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“…there is nothing in the world as interesting as people, and one can never study them enough." - Vincent Van Gogh
Tres Vidas is a docu-series, to be produced in Peru, which will illuminate the lives and stories of seemingly ordinary people brought under the umbrella of one universal theme per episode. Each episode will have an overarching motif, but it will encompass a wide array of subjects, allowing for three entirely different narratives to fit within one thematic episode, ensuring the content is fresh and not repetitive.
Conversations expand our understanding of the human condition.
In exploring a new country, it seems as though anything can be turned into an interesting story. From our research into Peru we’ve gathered a number of possible topics and subjects - shamans, miners, missionaries, indigenous weavers, NGOs - however the spontaneity and improvisation of this project allows for the direction of the video to be cast in different ways- ensuring a more open and free discovery of whatever will captivate, educate and entertain. The beauty of travel is that there is so much unknown. The format of Tres Vidas allows for us to tackle the unknown, wherever it may be found.
"The more we see, the more we are capable of seeing." - Maria Mitchell
The goal is always to entertain, but beneath that lies a desire for understanding, appreciation and thoughtfulness that the viewer can garner from these narratives. By highlighting theses stories, emerging from a corner of the world that is often under our media radars, we aim to establish a personal connection to entities that at first seem foreign. The thoughts, experiences and philosophies of these subjects will have the ability to reshape stigmas and alter reactions towards the unfamiliar.
"In movement there is life, and in change there is power." - Alan Cohen
Pulling from our backgrounds in journalism we will follow our investigative instincts and unearth stories that exemplify the mysteries of life in this developing country. But to get this done we need money! The funds we collect will go directly towards buying camera equipment - lenses, microphones, tripods, memory cards, hard drives and all of the other costs that add up to get a project of this magnitude from preliminary notes on a computer to polished content on a screen.
Thanks for your help and looking forward to sharing Tres Vidas with the world!