Thank you for visiting the campaign page for The True Tale of Ole Splitfoot vs the Lesbian Warrior Nuns or the Great White North!
We need your help to foil them nasty demons and protect the fine ladies of the Beaver, Dam!
Undercover warrior nuns, stripping to save the very souls of humanity, have to fight hell itself to keep us all safe from the clutches of evil!
Our story takes place at "The World Famous" Beaver, DAM! Gentleman's Club in rural Canada, Nestled in the coziest, backwoods, out of the way armpit of the great white north, this seediest of stripclubs will provide the backdrop for the bloodiest battle for fate of mankind the world has ever seen... oh, and there's all you can eat Tacos on Tuesday at the buffet!
Our Cast
We have been fortunate enough to attach some of the horror industry's hottest talent to this project! From 'Bone Tomahawk's' Michael Paré, to 'Bloodthirst's' Robert LaSardo, we have assembled the best cast The Beaver, DAM! could hope for.
The Crew
Director Max Cerchi brings over 26 years of experience to The True Tale of Ole Splitfoot. Alongside Cerchi, is a crew of industry professionals and genre enthusiasts, sure to bring you a film who's every participant eats, sleeps, and sweats horror.
Our cast and crew have worked tirelessly on this project, and now we need you to "make it rain!". With your generosity and support, we'll film in November 2020.
We have tons of perks to make it worth your while!
About Us
Co-writers Ben and Ash discuss the process behind the making of Splitfoot:
Check out our pal, the one and only Ron Jeremy, as he shares his love for the ladies of the Beaver, DAM!!!
As we struggle to retain some sense of normalcy in these trying times our thoughts and prayers go out to the patrons of the Beaver, DAM! Let's take a minute and limp lazily down memory lane... this one goes out to our favorite lady of Canada's premiere gentleman's lounge, Nat.
Looking for more information?Check the project
With this perk, you will get our undying appreciation and help to fund a BADASS Movie!
Included Items
Just a Buck
Estimated Shipping
August 2020
0 out of 75 of claimed
Get sticky Beaver, DAM! Style!
$5 USD
Want an opportunity to show off your patronage to Canada's finest gentlemen's club? How about a Beaver, DAM! sticker! Guaranteed to make your friends jealous!
Included Items
The Beaver, DAM! Sticker
Estimated Shipping
November 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Social Media Shout-Out
$5 USD
With this perk you will receive a very special social media shout-out without the mess...!!!
Included Items
Social Media Shout-Out
Estimated Shipping
July 2020
0 out of 50 of claimed
Special Thanks IMDB Credit
$10 USD
With this perk you will receive a Special Thanks Credit on IMDB and End Movie Credits.
Included Items
Special Thanks IMDB Credit
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
0 out of 50 of claimed
Smuggled Stirrup Syrup!
$15 USD
We all know Gerry's a cheapskate; always trying to find a new way to make money.
How about you help her out by taking a bottle or 10 off her hands!
(Just don't tell the mounties where you got it!!)
Included Items
1 Mini Bottle of Maple Syrup
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
The Beaver, DAM! Coozie
$15 USD
The ladies are hot, hot, hot! So...we figured we better offer up something to keep the beer ice cold!
Included Items
The Beaver, DAM! Coozie
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
The Beaver, DAM! Matchbooks
$15 USD
Hey, a light?
You damn well do now!
Own a piece of history and buy yourself a handful of the Beaver, Dam! matchbooks!
Included Items
The Beaver, DAM! Matchbooks
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Proof That Warrior Nuns Exist!
$20 USD
Did it really happen if you don't take home proof?
What happens at the Beaver, Dam! stays at the Beaver, Dam!...unless you take home a copy of the festivities!
Reserve your DVD copy now!
Included Items
1 DVD of the Film
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
The Beaver, DAM! T-Shirt
$20 USD
Just because the fine ladies of the Beaver, Dam! go topless doesn't mean YOU have to.
Cover your tatas with a Beaver, Dam! T Shirt!
Included Items
The Beaver, DAM! T-Shirt
Estimated Shipping
November 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Picture Worth a Thousand F**KS
$20 USD
You a fan of fine art? Need something hang on your wall next to the Picasso?
We got you, Fam!!
Just get you one of these unsigned posters!
(Or be like us and use it to cover up the holes in your drywall...)
Included Items
Unsigned Poster
Estimated Shipping
November 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Raglan Jerzee Does The Trick!
