world’s greatest achievements often start with a seemingly crazy idea. A dream
so big it challenges people to reconsider what is possible. During great
advancements such as the first powered flight or landing on the moon, the
average person was merely a bystander. This amazing project allows you to
be directly involved in achieving the world’s next great scientific
milestone -- solving world hunger.
Our modern world is a
truly amazing place. We can answer calls from our wrist watch, track calories
and have cars that park themselves, yet we still don’t have a viable solution
to solve world hunger and famine. The
Kingdom of North Sudan, the world’s newest nation, hopes to solve this problem
with your assistance and fiscal sponsorship. In creating a new country, we have
the opportunity to make it something truly extraordinary: a nation fully
dedicated to researching and developing solutions for our current global food
shortages and impending food crisis.
"Rather than handouts, Africa needs capital investment, entrepreneurial innovation and free trade. Mr. Heaton understands this. The journey that started with a little girl’s dream is still that, but dreams can be seedbeds of massive change. "
— Lawrence J. McQuillan The Independent Institute
In supporting the North Sudan Scientific Fund, you
will be contributing to the world’s largest scientific effort for finding a
better way to grow and distribute food.
With your help we’ll be able to put a team together that will help us develop the structure and technology needed to revolutionize the agricultural industry. By having a clean slate, 800 square miles of land, we will work with top notch scientists to build a sustainable and efficient farming system. We’ve developed a 5-year plan so that we can accomplish this goal. Below you will find more details of what it all entails.
How did this idea start?
Like most things in life,
this project originated from the most unlikely of places: a six-year old little
girl’s request to her father. You see, my little girl Emily asked if she
would ever be a real princess one day. Like any father would do, I told her she
could be anything she wanted. Her eyes lit up with joy
as she thought about that unexpected possibility.
Now most people would have stopped there, but natural curiosity made me
wonder if it might really be possible to make Emily an actual princess. That is when the search to make my little girl’s dream
reality began. The first step would have to be to find unclaimed,
ungoverned, unpopulated land, and in East Africa I was able to do just that.
The last step would be to take that flag and plant it
in this new country, which I did on June 16, 2014, little Emily’s 7th
With this small act of love, the Kingdom of North
Sudan was created and the news quickly traveled around the world, bringing unexpected “fame” to my average and humble family. But this, we would
soon discover, was just the beginning.
“Elon Musk Approach” to Agri-Science
Having created the world’s
newest nation in the heart of the east African desert, the question became, “What do we do with it?” Emily, having learned
about hungry children in Africa from her elementary school teacher, stated very
clearly, “Grow a garden as big as our country to
feed people!"
Her simple idea about growing food for people transformed itself into the project you see here today. The revenue generated by this campaign will be used to advance the next great
agricultural revolution. Using the scientific funding methodology pioneered by
Elon Musk (SpaceX and Tesla Motors), we intend
to fully fund the world’s best scientists in a pursuit to identify new, better
ways to grow food using considerably less water, within
a nation whose very existence, laws and regulations will be designed to make it
easier to accomplish such endeavors. All technological advancements will
be provided directly to any other nation, university or corporation, free of charge.
Such important innovations warrant an open
source mentality, nothing less.
Given that the Kingdom of North Sudan is 800 sq. miles in size, it is a blank slate
ready to be developed into a cutting-edge research center for agricultural technology
and energy efficiency.
Why should you contribute to this campaign?
Human activity over the last few centuries has not
been very kind to our Earth. The repercussions for our past actions are upon
us; we must now improve our relationship with agriculture and water usage.
Conditions are becoming less than ideal in our breadbasket areas across the
globe as crop production suffers due to an increasing lack of water. Much of
the water, approximately 70%, used in agriculture is wasted
via runoff or evaporation. This is a considerable amount of waste when one
factors in the fact that agriculture consumes
approximately 70% of the world’s accessible fresh water supply.
