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The World Underground - Episode 4 : INDONESIA

Episode 4 : Harsh noise on busy streets, hard and fast in D.I.Y Indonesia.

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The World Underground - Episode 4 : INDONESIA

The World Underground - Episode 4 : INDONESIA

The World Underground - Episode 4 : INDONESIA

The World Underground - Episode 4 : INDONESIA

The World Underground - Episode 4 : INDONESIA

Episode 4 : Harsh noise on busy streets, hard and fast in D.I.Y Indonesia.

Episode 4 : Harsh noise on busy streets, hard and fast in D.I.Y Indonesia.

Episode 4 : Harsh noise on busy streets, hard and fast in D.I.Y Indonesia.

Episode 4 : Harsh noise on busy streets, hard and fast in D.I.Y Indonesia.

John Yingling
John Yingling
John Yingling
John Yingling
7 Campaigns |
Missoula, United States
$5,291 USD 116 backers
66% of $8,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 7 Projects Mountain Filled 7 Projects

The World Underground lives.

The World Underground is now a reality, and it's time to keep going.  You helped us launch a feature-length film on China's underground music scenes.   Began a live recording archive 50 artists deep, and that's just what we could upload so far.  The response has been intense

I have upgraded cameras, from a Canon XF100, to a Canon C100.  I now also have the privilege of working with an excellent, dedicated sound engineer, Dereck Blackburn of Quiet House Studio.  We hope to stream-line future episodes so they are released faster, better, and more beautifully.

It must continue.

Not only is there an East Asia tour documentary in post-production, but also an episode on the small but potent town of Missoula, Montana.  Please view a tease of this footage in the video above.  I am currently organizing this footage, and will begin editing Episode 2 and 3 in the upcoming months, and immediately after Indonesia.  I will also write another long-form article

This brings us to Indonesia, Episode 4.

(photo by Tokoh)

Indonesia came onto my radar as a result of GUIGUISUISUI.  After my first trip, Dann kept touring, freaking out about it, and that led me to Tokoh of Klepto Opera

Tokoh continued what Dann has started telling me. Indonesia is D.I.Y to the bone.  There are few proper venues. Shows are set up quickly, and don't stay in one place for very long. It's no secret they have a thriving punk and hardcore scene, but he continued to explain that they have crews of noise artists running around with small generators, doing maniacal noise sets on busy sidewalks. Meat-grinders with contact mics, all sorts of twisted craziness. They call it “noise bombing.”

I expressed interest in coming, and quickly awoke to a few dozen people blowing up my Facebook with“WHEN ARE YOU COMING?!” … so I made the decision to put Indonesia at the front-burner. This project is about capturing moments in time.   It is with such unrivaled excitement, that Indonesia must happen now.

In the heat of July and August, I want to hit at least 5 cities at length :  

Jakarta, Surabaya, Sumedang, Bandung, Sidoarjo are on the list, but this is by no means all-inclusive.  Only a beginning to what will surely grow and shift.

With a more unpredictable scene as far as planning, my filming schedule may change on a dime, but it will all be to capture the best moment possible.

The impact is clear, proven, and remains the same.  Capture a moment in time, cleanly archive audio and contact links.  Put it up for donation, and keep going.  Aside from over 4,000 views on Youtube and Vimeo, the project has garnered praise across the world, from Chicago to China, Hungary, and France.  This is just the beginning.  

As I did for China, I need your support to make this happen.

Our goal is $8,000.  The true take-away is much less.

Here's a break-down of what I need, and why : 

  • $1,000 - Funnel this into the local scenes to fulfill record packs, show covers.
  • $2,000 - Platform fees, perk fulfillment, hard drives.  We need extra hard drives to back up years of footage, and properly organize.  Record pack shipping cost is expensive, especially when they go abroad.
  • $2,000 - With the upgrade to a Canon C100, we must have a halfway-decent editing system.  To continue without it, is simply not possible.  Our current computer cannot handle the footage without crashing everything.
  • $3,000 - Modest 2 month filming budget.  Cheap local food.  I'll sleep on warehouse, venue floors and take the cheapest possible travel solutions.

I'm VERY excited to keep these fundraiser perks local, and awesome.  All perks include the $5 level for maximum spread.


Listed (and linked) on The World Underground.