$25 USD
Are you a little more bashful than most? Regular T shirt not covering up enough? Well, we got you "covered!"
Grab a Raglan Jerzee T-Shirt from The Beaver, DAM!
Included Items
Raglan Jerzee T-Shirt
Estimated Shipping
November 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
The Crooked Cross Hot Sauce
$25 USD
Your mouth watering? Those fine ladies of the Beaver, Dam! got you craving something hot? Get you a bottle of that Crooked Cross Hot Sauce!
Choose your level of heat: Father Stoltz's Mild, CeeCee's Medium, or Splitfoot's Hot
Included Items
1 Bottle of Hot Sauce
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Cover That Melon!
$25 USD
Bald spot got you down? Bad hair day?
Nothing screams style more than a Beaver, Dam! lid on top of your dome!
Guaranteed to turn heads and drop panties! (ok...not guaranteed....but we sure can hope!)
Included Items
Beaver, DAM! Hat
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
The Beaver, DAM! Condoms
$25 USD
Doin' the Lord's work? We got you "covered." with a 5 pack of condoms!
Included Items
T-Bag's Condom
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
5 pack of Holy Water Lube
$25 USD
Baptize yourself before you do the deed!
This holy water'll help glide you into home!
Included Items
"Holy Water" Lube
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
$25 USD
With this perk, you will receive an Associate Producer Credit on IMDB and End Credits.
Included Items
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
0 out of 25 of claimed
Liver n Onions Lick er Bunions
$30 USD
Good ole Gerry and her dinner specials....might just make you wanna jump for joy!
Make sure you do it in a pair of kick ass socks!
Included Items
Nuns Socks
Estimated Shipping
November 2020
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Liver n Onions...Bunions 2
$30 USD
Gerry's dinner special's not the only thing on the menu at the Beaver, Dam!
Grab you a pair of beaver socks to keep your tootsies warm on a cold, Canadian winter's night, as seen here on Nat!
Included Items
Beaver Socks
Estimated Shipping
November 2020
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Father M's Flask
$35 USD
Father M's got a secret in his pocket...and now you can, too!
Grab you a flask and fill it with the holy water of your choice!
Included Items
Father M's Flask
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Flying Nipples!
$50 USD
Don't shoot your eye out, kid!
Become a sharp shooter and feel like you're a part of the action with this Nipple Disc Gun!
Included Items
Nipple Disc Gun
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Date Night! (1st Date)
$50 USD
What better way to spend your first moments together, than to visit the Beaver, Dam!
Date night package, 1st date, includes dinner and a movie, Gerry style: 1 DVD of the film, 1 miniature bottle of maple syrup, and 1 bottle of hot sauce.
Included Items
1 DVD of the Film
1 Mini Bottle of Maple Syrup
1 Bottle of Hot Sauce
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Picture worth a million f**ks!
$75 USD
Be the first on your block to wallpaper your whole living room with fond memories of the Beaver, Dam! Gentlemen's Club! You gotta grab more than one, though...unless you live in a shoebox!
One poster signed by the entire cast of the film.
Included Items
Poster Signed by the Cast
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Date Night! (2nd Date)
$75 USD
Wow! You mean you actually got a second date? Well, that's terrific! Let's get you some fun!
2nd Date Night Package includes everything from your 1st date (1 DVD, 1 bottle of hot sauce, and 1 miniature bottle of maple syrup) PLUS 2 Beaver, DAM! Coozies and a handful of Beaver, DAM! Matchbooks
Included Items
1 DVD of the Film
1 Mini Bottle of Maple Syrup
1 Bottle of Hot Sauce
The Beaver, DAM! Coozie
The Beaver, DAM! Matchbooks
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
SIGNED Proof that Nuns Exist
$75 USD
Why not own the damn thing signed by all of the cast and crew?
Included Items
Signed DVD of the Film
Estimated Shipping
Original: November 2021
May 2021
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Your Face on the Wall of Shame
$100 USD
We've all been there....blackout drunk...dancing on a table....making an ass out of ourselves.
Well, we all know Gerry's not gonna put up with that bulls**t!
You get kicked out of the Beaver, Dam! and your picture goes up on the wall!
Get your photo on the Beaver, DAM!'s wall of shame, which will appear in the film.
Included Items
Wall of Shame Photo
Estimated Shipping
November 2020
0 out of 5 of claimed
In The Minds Of Madness
$100 USD
Wonder who came up with this crazy film? Wonder who's crazy enough to be in it?