We believe that by dedicating an entire nation to
achieving agricultural improvements and building a nation that is 100%
sustainable, we will gain the necessary knowledge and technological advancement
to improve our future here on Earth.
it a lot to take on? Yes. Is it a huge project? Yes. But
it is the nature of these challenges that motivates us, as it did when we
decided to fly, went to the Moon, sent rovers to Mars and explored the depths
of the ocean. The world does not lack
the intellectual capacity to better itself.
What we do seem to lack is a concerted effort within a “user friendly”
environment whereby the best and brightest can come together. With the
funds from this campaign, we will be able to start collaborating with
top scientists and find new ways of growing food more efficiently, using less water, in a cost-effective manner. To achieve greatness, you have to dream big, and
that is what we are doing. We need your help in making this dream a
- If you are frustrated with the lack of substantial progress being made to
counteract the impact of climate change on Earth, THIS PROJECT IS FOR YOU!
- If
you are a farmer hoping to find a better way to grow food that doesn’t require genetic modification, THIS PROJECT IS FOR YOU!
- If you want to leave this world a better place for your children,
grandchildren and great grandchildren, THIS PROJECT IS FOR YOU!
If you love
proving people wrong who say something can’t be done, THIS PROJECT IS MOST CERTAINLY FOR YOU!
What are
the next steps and how will the funds be used:
The North Sudan Scientific
Fund will be used for the development of the Agricultural Research Center;
affectionately called the ARC. The ARC is a modern scientific lifeboat designed
to save lives by unlocking new advances in agriculture: preventing starvation,
hunger and climate related interruptions in the food supply system. The North Sudan Scientific Fund ARC will
allow the world’s best scientists to conduct meaningful research and
collaborate in a fully-funded laboratory.
Building a country from the
ground up is a huge task, and we are aware that there may be unexpected
obstacles, but we have spent time detailing a plan to define what the first
steps are to achieve this.
Phase 0 – Project Initiation
and Diplomacy
Kingdom of North Sudan has identified the need for advancement in
agricultural science that combats the
effects of global warming on crop production.
The Kingdom of North Sudan seeks to develop an Agricultural Research
Center (ARC) designed to house scientists, all necessary complementary personnel, and their families in an environment that is 100% clean energy-powered and
highly sustainable. North Sudan will
continuously work to cultivate key Diplomatic and Trade relationships with its
neighbors (Egypt and Sudan) to facilitate the needs of the ARC throughout the
entire Project and into the future post-completion.
Phase 1 – Concept
Development – 1 Year – ($500,000)
Kingdom of North Sudan seeks this funding to explore the following dynamics of
the North Sudan Scientific Fund Program: Feasibility Study, Risk Management
Plan and Cost Benefit Analysis. This
will allow for defining the boundaries of concepts to be explored, and develop
an understanding of the initial natural and human resources needed to support
the project.
Phase 2 – Planning,
Staffing and Requirement Analysis – 2 Years – ($3,000,000)
this phase the Kingdom of North Sudan will develop a Project Management Plan
for the execution of the desired goals and objectives outlined in Phase 1. This phase will determine the intellectual
human capital needed to achieve the goals of the North Sudan Scientific Fund. This phase will identify and solicit the
world’s best agricultural scientists, renewable energy experts, water
purification specialists, plant nutritionists, social scientists, geologists,
climatologist, urban planners, regional experts and other consultants needed to
create the North Sudan Scientific Fund Committee.
established, the NSSF Committee will formalize the needs and requirements for
the Agricultural Research Center (ARC).
This phase will establish two interconnected aspects of the ARC:
1. Agricultural
R&D Requirements: The parameters
between current agricultural science technology and the requirements associated
with exploration of untested theory and practice will be identified. This will identify gaps between modern
processes and desired outcomes for subjects such as crop efficiency, plant health,
growing environments, LPLD (Local Production / Local Distribution), Production
FWL (Food Waste and Loss), improvements for small farm stakeholders,
aquaponic/hydroponic nutritional requirements and more. This process will determine a starting core
selection of crops and processes that are well suited for exploration in the
context of growth in a protected environment, as well as to specify efficient
space allocation and resource utilization.
