What is Codah´s Ark?
Codah´s Ark (aka TRSI SAT) is a small satellite which is planned to be sent into Earth´s orbit in 2015.
It will be the second satellite we send into orbit.
After a succesful launch and functional test, we will make it open source.
The satellite complies to the geometry of the PocketQub standard, so it is allowed to be taken into orbit as secondary payload.
Our launch provider, who already delivered our satellite WREN into orbit:
Involving The Demoscene
Every scener has the opportunity to put a 16x16px logo into the satellite´s memory which will be sent to earth as long as the satellite lives.
No special decoder is needed to receive it. All you need is a DVB-T USB-Stick and a handmade antenna for about 20$.
Due to a new narrow design, the launch costs could be significantly reduced - so a crowdfunding is a realistic way to make the launch happen.
We decided to give the sceners priority and a nice reward.
If we get a polar orbit, the signals will be receptable from anywhere in the world two times a day.
The logos will be visible to everyone, hobbyists, governmental organizations and even aliens (should they have their antennas nearby ;)
Whoever is watching the frequency spectrum will get the logo on the screen due to the transmission format (Hellschreiber).
Note that no decoder is needed - the logos will appear in the waterfall diagram on any device capable to watch the spectrum.
Radio amateurs can also command the satellite.
The memory of the satellite´s microcontroller is limited, so reserve your logo by participating in the crowdfunding.
The call for launch opportunities in 2015 is running RIGHT NOW. If the funding is successful, we´ll launch an exclusive Sceners´ satellite into space. If not, then a mass crowd funding will be done for 2016.
CPU: LPC1114/333 56kB Flash, 4kB RAM, ARM Core
Power: Supercap 350mF
Camera: 640x480px SSTV
IMU: Gyro, Magnetometer, Accelerometer
Radio: 20dBm + 15dB PA, 437.405 MHz
2 Solar cells with one charge controller each
Magnetic stabilization (X/Y axis)
Active Z axis control (reaction motor)
See more at: http://www.codahsark.de
The TRSI Sat uses amateur radio frequencies.
This is only possible, because the project is non-commercial.
Note: You don´t BUY a logo transmission - you are sponsor of the mission and therefore you can decide how the hellschreiber-beacons will look like - thats what the logos technically are.
Your logo must not be for commercial use.
Company logos, advertising and anything that implies commercial use will be refused.
In case we get more money by the logo perk than required for the launch. this money will be used for HAM radio projects - either another satellite or open source SDR, depending on the amount.
The mission objective is for amateur radio purposes:
- Minimizing size of satellite electronics
- Experiments with Hellschreiber-Mode
- Pattern recognition from waterfall diagrams with low TX power conditions
- Repeater for Hellschreiber
- Using non-deployable antenna on small PCB area
- Combined passive/active attitude control
- Testing supercaps as power storage
In case we don´t reach the goal, the money will be frozen and we´ll continue to get the rest of the funds - until the launch costs can be paid. This may lead to a delay of the launch. But the launch will be done.
The launch is assured. When the rocket doesn´t deliver the sat into orbit, another satellite will be sent up. We take the costs for the new flight hardware.
There is some risk that the satellite won´t work after deployment. We are doing many tests to make sure that it will start operation after beeing separated from the mother-satellite.