Even if you're wrong on your conclusions, you're never wrong to keep asking questions and searching for the truth.
Risks & Challenges
In order to tackle this project, I'm expecting there to be some unforeseen speed bumps and I want to make this film the right way. So some additional things that your funding could be potentially helping to cover, include:
- Legalities.
- Interview fees.
- Copyright releases.
- Travel expenses.
- Special filming or editing equipment.
- Higher production quality on this film and future films.
Other Ways You Can Help
I know that some people just aren't able to contribute financially to this project and that's totally fine, but if you would like to help out at no expense to yourself, you can do so by:
- Getting the word out. Word of mouth is everything in making a project like this have the impact that we are shooting for.
- Share on social media. Indiegogo has options to share this campaign with your friends with the click of a button.
- Send me ideas. I'm totally open to suggestions on guests to interview, avenues to explore, and evidence to consider and present. Feel free to send info that you think will be helpful to me directly at
Let's make something awesome together!