 Episode 1 : China begins on tour with one of Mainland China’s most legendary bands, P.K.14.  We delve into various cities along the way, including Guangzhou, Chengdu, Beijing, and Wuhan.   Over three dozen artists make up the first new, cumulative feature-length update on China’s underground in over half a decade. 


Straight from China, Korea, Japan, to your e-mail.  Though I have collected a thorough audio archive so far, there are dozens of recordings waiting in the pipeline.  Hear them first!


A collection of vintage postcards from Missoula, Montana.  Montana has a wonderful and deep past.  Get a glimpse, with a hand-written thank you!  Recommended for those who enjoy American history.


We'll hand-draw your name, your band's name, or anything you want on a card and take a photo of it somewhere REALLY GREAT in Indonesia!   Then we'll post that photo everywhere!  A gigantic temple?  Sure!  Crazy-ass moshpit in a warehouse?  You got it!  Street food stall?  Sure!  Endless possibilites.  We'd prefer to be crazily creative with this, but I'm open to your suggestion!   

*Includes DL of EP1 : CHINA*  


You'll receive a limited CD from the OBITS tour of Japan, last summer.  Live cuts, and more, it's a beautiful disc.  Obits are a band from New York City, comprised of some of the nicest, and most imaginative folks.  Their members have been in numerous past projects including Hot Snakes, Drive Like Jehu, Bellini, Girls Against Boys, and Edsel, to name a few.  OBITS have just recently disbanded, so you should definitely grip these!  Also included will be random flyers and handbills from our last trip to the land of the rising sun!   *Includes DL of EP1 : CHINA*  


Tim Midyett, of Silkworm and Bottomless Pit fame, has created a spice rub.  It's insane, "Steve Albini approved", and Bon Appétit isn't kidding when they say it will change how you cook meat forever.  A staple secret of the PRF and food lovers, it can now be yours.  Do yourself a favor.  Recommended!  
*Includes DL of EP1 : CHINA*  


You'll get a jar of ridiculously delicious caramel sauce made locally in Missoula, Montana's BIG DIPPER ICE CREAM!  I love this place.  It's ran by one of the nicest guys on the planet, Charlie Beaton, who just so happens to also be in a rock band called V.T.O.  Recommended!   
*Includes DL of EP1 : CHINA*  


You'll receive an excellently hand-printed T-Shirt from one of my favorite places in the world : Ear Candy Records in Missoula, Montana.  It's ran by the nicest people, and let's face it, keeping a small record shop open is no easy task, especially in a smaller town like Missoula.  Support us, and support small business!  
*Includes DL of EP1 : CHINA*  


You'll receive a t-shirt from one of Chicago's best!  Ever since we saw them years ago, Twin Peaks have been one of our favorite bands.  They've only gotten better (and more popular), but remain true to their roots, often playing small D.I.Y. spaces and all-ages shows whenever possible.   
*Includes DL of EP1 : CHINA*  

*International Shipping add $10*


5 tapes of killer jams from Chicago, IL labels like Manic Static and Maximum Pelt!  Bands include my favorites like White Mystery, The Funs, Lil' Tits, and many more with some GREAT surprises thrown in!  

 *Includes DL of EP1 : CHINA*  



You'll receive hand-crafted honey from local Arlee Apiaries and tea from Montana Tea and Spice Company!  Arguably the best damn honey and tea on the face of this green earth.  Flavors may vary, from Huckleberry, to the wondrous "Evening in Missoula."  Can't beat it!   *U.S. Only due to food item.*
*Includes DL of EP1 : CHINA*  
UPDATE 5/12 : Heather, the owner of Lake Missoula Tea Company has donated some of her amazing tea for these packages!  Thanks, Heather!!!


One phenomenal lithograph plus postcards from SENSITIVE WORD in Guangzhou, China!  We LOVE Tony.  I found his art at Old Heaven books in Shenzhen, while tagging along with After Argument, on tour in 2013.  Spectacular stuff, that will only get more potent in message as time passes.  Don't miss out! 
 *Includes DL of EP1 : CHINA.*  


You'll receive FIVE hand-picked, silk screened posters made by hand in the Windy City.  See the guy below?  He's the best!  That's Steve Walters from SCREWBALL PRESS in Chicago, IL.   He's done beautiful posters for every band under the sun.   Highly recommended.   (Photo : Ellie Pritts..)  
*Includes DL of EP1 : CHINA.*  


 An assortment of music straight from the hands of Indonesian and Malaysian artists.  I'll pack as much as I can into each perk.  This is the 4th time doing this, and it gets better and better each time.  They have always sold out, so be quick if you want one.  Below is only half of what I brought back from China on the last trip. 
Indonesia loves cassettes.  Please own a tape player. 

