What is the Story?
"Robby is a young man whose family members are surviving victims of legendary serial killer Jason Voorhees. He sets out to prove to his loved ones that Voorhees is dead, and that the infamous Crystal Lake campgrounds are now safe. Will Robby find peace of mind for himself and his family, or will he regret uncovering a truth he never expected to find?"
While satisfying some of the necessary motifs we fans desire from a Friday the 13th film, I wanted to say something more within the tale as well - how a family member or loved one's past trauma can affect their children's lives and maybe how facing fears can possibly help in resolving them.
If it does, where and when does the story take place within the continuity of the film series?
Our tale takes place in present day and definitely after Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood. Whether it is part of the original franchise's continuity after that particular entry or take place in an alternate timeline...can be up to the individual viewer. It can also be viewed as a stand-alone story that involves basic knowledge of the series for casual horror fans.
What will Jason look like in VICTIM NO MORE?
Wait a second... who said Jason is even in this? Maybe it's Roy Burns back from the dead or someone possessed by the evil spirit of Jason Voorhees? IF he does make an appearance, and it follows Part VII, you can maybe take a guess at what he could look like.
Will there be any Character or Celebrity Cameos?
YES and YES! I have always been a sucker for a surprise reveal in a movie or TV show. For me, it adds to the enjoyment of watching movies and I know I'm not alone. Because of this, we hope to keep the cameos under wraps!
How long will the film be and what is the budget goal?
Similar to other Friday the 13th fan films, such as Never Hike Alone, it will be around the same length - around 45 minutes to an hour long. Although the current budget goal is $13,000, any additional contributions would be highly appreciated and would only help produce a more quality film! As a fan film, this is a non-profit project. As such, ALL contributions are solely going towards its production, which includes equipment, cast & crew, catering, special makeup effects, props, wardrobe/costumes, the campaign perks (with shipping costs), location fees and insurance, transportation and accommodations for some of our special cameo stars, post-production and other factors.
Where and when do you plan on shooting VICTIM NO MORE?
Primarily on Long Island, NY. Some scenes will be filmed in New Jersey. We are aiming to begin principal photography Spring/Summer 2020. We are hoping to wrap filming by the end of Summer.
Where can I view VICTIM NO MORE after it's done?
Upon the film's completion, hopefully by Fall of 2020, we will premiere it first at 3 East Coast locations; two theater screenings and one Convention/Film Festival screening (All TBD). All contributors that chose a Victim No More Blu-ray perk will receive their copy after the first initial premiere. Shortly following this, it will be available for the world to see on YouTube and Vimeo! And, of course, if invited, we will bring it to different film festivals and conventions for special screenings.
Perks are expected to ship during the SUMMER of 2020, with the exception of the following perks:
- VNM Blu-ray
- 24x36 signed "spoiler" poster
- VIP weekend convention tickets
- Selected Jason props from the film
The above items will be shipped out separately to those contributors who paid for those particular perks. Those contributors receiving VIP weekend tickets for the convention premiere will receive their tickets at the start of the event.
Producer perks include having your name appear in the opening and closing credits AND on the spoiler poster and Blu-ray releases. Also included is access to the set to observe filming and the opportunity to volunteer if they wish.
Food will be available on big shooting days, however transportation and accommodations will be at their expense. If planning a visit to the set as a producer-credit backer, please be respectful and courteous to all cast and crew, on set and off. It should also be noted that although we would be open to suggestions regarding the production, we are not bound to them. Although visiting the set includes an intimate look into the film's production, it will reveal information not available to other backers (cameo appearances, plot twists, etc), and as such, producers may be asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
Thanks to everyone for taking the time to view our campaign! No contribution is too big or too small and your support is deeply appreciated. Please share with friends, family and fans who may be interested and intrigued by our project!
Pictured: Sean Q. King (Director of Photography) and Bob Heckman (Writer/Director)
In regards to the rights to the Friday the 13th franchise and rights-holders:
We, the 3PD Films crew and writer/producer/director Bob Heckman, are in no way affiliated with Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros. and/or New Line Cinema. If any of these film companies or rights-holders to the Friday the 13th franchise take issue with the making of our film, we will adjust and/or comply with their demands regarding our production.
To be clear; this is a NON-PROFIT FAN FILM. 3PD Films and Bob Heckman will not profit from the production and its release. All donations/contributions given towards the making of this project is done with the love of the fans, friends and family to see it come to fruition.
A portion of the contributions will go towards Indiegogo's fees and the purchased perks (including shipping costs).