Get a copy of the script signed by the cast and take a deep dive into the horror and hilarity!
Included Items
Signed Copy of the Script
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Date Night! (3rd Date)
$100 USD
3rd date? Hehehe...we all know what that means!
But before you get lucky with them, get lucky with us and cum prepared!
3rd Date Night Package includes everything from your 1st date and 2nd date packages PLUS 1 T-Bag's Condom and 1 packet of Holy Water Lube.
Included Items
1 DVD of the Film
1 Mini Bottle of Maple Syrup
1 Bottle of Hot Sauce
The Beaver, DAM! Coozie
The Beaver, DAM! Matchbooks
T-Bag's Condom
"Holy Water" Lube
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Dam Warrior Nuns!
$100 USD
OK, so Kaylee wasn't REALLY killing a demon in the trailer. But our demon DID get pretty damn bloody. Own the tshirt worn by our "hands" in the trailer!
Included Items
Bloody T-Shirt from Trailer
Estimated Shipping
June 2020
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
A Hard Habit to Break
$150 USD
Being a warrior nun is hard work... and Kaylee Williams' outfit from the trailer says it all. Own the blood soaked habit for yourself!
Included Items
Nun Costume from Trailer
Estimated Shipping
June 2020
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Associate Producer
$150 USD
With this perk, you will receive an Associate Producer Credit on IMDB and End Movie Credits.
Included Items
Associate Producer
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
0 out of 25 of claimed
The Randy
$250 USD
The Randy....what can I say?
This is a special one...for a party of one...
Treat yourself right and get you a Randy of your own!
Included Items
"The Randy" Dildo
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Nat's Ice Bin Buddy Prop
$250 USD
You all know Nat....she's not all there upstairs....or downstairs, for that matter.
She must have misplaced her ice bin buddy. Well, her loss is your gain!
Actual prop from the film.
Included Items
Nat's Ice Bin Buddy
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Visit the Beaver, Dam!
$500 USD
Pack a bag, a**hole!
You get to join us at the finest gentlemen's club in rural Canada!
Come on set and be an extra in the film for 1 day!
Included Items
1 Day Shoot as in Extra
Estimated Shipping
November 2020
0 out of 10 of claimed
Get Your Song in the Movie
$500 USD
With this Perk, you will get your song in the movie and in End Movie Credits.
Included Items
Get Your Song in the Movie
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
0 out of 2 of claimed
Spider Nipple!
$1,000 USD
No...this ain't no super hero movie. Only thing maybe gettin' bit by a radioactive bug in this joint is Nat!
But, you can take home a spider nipple anyway!
Actual spider nipple prop used in the film.
Included Items
Spider Nipple Prop
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Out with the Boys!
$1,000 USD
You really want to chance it? A night out to an actual strip club with the writers of the film?'re braver than I thought!
The writers, Ash and Ben take you out to a strip joint.
Included Items
The Writers take you out
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 out of 5 of claimed
Come Hang On Set!
$1,000 USD
Never been to a strip club? Never been to a film set? Now you can do both!
Been to one or the other? Been to both, several times? Hell, we don't care! We'll take veterans, too!
Come hang out on set and watch the filming of The True Tale of Ole Splitfoot vs the Lesbian Warrior Nuns of the Great White North for 1 day
Included Items
1 Day on Set
Estimated Shipping
November 2020
0 out of 5 of claimed
Nat's Lap Dance!
$2,000 USD
Nat's got just enough tread left on her tire to grind one out on your lap, guaranteed!
And we'll be there to film the whole thing!
Come on set and be an extra as a patron of Nat's, getting a lap dance at The Beaver, DAM!
Included Items
Nat's Lap Dance
Estimated Shipping
November 2020
0 out of 1 of claimed
Claim To Fame!
$5,000 USD
You want a little extra pep in your step? A little more glide in your stride? You want to be able to brag to your friends that you helped put the Beaver, Dam! on the map? Well, bud, here's your chance!
Get listed in the credits and on IMDB as Associate Producer!
Included Items
Associate Producer Credit
Estimated Shipping
May 2021
0 out of 5 of claimed
1 Day Walk-On Role
$5,000 USD
Ok, you've done it now! You've managed to get yourself a walk on role at rural Canada's finest gentlemen's club! You get to be a part of the action! (Cold shower not included)