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Tian Tian - A Fantasy Short Film

A film about a girl fighting to hold on to the type of love that can only be found in fairy tales.

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Tian Tian - A Fantasy Short Film

Tian Tian - A Fantasy Short Film

Tian Tian - A Fantasy Short Film

Tian Tian - A Fantasy Short Film

Tian Tian - A Fantasy Short Film

A film about a girl fighting to hold on to the type of love that can only be found in fairy tales.

A film about a girl fighting to hold on to the type of love that can only be found in fairy tales.

A film about a girl fighting to hold on to the type of love that can only be found in fairy tales.

A film about a girl fighting to hold on to the type of love that can only be found in fairy tales.

Peach Zhou
Peach Zhou
Peach Zhou
Peach Zhou
1 Campaign |
San Francisco, United States
$3,408 USD 51 backers
22% of $15,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Our pitch video has been reedited! Please check the new vision! As we said, we want to do as best as possible!!! 中文付款介绍已添加在页面下方!如有任何疑问请添加微信:peachtiantian 她会竭诚为您解答所有问题!感谢您的关注和支持!

THE STORY HAS ALREADY BEEN TOLD? Yes, it has been told before and it will be told more often as we grow older. Once when we grew up and became adults, our childhood memories were the most precious moments in our life to have gone through. Those moments have affected us the most in becoming who we are today.

Tian Tian, 11 year old girl, will live her moments for us as the world revolves around her and be able to see the family drama through her eyes.




We have made eight episodes for the crowdfunding campaign. All of them are backstories of the short film Tian Tian. We upload two episodes every week. We hope you can see us sincerely work and please support Tian Tian project!

Thank you!


Episode 1: The Think Tank.  How can Tian Tian invite her mom to San Francisco? They found a solution... WILL YOU HELP HER? 
第一集:智囊团  如果想知道天天和她的“宇宙无敌最强大脑”团队是怎么计划把妈妈从上海请到旧金山的,那这一集里面,你一定会有答案!(由于没有字幕,直接上传答案好了。。。答案就是,为妈妈的路费做众筹,如此有智慧,有孝心的女孩子,你舍得不帮她完成心愿吗?)

Episode 2: A Mission
For inviting mom come to San Francisco from ShangHai, Tian Tian has to find the way getting connection with her mom. What's her plan? Did she get succeed?
Find the answer here!

Episode 3: Music Video: Mockingbird
Singed by Tori Anna Sophia.
Music composed and Lyric written by Gian Berselli.
Tian Tian can't fiind her mom without your support! She needs your help.
Listen the Mockingbird song at:Mockingbird

Episode 4: A Call
Tian Tian has reached her mom ZhuLi who is in Shang Hai, but how can her make her wish come true? Can Tian Tian get together with her mom? She can not make it without your help! Please help Tian Tian. 
We had two teams shot this episode, one team in San Francisco CA U.S. and another one in ShangHai China.

Episode 5: Tian Tian News
The next big thing is coming!!!

Episode 6: The Breakup
This episode is the back story about William Wang and Zhu Li. They separated after ZhuLi had given birth of Tian Tian Wang. There is no dialog in this episode but only music describing what happened.Hope you like it. Thank you for watching!
Please support our sincere work because we have made all of them for you!

Who am I? 

I am Peach Zhou the Producer of Tian Tian. I have been a producer for almost 10 years and been inspired by my father who is a screenwriter in China. Because of him I fell in love with watching films and always dreamed of becoming a filmmaker since then. 

Why I make this short film? 

Once I was browsing my young age photos and I remembered my little wish I had when I was in mid-school.





There was a time as I was looking through my photo albums and saw pictures of me when I was younger, that moment I remembered I had a wish and that is  being able to have a family photo with both of parents together. Unfortunately that never happened. My mom and dad never really got along with each other. They constantly got into arguments and there was one night where they had a physical argument in front of me when I was 3 years old and one of them accidentally kicked me and I cried. Since then they both got separated and divorced. That is when my life has changed because now I lived two separate lives, one with my mom and another with my dad.

When I was a teenager I was put into a situation where I didn’t know how to responds towards my best friends problems. Her problems were similar to mines because it was about her parents and how they argued with each other. My best friend told me how much she hates these problems that is happening at home and want her parents to separate then I realized that I am not alone in this. That is why I want to share Tians Tian's story because with her you will able to see what is life behind a child’s eyes as they go through family secrets.


渐渐长大后,和闺中密友谈心,经常说起她家里“秘密”。大多是关于她父母的矛盾以及家庭带给她的烦恼。那时正值高考前夕,父母的争吵为她的学业也带来了不小的压力, 她甚至希望他们分开来终止无休止的争吵。那个时候我不知道该如何安慰她,这就像围城,我们拥有不一样的家庭烦恼。然而,我相信,我们两个并不是特例,在我们不能够左右人生的时候,很多时候,我们的人生也被别人左右。就像我们没有权利选择是否出生,没有机会选择如何投胎,没有力量解决家庭矛盾,而每个家庭里,也都有不为人知的小秘密。当这些小秘密呈现在孩子的眼前时,他们的世界又会有什么变化呢?《天天》就是那枚钥匙,开启你成长中的回忆。

Tian Tian is a 15 minutes fantasy drama. The main character is a Chinese American, named Tian Tian (meaning sky) The entire story is following her perspective to intersperse with the reality and her imagination.

