The SUPERIORS is a classic Superhero story, good versus evil! The hero against his evil counterpart from an alternate universe! This is my homage to the classic Superhero team books of the 70s, 80s and 90s. The comics I loved growing up! The Avengers, The Justice League of America! Classic comics drawn by my favorite artists, John Byrne and George Perez! The SUPERIORS is set with the Multiverse as it's backdrop, so while these characters may remind you of the heroes you remember from the past, just remember that they are far SUPERIOR!![]()
You can pick up this awesome Cover homage to the classic Flash #139 cover with @YellowFlashGuy as a new Variant for the SUPERIORS! Don't miss out on all the Classic Superhero Fun and Action! The way you remember comics used to be!![]()
A Superhero Adventure spread out across the MULTIVERSE with the Superiors facing off against evil versions of themselves bent on seeing their destruction! ![]()
The SUPERIORS is 48 pages of full story Action and Adventure! You'll meet Titan, Shadow Knight, and Venus the three leaders of the SUPERIORS!![]()
COVER C (homage to Jim Lee's X-Men 268)
I'll be offering some fun Homage Covers to some of my all time favorite Comics like above's homage to X-Men 268!![]()
COVER D (homage to John Byrne's FF 249 and Superman 8)
And another Variant homage to the great John Byrne's covers of Fantastic Four #249 and Superman #8.
Also I'll be having a SUPERIORS Early Visions Book, this book will containing early artwork and previous attempts I drew of the Superiors. This is a book I've been working on for a very long time and there's lots of artwork and extras from the early days of me working on it.![]()
SUPERIORS: Early Visions
And I'll be offering a SUPERIORS: Who's Who Book with Character Origins and Powers, sketches, Pin Ups and lots of Art Extras!![]()
The SUPERIORS is going to be all the fun and excitement you used to have reading your favorite comics! All new characters and all new multiverses to explore! The SUPERIORS they're like the heroes you remember, only FAR SUPERIOR! You MUST OBEY your... SUPERIORS!!! Here's some of the interior art to check out!
Interior Pages from the SUPERIORS
Between the Main Story and the Early Visions book and the Who's Who book there's going to be a ton of Artwork, Sketch, Stories and Extras! So don't miss out! Thanks for checking out my book!