The ancient Greek Lyre of the 5th century B.C. exists again after 2500 years!!!
For the first time in the world, Michalis Georgiou from the island of Cyprus reconstructs the ancient Greek lyre of Apollo and makes it available to the public. Musicians, researchers, music schools, universities, museums, collectors and fans of ancient Greek civilization, can now enjoy the sound of this magical instrument resurrected from classical antiquity.
The lyre as reconstructed by Mr. Georgiou, is a perfect replica of an eight-string lyre of the 5th century B.C. Respecting the international regulations for the protection of various species, Mr. Georgiou does not use animal parts in the process of the reconstruction of ancient Greek lyre. The turtle shells used for these instruments are exact copies of an original turtle shell, made of specific chemical mixtures of resins, providing the same quality of sound, resonance and color as the original turtle shell. The string holder is made from the same chemical mixture. The other parts of the instrument are made of solid wood. The strings are of PVC plastic. These strings are more durable than the gut strings used by ancient Greeks and provide the same quality of sound as gut strings. The instrument has also a leather strap for holding purposes and a plectrum made of hard wood.
The ancient Greek lyre can be characterized as a “friendly musical instrument” for any one. It doesn’t need to know about music or playing musical instruments. Just plug the strings of the lyre for a few minutes and feel calm. The unique sound of this instrument enriched with many harmonic resonances will guide your soul to meditation. The ancient Greek physician Asclepius healed his patients with the sounds of the lyre.
The reconstruction and availability of ancient Greek lyre to the public, is an attempt concerning the vision of the revival of ancient Greek music and musical instruments from the classical antiquity. The existence of ancient Greek lyre, an educational instrument for the youngsters in ancient Greece, aims to enrich the knowledge of ancient Greek musical educational system and bring awareness to musical educational programs in our times as well.
Orpheus, son of Apollo, plays his lyre, as shown on a vase painting of the Greek Classical antiquity.
The major stories about Orpheus are centered on his ability to charm all living beings and even stones with his music.
A “friendly musical instrument” for any one
A “friendly musical instrument”. It's sound can guide your soul to meditation.
Ancient Greek music can sound again
The ancient Greek Lyre is alive again after 2500 years. All fans of ancient Greek civilization can now enjoy its magical sound and travel in the golden time of harmony.
"Hey Jude" by The Beatles accompanied by the ancient Greek lyre
A valuable musical instrument for museums, composers, musicians (especially for those who interested for experimental musical instruments), sound production studios and film makers.
Details and photos about perks
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1) Featured perk - "Thank you" card, DVD Lyre
DVD presenting the history and the reconstruction of the ancient Greek lyre by Mr. Georgiou.
2) "Thank You" Card, Logo on clay
Logo of maker on clay.
3) "Thank You" card, Demo DVD
Demo DVD with the “Terpandros” ensemble of ancient Greek musical instruments presenting music from the antiquity, from Medieval times, folk music and contemporary Greek music.
4) "Thank you" card, DVD Kithara
DVD presenting the history and the reconstruction of Apollo’s Kithara by Mr. Georgiou.
5) "Thank you"card, clay ceistron
Replica of clay ceistron, a percussion instrument of the 5th century B.C., found in the island of Crete.
6) "Thank You" card, book
A book titled "Quest of the resonance of universe" published in Greek and English languages, presenting the 30 year research by Mr. Georgiou in the reconstruction of ancient Greek musical instruments. Sound samples of the instruments in a CD included in the book.
7) "Thank you" card, 3 DVDs
a) A demo DVD with the “Terpandros” ensemble of ancient Greek musical instruments presenting music from the antiquity, from Medieval times, folk music and contemporary Greek music.
b) A DVD presenting the history and the reconstruction of the ancient Greek lyre.
c) A DVD presenting the history and the reconstruction of Apollo’s Kithara.
8) Ultimate Perk (All Included)
a) Personal "Thank You" card,
b) Logo on clay,
c) DVD with the “Terpandros” ensemble,
d) DVD presenting the reconstruction of the ancient Greek lyre,
e) DVD presenting the reconstruction of Apollo’s Kithara,
f) A replica of a clay ceistron of the 5th century B.C.,
g) A book titled "Quest of the resonance of universe" published in Greek and English languages, presenting the 30 year research by Michalis Georgiou in reconstruction of ancient Greek musical instruments.