It’s the day of her father’s wedding, but there is just one problem; he is not in love. In order to help him, Tian Tian, along with her imaginary friend, TaiYeYe(great-grandpa), decide to use a Gu Shi bud; an enchanted plant said to create love for whoever wishes. But when Tian Tian realizes that her father may not love her either; she incorrectly makes the wish for herself instead of the bride. In result Tian Tian unleashes a mysterious spirit claiming to be the answer to her prayers, holding a key to her father’s painful past, and a key to the imaginative world in which she’s taken refuge. But is her imagination safer than reality? Through her journey, can Tian Tian discover the meaning of true love?



With your contribution, we will pay for equipment rental, Insurance, location fee, craft service, transportation, production design expenses, costume rental and purchases fee, talent payments and so many other costs.  We can not bring this influential piece into reality without your help and support!

We need money for location rental fee. We have found an amazing mansion which is very suitable for the story because Tian Tian's father is a politician.





《天天》这个故事早在今年年初就已经开始筹划了。我们的制片人协同两位美国编剧以及导演经过了大量长期的调研和人物剖析,并且在每一次与小演员伊莎贝拉的接触交流之后对剧本进行了持续细致的修改。我们每个剧组人员都力争打造出来一部既富具有观赏性,又有现实意义的影片。同时也希望通过《天天》为所有观众展示新一代电影人的才华和热情。 我们会竭尽全力以最专业的工作方式,最耐心细致的工作态度来讲述一个触动人心引发思考的故事。所以我们需要您的支持和资助。

Exterior of the location

Interior of the location

As you can see, this house increases lots of fantasy elements into the film but the space is almost empty. We need to rent furniture and buy decorations to fulfill the entire mansion.

Equipment Rental:
Also for filming a fantasy movie we need to create a dramatic atmosphere by lighting and using cinematography gears. So we need to rent lights, fog machine, wind machine and other stuff. Here are some cinematography reference images we'd like to reach.


Here are some short videos we have already shot. Through the entire campaign, we will upload those episodes. All of them are back stories about each character in Tian Tian. Please keep your attention on our campaign. The reason why we make those episodes because we want to show you our sincerity and profession. In order to make Tian Tian as best as possible we need your support! 


The costume design:
Our costume design team have handmade a "magic gown" for Tian Tian, beside of this one, we need fund for other costumes. The gown has used Italian 100% silk as the main fabric with beading 10 carps on it. Original design and all handmade! This is also a special perk you can choose! THE ONLY ONE ON EARTH! 


Except what's above, there are more aspects cost money. Showing by this budget cake, your contribution will go towards:

For bring this story to live, we need your support. Please check out the perks we have prepared for you. So many thanks from our entire cast and crew for your contribution on Tian Tian's production.

点击观看周舸的作品集锦,Check here to watch : Peach Zhou's Reel

(More crew and cast bio will be uploaded)


Tian Tian Posters:       电影海报:

Design One: 3D handcraft poster            设计一:3D立体海报

Designer (设计师/手工制作师): Tada Kongjohnraks

Photo Credit (摄影师):JiaWei Zhou

Design Two:      设计二:

Designer (设计师): Zheng Qin

Photo Credit (摄影师): KaiWai Wong

Printable T-shirts:   可打印的T恤:

Design one: Front


Design Two:

Printable Tote Bag:

Cell Phone Wall Paper:           手机屏保:

More surprises are coming...


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这需要您输入您的邮寄地址,我们会将您选中的礼品送达到所填写地址(上图可作填写参考,中文即可)如果您不方便透露您的姓名,可以点击左下角的方框 Hide my name on the campaign page ,这样子您的姓名将不会显示在众筹页面上。完成之后点击右下角的粉色图标:CONTINUE TO PAYMENT(继续到付款页面)

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如果有任何问题请添加微信: 微信号:peachtiantian

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Choose your Perk

Tian Tian's Spicial Thanks

$10 USD
Thanks for believing this project! With this reward, you will receive Tian Tian Wang's special thanks via Facebook, Twitter and Wechat. Your name will be added on the special thanks list. 感谢支持《天天》你的名字将会出现在《天天》官网以及电影官方微信的特别感谢名单中!
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
4 claimed

Tian Tian's Big Smile

$15 USD
Thanks for making Tian Tian happy. She will send you a big smile via Facebook, Twitter and email. Her face will brighten your entire day! There are 10 different smiles of Tian Tian, give us a number and we will surprise you! + Updates about our Film and our Campaign + All of the above “天天”以最美的微笑报答你的帮助和支持!1-10,给我们一个数字,我们给你一份惊喜! 另外,你的名字当然也会出现在特别感谢的名单中。感谢支持!
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
1 claimed