$80 - Combo Pack : Art and Music!

A hand-curated package of art from China, and music from Asia, and America!   A print from the spectacular Tony Cheung from Guangzhou, and a small music pack.  Hand curated cassettes and CD's from Korea, Japan, China, and America!  Since you all SOLD OUT the record packs, we'll throw some surprises in this perk! Recommended!

*Includes DL of EP1 : CHINA.*  

*International Shipping please add $10*

$150 - MYSTERY BOX!!!


Through my travels, I've amassed a lot of interesting things.  T-shirts, posters, LP's, cassettes, 7"s.  Art, zines, stupid toys, and more.  I'll compile this into a ridiculous package for you, and ship it straight to your door.  Recommended!  "A boat's a boat, but a mystery box could be anything!  It could even be a boat!"

*Includes DL of EP1 : CHINA.*  


Do you have something amazing that needs capturing in your town?  Is your band going on tour?  Running a festival that needs video?  The possibilities are endless.  You choose the topic, and I'll fly to you ANYWHERE in the world and make a film up to 30 minutes.  I'll stay up to one weekwith 8 hour shooting days, edit it within 6 months, the whole she-bang.  I'll film anything, within reason.  Do it.

Risks & Challenges, Moving Forward :

Part of why this project works, is that it's independent.  There is no higher-up.      No ads.  No producer telling me the who, what, when and where.  Crucial.  It also means hundreds of hours at a computer, doing everything myself.  I'm more than okay with this.  It's clear that people want this project to continue.  This is my life now.  The budget for these is ultra small even from a D.I.Y. standpoint.   I choose to stay in each place for 2 months, so I can try to accurately capture a thorough, non-sensationalized moment in time.  To me, the risks and challenges are low, because I do everything myself.  I just have to keep working.  You can help me do it.

Before the trip to Indonesia, we will begin organizing the East Asia episode, as well as Missoula, Montana.  Our goal is to have a clear idea of what those episodes will be, before leaving.  Upon settling back in, I will begin editing Episodes 2, 3, and 4.  I hope to release one every 6 months or so, if we can get the proper tools to do so.  Only one month into launch, and we have over a half dozen countries reaching out.  I'll keep trekking forward as quickly as I can. 

Other Ways You Can Help

I understand times are tight.  If you cannot donate money to this campaign, please share it with anyone you think might be interested.  There's a TON of material to dig through on The World Underground already, with more coming.  Make some noise!  E-mail your buddies.  Share it on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr.  Let's do a thing.

Thank You for your continued support.

- John Yingling

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Choose your Perk

Shout out and credits listing!

$5 USD
Everything helps! You'll receive a Thank You on all of our social media, as well as listing in the credits of Episode 4, and the website! Send us a link to your project and we'll link to it, too!
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
4 out of 1000 of claimed

Digital download - EP 1: CHINA

$8 USD
You'll receive a download code for a free, high quality version of The World Underground - Episode 1 : CHINA. This not only follows the legendary P.K.14 o tour, but also captures dozens of artists across Mainland China.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
4 out of 200 of claimed

Digital live recordings : Asia

$12 USD
Digital live recordings from China, Korea, Japan, e-mailed straight to you! Raw as hell. Though I have amassed a great audio archive so far on the site, there are dozens of recordings waiting in the pipeline. Hear them first.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
5 out of 200 of claimed

Vintage postcards via Montana!

$15 USD
Montana has a long, strange history. You'll receive a few old postcards from Montana, with a hand-written thank you! Recommended for those who enjoy American history.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
5 out of 20 of claimed

YOUR NAME : Somewhere awesome!

$20 USD
We'll hand-draw your name, your band's name, anything you'd like, and take a photo of it somewhere REALLY GREAT in Indonesia. We'll post that photo, with thanks, everywhere! Intense street corners, food markets, punk rock circle pits. We'd prefer to be creative with this, but are open to suggestions!
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
15 out of 50 of claimed

OBITS : Limited Japan Tour CD!

