Red Grail Spiritual
Retreat Center Indiegogo Fundraising Campaign
For 21 years, the Order of the Red Grail has served the Pagan
community with open Full Moon Circles and Sabbats, rites of passage, spiritual
counseling, education and prison ministry that has spanned 17 years. Public service
includes donations to area food bank, domestic abuse shelters, military soldier
support, and clergy presence at hospitals and police departments with the
belief that positive examples and actions by local pagans will makes a strong
statement to mainstream faith groups that while practices and beliefs are
different, service to humanity is universal.
This work is established and stable. However, progressing into
the 21st century requires taking the next step – bridging differences
by strengthening spiritual community among life-affirming pagans and non-pagans
To this end, The Grail intends to create the Red
Grail Spiritual Retreat Center where
spiritual community reigns over religious differences. The Grail intends to obtain
5 or more acres of woodland to define this sacred space. The Center will
initially include a barn that will be available for rituals, classes, feasts, weddings,
and other community functions. As the property is developed, there will be space
for children and families to learn about nature and the cycles of life, a stone
labyrinth, community garden, wild preserve, and additional features as space
and funds allow.
The main goal is to provide a stable setting where many can
safely worship, celebrate and find peace. We invite you to join in this
journey. You can help by:
Giving to this campaign
Sending an e-mail to anyone you know who you think
will want to help too
Using Indiegogo share tools to share about this
campaign on Facebook and Twitter
Writing or blogging about us with the link to this
For more information, please visit
The Order of the Red
Grail: Church of Transformational Wicca, ATC, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit church
located in and serving the Nebraska area since 1993.
Thank you!