Tian Tian's loving E-card

$25 USD
There is always words you want to say but maybe shy to say. Do you remember how long you haven't said I Love You to your wife or family? From number 1 to 8, choose a Tian Tian special E-card, we will send your wishes to the person. Book the special edition for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. We will send them on that day. + Digital Sound Track + Digital Movie Poster +Plus all of above
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
4 claimed

Tian Tian Film (Sale)

$50 USD
Special sale at the first week, limited to the first 50 contributor. After this week this perk will back to $ 80. +Full HD Digital Download of the Film and Trailer +Movie Soundtrack +Crowdfunding Campaign Soundtrack +Your name on IMDb as contributor +All of the above
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
17 out of 50 of claimed

Tian Tian's Special Sponsor

$125 USD
Thank you so much for your contribution!!! You are earning the Special Sponsor credit and your name will be showing on IMDb and the rolling credit of the film! + 2 invitation tickets for the private screening +All of the above
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
4 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Credit as Co-Producer 联合制片人

$250 USD
You will get a Co-Producer credit on IMDb and the rolling credit of the Film! We thanks your helpful contribution and WELCOME TO JOIN THE TEAM!!! + 2 Invitation tickets for the private screening of Tian Tian +All of the above 感谢有您支持《天天》离梦想的实现又近了一大步!所以,作为感谢,您将成为我们的联合制片人!您的名字会以联合制片人的称号出现在IMDb的官网上以及影片名单中。另外我们免费送您两站影票,邀请您参加《天天》影片的私人展映,不仅仅会第一时间看到影片,更会零距离接触好莱坞制片公司的影视人,我们也会提供翻译服务,交流零障碍!
Estimated Shipping
June 2016
1 out of 20 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

One Day on Set 亲临片场,同走红毯

$500 USD
With this perk you are invited to our filming set! You will meet our cast and crew and have the view of the actual production! Additionally, if you love to act, we will create a line for you, JUST FOR YOU!! This experience will start your dream and a new journey! +More over, our rich experienced actor will give a 5 hour acting class. + You are invited to worldwide FILM FESTIVALS with us!!! How excited!!! + All of the above 如果您有明星梦,我们邀请您亲临片场,成为有词演员,并同走国际电影节红毯!
Estimated Shipping
June 2016
1 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

The Original 3D Poster 原始3D海报

$1,000 USD
We will ship the original 3D poster, the ONLY ONE artwork, to your address with framed and well-packaged! +2 printed movie posters + 2 booklets of Tian Tian + 4 T-shirts within 2 designs + 2 Director's edition DVD packages : DVD one: The short film Tian Tian DVD two: Behind The Scenes video with crew and cast interview. +All of the above (except one day on set) 您会收到《天天》特别版3D手工海报,绝无仅有,世界仅此一份!另外您还会收到两份剧组摄制的所有影片以及影片图书,DVD包括:最终成片,导演特别版,系列短片特别包装板及整个制作团队及流程的介绍图书。特别版T恤衫。以及成为《天天》联合制片人。
Estimated Shipping
June 2016
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Tian Tian's Magic Gown “魔法锦衣”

$3,000 USD
Discover the magic by yourself!!! With your contribution, we will ship our original fully handmade costume, The Magic Gown, to you! This is the only ONE in the entire world!! It took the costume design team (5 people) 3 months to finish!!! It's a journey to start your legend! Also it's the best gift for an imaginative person! + All of the above (except the 3d poster) 全手工制作,仅此一件富有魔力的“魔法锦衣”送到您家,一个梦想成真的开始。另外你也会得到$1000美金中除3D海报以外的所有其他礼品。感谢支持《天天》!
Estimated Shipping
June 2016
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Executive Producer 出品人

$5,000 USD
Truly appreciate your support and contribution! Your are credited as the only Executive Producer for Tian Tian. Your name will be added on IMDb, the rolling credit of Tian Tian film, the official Vimeo page and the Behind The Scenes videos. + 5 Invitation tickets for the private screening + 2 hours private video chat with the one of the cast or crew. + All of the Above (except the 3D poster or the magic gown) 感谢您的支持,您将成为《天天》的出品人,您的名字将出现在影片开头!并且参加影片首映式,同走国际电影节红毯,以及和剧组演职人员零距离交谈!
Estimated Shipping
June 2016
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Your Wedding on Set 美国古堡婚礼

$80,000 USD
You are the SUPER STAR!!! Your magic wedding will happen on the filming location! We will have a full crew (photographers, live musicians, filming production team... ) to record this significant moment for you! You will have the best service as big movie starts! This will be the most memorable experience in your and our lives! 如果你期待来美国办理你的婚礼蜜月游,我们整个专业的摄影团队全程跟拍,照片,视频,最后剪辑成片一条龙服务,圆您一个最浪漫的明星婚礼!
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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