$20 USD
You'll receive a limited CD from OBITS tour of Japan, last summer. Live cuts, and more, it's a beautiful disc. Obits are a band from New York City, comprised of some of the nicest, and most imaginative folks. Their members have been in numerous past projects including Hot Snakes, Drive Like Jehu, Bellini, Girls Against Boys, and Edsel, to name a few. They just disbanded! Recommended! Also included will be random flyers and handbills from our last trip to the land of the rising sun!
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
5 out of 20 of claimed

Salted caramel sauce: Big Sky!

$25 USD
Big Dipper Ice Cream is one of the best places in the world. It's a small shop in Missoula, MT, ran by a wonderful rock and roller named Charlie Beaton. He's in a band called V.T.O, and just so happens to make an AMAZING salted caramel sauce. Highly recommended. *Due to food item - U.S.A. ONLY!* *Includes DL OF EP1 : CHINA*
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
1 out of 20 of claimed

T-Shirt : Ear Candy Records!

$30 USD
You'll receive an excellently hand-printed T-Shirt from one of my favorite places in the world : Ear Candy Records in Missoula, Montana. It's ran by the nicest people, and let's face it, keeping a small record shop open is no easy task, especially in a smaller town like Missoula. Support us, and you support small business! *Includes DL OF EP1 : CHINA*
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
3 out of 10 of claimed

T-Shirt : TWIN PEAKS (Chicago)

$30 USD
You'll receive a t-shirt from one of Chicago's best! Ever since we saw them years ago, Twin Peaks have been one of our favorite bands. They've only gotten better (and more popular), but remain true to their roots, often playing small D.I.Y. spaces and all-ages shows whenever possible. Grip this limited edition parks district logo tee! *Includes DL OF EP1 : CHINA*
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
3 out of 10 of claimed

Mystery Cassette Pack!

$35 USD
5 tapes of killer jams from Chicago, IL labels like Manic Static and Maximum Pelt! Bands include some of my favorites like THE FUNS, LIL' TITS, WHITE MYSTERY, and more with some GREAT surprises thrown in! Do it! *Includes DL OF EP1 : CHINA*
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
10 out of 20 of claimed

Tea and Honey Pack : Montana!

$40 USD
We love Montana. It's delicious. You will receive a honey bear from a small, local honey crafter named Arlee Apiaries. Tea will either be Huckleberry, or "Evening In Missoula" via Montana Tea Company. It's wonderful. *Includes DL OF EP1 : CHINA*
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
5 out of 20 of claimed

Poster and Postcard from China

$45 USD
You'll receive a medium sized print from Guangzhou, China's SENSITIVE WORD. Tony Cheung's mind-melting designs, coupled with postcards to freak out your friends. These designs look simply spectacular in larger format. Highly recommended. *Includes DL OF EP1 : CHINA*
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
7 out of 15 of claimed

Mystery poster tube: SCREWBALL

$60 USD
You'll receive a mystery pack of 5 large screen prints, hand-crafted in Chicago, IL. SCREWBALL PRESS is a local print shop ran by the legendary Steve Walters. Ran for over a decade, he's done posters for every artist under the sun. *Includes DL OF EP1 : CHINA*
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
5 out of 10 of claimed

Combo Pack! Art and Music!

$80 USD
You'll receive Tony Cheung's mind-melting art from China, and a small music pack with hand-picked selections from Korea, Japan, China, and America! Since you all SOLD OUT the record packs that previous occupied this perk, I'll throw some surprises in this one! Recommended!
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
6 out of 15 of claimed

30 minute film: ALL INCLUSIVE!

$3,000 USD
Do you have something amazing that needs capturing in your town? Is your band going on tour? Running a festival that needs video? The possibilities are endless. You choose the topic, and I'll fly to you ANYWHERE in the world and make a film up to 30 minutes. I'll stay up to one week, with 8 hour shooting days, edit it within 6 months, the whole she-bang. I'll film anything, within reason. Do it, but please contact us beforehand to talk!
Estimated Shipping
April 2016
0 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

MIDYETT Premium Spice Rub!

$25 USD
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
10 out of 10 of claimed
sold out


$150 USD
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
3 out of 3 of claimed
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