Transition Streets - Local Action, Global Change
Transition Streets is a great way to lower your carbon footprint, save money on household bills, and get to know your neighbors – all at the same time. As we face growing environmental and social issues, it is increasingly important to find actionable ways to build stronger, more resilient communities. In times of crisis, top-down approaches have been less than effective-- it takes neighbors coming together to cultivate real solutions. Transition Streets aims to foster resilient communities from the street up.
Right now, in your neighborhood – creating a Transition Street is imaginable and very possible! We’ve already launched 12 successful pilot initiatives across the US (thanks to previous support) which have gotten some great reviews and media attention.
We’re ready to launch Transition Streets nationally, but we need your help to share Transition Streets with your neighborhood and thousands of others!
Here’s how it works: Following the user-friendly Transition Streets Handbook, neighbors come together over seven sessions to implement simple, tested, no- and low-cost actions to cut household energy use, reduce water and waste, change how we eat and transport ourselves, and strengthen our neighborhoods at the same time.
This project: SAVES MONEY - Households cut their bills by an average of $1,000/year. REDUCES CARBON emissions per household by 1.3 tons per year! BUILDS COMMUNITY - Neighbors formed a rich social bond and glimpsed what a low-carbon future might resemble - and they liked it!
Why We Need Transition Streets: Many people take individual actions to reduce their energy use and consumption of resources… But is it enough? Others want to make changes, but don’t know where to begin. Transition Streets provides a supportive and empowering format and an enjoyable process that allows neighbors to work together to significantly increase our impact and make a real difference!
We want to share this effective program with as many interested neighborhoods as possible, but in order to make an impact, we need your support! Here’s what your donation will allow us to do:
Facilitate the national roll-out of Transition Streets -- bringing this project to at least 100 neighborhoods (500 households!) across the US.
Support local organizers who want to bring Transition Streets to their neighborhoods through trainings, peer-support calls, and a vibrant online platform for sharing questions, ideas, and resources.
Develop an online evaluation tool so personal and combined carbon and water savings, as well as overall project impacts can be more easily seen and measured.
Co-create and distribute additional Transition Streets modules on Emergency Preparedness and Drought Response.
Develop advanced modules for each Transition Streets chapter for those who want to make even more impact.
We hope you’ll support Transition Streets’ national launch AND pitch in to help us achieve our next set of ambitious goals. If you can’t give much, you can also help us by:
Donate a perk! Have anything you’d like to give to support our movement now or in the future? Perhaps an environmentally-friendly product or activity, space or knowledge to spare, or even a good email list? Let us know!
Get social! Share our video, link to our campaign, or change your profile picture to our banner to show your support!
Start Transition Streets in your neighborhood right now! Download the US version of the Transition Streets handbook or look at the preview containing various selections from the Handbook. Or spend a few minutes reading up on this dynamic project from the Transition Streets website or the national media coverage that one of our pilot groups generated.
If each of us donates just a small amount of whatever we have to give, we can build the Transition movement across the US, one street at a time!
Transition Streets is an initiative of Transition US, the national nonprofit hub of the worldwide Transition movement, which operates in 50 countries around the globe. All contributions are tax deductible. Thank you for your generous and timely support!
*Important note for friends of partnering groups: This campaign is a collaboration with a number of groups across the United States (official Transition Groups are listed here). If one of these groups is planning to launch Transition Streets in your locale and you'd like 75% of your net contribution to go there, please indicate the name of the group in the comment field (found along the menu bar near the top of the page). Thank you!