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The Naiads

2 years of love and sweat went into writing the screenplay - imagine how the film will be! 'The Naiads' a dying writer struggle to create her last masterpiece.

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The Naiads

The Naiads

The Naiads

The Naiads

The Naiads

2 years of love and sweat went into writing the screenplay - imagine how the film will be! 'The Naiads' a dying writer struggle to create her last masterpiece.

2 years of love and sweat went into writing the screenplay - imagine how the film will be! 'The Naiads' a dying writer struggle to create her last masterpiece.

2 years of love and sweat went into writing the screenplay - imagine how the film will be! 'The Naiads' a dying writer struggle to create her last masterpiece.

2 years of love and sweat went into writing the screenplay - imagine how the film will be! 'The Naiads' a dying writer struggle to create her last masterpiece.

Io Films
Io Films
Io Films
Io Films
1 Campaign |
Glasgow, United Kingdom
$145 USD 6 backers
0% of $20,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Hi folks,

After having produced a good number of short films, music videos and an ad, we, at Io Films, are looking to make our first feature-length film, called 'The Naiads'.
We've been working on the project since 2010 and over the last two years we've put a lot of sweat and blood and hard work into the film. We're now at the point where we are ready to go into pre-production, but for that we need your help! We're planning on doing location scouting in October, so by helping us you can make that reality!


What is ''The Naiads''?
Once the most celebrated literary figure of her day, Islay Buchan, now in her 60s, is virtually forgotten. An alcoholic recluse, she hasn't written a word in years.

But when Islay is admitted to hospital, she is told she has only months to live. Islay is forced to surrender herself into the care of her cold and status-obsessed sister, Audrey, at their stately childhood home on the small Scottish isle of Murray. Once there, years of bad blood between the sisters rise to the surface as old wounds are re-opened which threaten to accelerate Islay's deterioration.

She confides in Audrey's timid teenage maid, Coira, but their unlikely friendship is condemned both Audrey and the islanders. In her darkest hour and at her most desperate point, a secret world reveals itself to Islay. She is drawn to a dark cavern in which three beautiful naiads offer the dying writer one last masterpiece that will be her legacy and ensure immortality.

But at what price?

The Naiads is a fantastic tale, exploring the depths of human desire, the sheer destructive force that it is and the extent we will go to in order to make our innermost dream come true.


Concept Arts:


What already exists:
We've been working on 'The Naiads' since 2010. It took us about a year and a half to work the story into a screenplay and to build up an amazing creative team with people working all over Europe. We also hold regular events to promote the film to the general public and the film industry and the response has been phenomenal. We also have a major British star interested in taking on the lead role.
So, basically, we've done our homework (quite a lot actually) and after months of writing and drawing and meetings we are ready to get started. Pre-production's waiting!



Where will your money go to?
For weeks now we have been working on planning a trip around Scotland to do location scouting. The Production Designer has very clear ideas about what she wants and she has been contacting locations to arrange for us to view them.
Apart from looking at several old Scottish country house to stand in for 'Buchan House', the main setting of the film, we'll be travelling around the Isle of Arran to find locations for the exterior shots.

We're also attending the Raindance Film Festival in London to make vital contacts and to get a producer and executive producers on board.
We also need a Concept Artist to work closely with the Production Designer to translate the Production Designer's vision into images that the Director and Director Of Photography can understand.

That means: With your help we can get a talented designer on board and we also will find and will be able to make a contract for the perfect "Buchan House".


Finished Projects





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Choose your Perk

'Thank You' on Facebook

$5 USD
Every bit helps! You'll get a 'thank you' on our Facebook page!
1 claimed

The Director's Autograph

$12 USD
You help us a lot already! You'll get a 'Thank You' on our facebook page and also a signed card from the director Tom van den Hurk! (shipping-costs are included!)
Estimated Shipping
November 2012
0 claimed

The Storyboard

$15 USD
Small steps are important as well as the big ones. You'll get a printed, signed storyboard and the autograph of Tom van den Hurk.
Estimated Shipping
November 2012
2 claimed

The Film

$25 USD
You're a very big help! We'll send you a signed autograph of Tom van den Hurk and also a DVD when the project is finished! It's a signed one. (shipping-costs are included!) The 'Thank You' on Facebook is of course part of your reward as well :)
1 claimed

The T-Shirt

$35 USD
You get an Io Films T-Shirt, hooray! (shipping-costs are included!) If you want to, we'll sign it!
Estimated Shipping
November 2012
1 claimed

The Cast-Signed DVD

$50 USD
You're awesome, that's a fact! You get a T-Shirt and DVD will be signed by the whole cast of 'The Naiads" (shipping-costs are included!)
1 claimed

The Credits

$100 USD
'Thank You' in credits and one of the above
0 claimed

The Journey

$350 USD
You want to see who makes the film and how on set? We invite you to have a look behind the scenes for a day!
0 out of 20 of claimed

The Extra

$500 USD
Be a true part of 'The Naiads'! You'll get all rewards from $1-100 and get an extra role in one of the scenes.
0 out of 70 of claimed

The Voiceless

$1,000 USD
Non-speaking part
0 out of 3 of claimed

The Associate

$5,000 USD
Be an associate producer and have your company be mentioned in the credits (if applicable)
0 out of 4 of claimed

The Executive

$10,000 USD
Be an executive producer, walk over the red carpet at the film's première and be invited to the after party!
0 out of 2 of claimed
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