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The Museum Project - Horror Film

Australian Found Footage Horror Film

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The Museum Project - Horror Film

The Museum Project - Horror Film

The Museum Project - Horror Film

The Museum Project - Horror Film

The Museum Project - Horror Film

Australian Found Footage Horror Film

Australian Found Footage Horror Film

Australian Found Footage Horror Film

Australian Found Footage Horror Film

Freeze Frame Pictures
Freeze Frame Pictures
Freeze Frame Pictures
Freeze Frame Pictures
4 Campaigns |
Adelaide, Australia
$319 USD $319 USD 16 backers
101% of $316 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
Mountain Filled 4 Projects Mountain Filled 4 Projects

WORKING TITLE: The Museum Project


A group of students decide to base their media assignment on a local railway museum myth. However, when they trespass the premises after hours, they soon learn that some myths are more than just stories.

About the Project:

Currently a working title, "The Museum Project" is an upcoming found footage horror film by Freeze Frame Films.

With the script written and locations set, our cast and crew are looking to deliver a fun, thrilling film that horror fans are sure to enjoy!

Freeze Frame Films are best known on the web for the two films "The Eidolon State" and  "The Secluded House", one of YouTube's top viewed found footage films.

Inspired by other found footage films such as "The Gallows" and "As Above, So Below", the film will be directed by Dion Cavallaro and Paul Thomas, who is also set to star in one of the lead roles.

Once production is completed, we are looking to premiere the film at a local cinema and will be working with a popular horror film site for an online public release.

As we will be shooting the film at a local railway museum in our state, costs become involved to secure access to the location and as we ourselves are already covering other fees for the film, this is where we ask for your help.

What We Need & What You Get:

We are looking to raise a goal of $500.

With this amount we are able to secure the location we would like to set our film at.

Any contributors will have their name listed in the credits of the final film under the contributors section.

If we fail to meet our goal of $500, all contributions will be refunded.

Other Ways You Can Help:

Help us reach our goal by telling your friends about our campaign and sharing our indiegogo link on social media sites.

You can also follow the status of the production on our Facebook page.



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Film Contributor

Currency Conversion $3 USD
$5 AUD
By contributing any amount towards our production, you will receive your name in the thank you section in the end credits of the film.
7 claimed
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