We are in need of funding to add cameras and audio
to this project. This year was amazing but we know it can be greatly improved
with additional camera angles and audio of these wonderful falcons.
Utica has been so fortunate to have a resident pair
of Peregrine Falcons for the past 6 years. The first pair was unsuccessful in
their nesting attempts, however this year is the first year the current nesting
adults have successfully raised 3 young. This family made history this year by
having the first successful brood in Oneida County since the demise of the
Peregrines due to DDT “poisoning” in the 1960's.
We need to continue to help these
still endangered birds to recover from the years of devastation they have
Peregrines have only a 60% survival rate in the
wild. By assisting them with manmade nest boxes such as the one we have, we
increase their chances of survival.
Check out our website www.uticaperegrinefalcons.com
and our FB page Falcon Watch Utica for more information and videos and pictures
of this beautiful family.
If you can't donate please help us
by spreading the word. We appreciate everyone's help!!