2. Social
Requirements: Key necessities will be
determined to ensure the needs of the family unit are met within the ARC, as
the ARC will in effect be a self-sustaining city center, and must address
family life outside the work environment.
This stage will include requirements for facilities for education, recreation,
medical services, transportation and more.
Phase 3 – Design – 2
Years – ($2,000,000)
North Sudan Scientific Fund will work to transform the detailed requirements
into a complete, detailed system design. The design and construct of the ARC will focus
on the best, most sustainable and efficient methods to deliver the required
functionality needed by scientists to explore advanced methods for crop
production, as well as the necessities for a family living in the ARC. The design phase will be marketed globally
and will allow design firms to pitch designs that will capture the social and technical
specifications of the ARC.
Phase 4 – Implementation of Preliminary Infrastructure – 3 Years ($50,000,000)
phase sets the foundation for the construction of the ARC. This phase will establish key elements such
as efficient transport systems from locations in Egypt and Sudan to North
Sudan, the development of water resources within the country, power facilities,
Phase 5 – ARC
Construction – 3 Years – ($150,000,000)
is the final Phase of the project, overlapping with the final year of Phase 4: The construction of the ARC. Construction will represent approximately 30%
of the long-term design plans for the ARC facility. Approximately 50% of future construction will
be allocated for expansion of R&D facilities and assets, with the remaining
20% for additional infrastructure such as housing, parks, social venues, etc.
The overall project goal for
5 years is $505.5 million. This is equal to 10% of the United States
population contributing $15 or only 5% of the population of Europe giving $16
Our purpose for starting with crowdfunding is to allow the world to hear your voice. This campaign is a chance to show the leaders of other nations that the citizens of the world are ready to put science to work in solving global environmental issues. Our goal with this crowdfunding campaign
is to become a Top 3 campaign at the level of $20 million, and such success will increase the visibility of the
project and attract larger donors with shared goals.
We’ve worked on getting some great perks together for
you! Many of these perks were requested from
citizens all over the world. This is your chance to become an honorary Princess, Knight or Court Jester or even get the King to do your bidding. This is an
opportunity like never before and will only be available during our Indiegogo
campaign —PLUS you will be making the world a better place!
Here's some of our EXCLUSIVE perks:
You can see the full-size images of the Honorary Titles in our gallery section.
Members of The Kingdom of North Sudan:
& Challenges:
No project comes
without risk, but the best way to mitigate that risk is to surround the project
with knowledgeable people who will collaborate and work together to
succeed. This is exactly what we’re
going to do, leveraging the success of this campaign to acquire the best and
brightest minds to move forward, be it partnerships with the likes of Google or
Apple, or staffing with a global cadre of subject matter experts.
Ways You Can Help
We know that some of you might not be able to
contribute, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help us and be a part of this
journey. Getting the word out about the project is crucial to our success, so
share us on your social networks, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Youtube. Email friends and family about our project,
and if you have that favorite blog that you think will love our story, let them
You can easily share us using the share tools on the left side of our video!
Just a few clicks
make a HUGE difference!
And that's all there is to it!
Let's change the world!!!
How can I choose what T-shirt size I need?
After the campaign ends we will send a survey where you will be able to choose the size you need.
How can I choose which honorary title I want?
After the campaign ends we will send a survey out so that you can specify the type of title you want as well as the name of the person who’ll be receiving it.
How can I specify the name the title for Court Jester, Knighthood should be for?
After the campaign ends we will send a survey out so that you can specify the name for the tittle.
Hakanami serves as the fiscal sponsor for the Kingdom of North Sudan Scientific Fund. All donations are fully tax deductible.