The road so far.
Since its early days, TEDxAthens identified the need for action oriented initiatives that provide an actual tangible footprint in our society. Projects that will be able to benefit a wide range of communities and civil society groups under a common goal with an broader social scope.
The evolution of this need led to the creation of “TEDxAthens Challenge” in 2011, a project seeking to support the growth of innovative and disruptive educational initiatives, by mobilizing the community of TEDxAthens and its partners. Throughout Greece, 153 projects were submitted and posted online for ballot. Three of them were chosen and presented at the main stage of the TEDxAthens 2011 Conference.
The following year, the “Human Grid” project was launched. A Google Map Mashup, which introduced an online directory of active NGOs and civil society groups in Greece. In 2013, Human Grid run and published the first national public opinion survey on volunteerism since 2003. Today, its database includes more than 230 organizations from all over the country. It has been massively featured and referenced by domestic and international media publications such as The Guardian, The Huffington Post, The Official TED Blog and eKathimerini.
The birth of "The Wagon".
Over the years, it has become clear that compared to Athens, the rest of Greece is less engaged when it comes to volunteerism and social initiatives. The much-needed capacity building programs and comprehensive knowledge will hardly reach groups and organizations far off the city centers, either because of geographic distance or simply because of limited access to information and resources.
Moreover, research conducted by the Human Grid suggests that only 15% of Greeks have been involved in volunteerism, largely due to lack of information regarding volunteer initiatives. The latter is further supported by national evidence suggesting that only 6 out of 10 Greeks have access to internet connection.
Our next project seeks to address these problems. We aim to create a mobile platform, in the form of a wagon, to spread the essence of volunteerism and solidarity to local communities and at the same time, share valuable knowledge and know-how to local NGOs and volunteer organizations, all over Greece. The Wagon Project will be a facilitation point to host networking and capacity building events as well as community-driven actions around the country. It will host a swapping library and serve as a high-end educational multimedia spot. Finally, this project can facilitate our efforts to meet new NGO's for our Human Grid mapping initiative.
The Wagon Project will take the best of human capital in Greece, and spread it all over the country. Because where we are going, defines who we are.
So far we have one supporter and believer, and he donated the Wagon!
With your help The Wagon Project can begin its quest in 2015 and travel to six faraway destinations.
Activities and Missions Program.
The exact schedule of The Wagon for each trip/mission will be tailored according to the needs of the area that will be visited, following communication with local stakeholders and volunteer organizations.
Inter alia, the main schedule will include activities such as the following:
- “TEDx Screenings". Special evenings offering screenings of selected TED Talks for a specified number of participants.
- “Share your practice Workshops”. Live, interactive educational programs and workshops aimed at transferring best practices and knowledge for local NGO's and volunteer organizations.
- “Human Grid Access Point”. An information centre for local volunteer initiatives, a point of access to the Human Grid map and research, and a place for mapping volunteer activities.
- “Swapping Library” free of charge and open to the public.
- “Kids’ *Alana*” for our little friends, a place to relive forgotten but beloved educational group games and experiences.
All activities will be entirely free of charge.
Q: What are The Wagon Project's next steps?
A: This is a basic roadmap we would like to follow, considering everything goes to plan.
Q: How will my donation be allocated?A: Our pledge has been calculated to cover the total restoration and renovation of The Wagon, plus the first year of The Wagon's operational cost, including the first 6 Missions.
Q: Do perks work separately or additively?A: Great question! All perks work additively (except the featured ones). This means that the benefits of each perk add up as a sum, going higher up the list. For example, if you choose to support The Wagon Project by donating 250€, we will reward you additionally with all previous perks. Please note that in the case the perk you pick grants you a free ticket for the TEDxAthens 2015 Conference, then you loose your priority access to buying a ticket, offered in lower value perks. Our"Featured" perks are stand alone and their offering is separate from all others.
Q: Is shipping cost included in the perks?
A: Yes, if you live in Greece. However, for all other destinations, please add another 5-20€ for international shipping when checking out (where applicable, each perk shows the shipping cost involved).
Q: Is it possible to support The Wagon Project using my credit card or do I need to have a Paypal account?
A: Yes, you can also use your credit card, even if you don't have a PayPal account! Remember to select PayPal’s “Guest Checkout option” during checkout. This option will allow you to contribute up to 400€. Of course, you can always contribute to The Wagon Project using your PayPal account (up to 8.000€ per contribution).
Q: I bought a t-shirt. How do I tell you the size I'd like?A: One of our rewards volunteers will contact you via email. Thank you!
Q: I bought a perk to support The Wagon Project, can I give more?
A: Yes! There is an option at checkout to add more to your contribution. Thank you!
Q: What if I want to support but don't want a perk?A: We appreciate and welcome your support for our project, even if you do not wish to pick a perk. That just means that 100% of your support will go directly to The Wagon!
Q: I love what you are doing! How else can I help?A: The quickest and easiest way to help The Wagon Project right now is support us with your generous donation! We also welcome help in many other ways as well:
Share this page with your family and friends, including a personal message describing why the campaign is important to you!
Use Twibbon to add a small Wagon Project support logo to your social media profile picture, and add some Wagon flair.
Spread the word! Use the #TheWagon hashtag to spread the word about our campaign through your social media accounts. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+.
Volunteer for Human Grid! Help us connect with NGOs and civil society groups across Greece. Become our inspiration about where should the Wagon travel to!
Mobilize your ideas with us! Share your feedback and suggestions towards improving The Wagon Project.
Thank you!
We appreciate your support so much because, by definition, any success The Wagon Project may have in the future, it will owe it to you!
So join our mission and mobilize "with" us today.
Because Movements Move.
Yours truly,
TEDxAthens Team of Volunteers