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Victims of Addiction

Make a difference for 9 million families affected by their adolescent or young adult abusing drugs.

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Victims of Addiction

Victims of Addiction

Victims of Addiction

Victims of Addiction

Victims of Addiction

Make a difference for 9 million families affected by their adolescent or young adult abusing drugs.

Make a difference for 9 million families affected by their adolescent or young adult abusing drugs.

Make a difference for 9 million families affected by their adolescent or young adult abusing drugs.

Make a difference for 9 million families affected by their adolescent or young adult abusing drugs.

Frank Celaya
Frank Celaya
Frank Celaya
Frank Celaya
1 Campaign |
Gilbert, United States
$205 USD 4 backers
0% of $50,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

The Mission


Victims of Addiction’s mission is to fill the information gap that exists for families living with the damaging effects of their adolescent or young adult abusing drugs. Your support will fund creation of an on-demand library designed to assist families with a fresh and inventive approach to bring our family community together, one living room at a time. Today, less than 1% of the 9 million young people abusing drugs receive specialized treatment annually. This deficiency combined with already scarce resources leave families struggling to make informed decisions and implement real-world strategies to heal and renew hope. 

The goal is to transform the way that families view, organize, and utilize complex and competing information inside their homes. Treatment does work for those that choose it but in its wake families are left to mend broken relationships and move forward in their lives. Using the voices of parents, siblings, loved ones, experts and thought leaders involved with addiction, the website will present genuine information with only one agenda: the long term well-being of everyone in our family community.

The time has come to stop counting addicts and focus needed attention on the millions of families that endure the daily crisis of substance abuse ‘living’ in their homes. Please take a look at the PERKS on this campaign page to see how your contribution will help Victims of Addiction “Give it Forward” to families in need.

          Immediate Impact of Your Contribution

                          "Giving it Forward"


Make a difference! Participation with this campaign will have an immediate and direct impact on families living in crisis. Your contribution will make it possible for families to have immediate access to member content at no cost depending on which PERK level you choose. All families will be assured of their anonymity through a secure and confidential sign-in portal. Member information will never be shared with any third parties. 

Funds will be used to produce an initial 9 hour video library consisting of six program topics and related podcast content of much needed information. Voices will not be filtered and members will not be steered to a particular treatment center or modality. These different models will be discussed in detail so that families can make informed decisions about which one is best given their situation. 

We have a strategic multi-platform outreach in place to identify families in need. The input of these initial members will shape the direction of future material as our partners in the development process. And you will see the impact to our community through personal access to our content as we provide you with transparent and regular reporting on the process .

Through your funding we can "Give it Forward" and operate from a sense of abundance rather than scarcity.

Please visit and take a look at "A New Blueprint for Family Recovery" for a description of programs.


Through My Daughter's Eyes

Seven years ago I woke up one day and realized that I needed to look at my family situation through the eyes of my six year old daughter. I recognized that ultimately it was her future that was at stake. When she would go to bed at night she would ask for her brother and be left wondering where he was. I had no authentic answers. She spent many days of her formative years at treatment centers during visitation days. I was compelled to do something to wipe the tears away and help mend her broken heart. The clinical information that I had been processing wasn't translating into anything that I could use in my home. It was time to find a new way to help my family.

  Help Shift the Paradigm

The emphasis of material in the media, on the internet, and most treatment experts focus on the addict. This campaign seeks to transform this cliché infected and biased outlook. Rather than more endless talk about the 24 million addicts aged 12 and older; the goal is to shift long overdue attention to the 24 million families struggling to survive the daily chaos of addiction in their homes. An addict fights to stay high...families fight a daily battle to stay together. A dedicated source of information designed exclusively for families is the answer.

Economic Reality    

The reality is that the $30 billion treatment industry did not evolve to generate revenue through family sustains itself by coding and billing for services to the addict. Parent programs have become a business necessity for a system that needs constant approval for admissions, payments, and participation for economic survival. The system is a product of many factors but the bottom line is that it often fails to address and serve the tangible day-to-day needs of families living in crisis. This campaign will make a difference!

   What Your Contribution Funds

Funding will be used to produce videos, podcasts, webinars and articles for on-demand viewing on our website 24/7. We have designed a systematic approach to address the disconnection and labeling of stakeholders. 

The six initial 90 minute video segments will include a combination of parents, loved ones, siblings, experts, recovering addicts, and thought leaders. The key is to provide a 360 degree view of each talking point. Each program will have related podcast and written content produced to enhance a family member's learning experience. Our library of resources is designed to create a new level of integrated communication between all stakeholders. 

Field production and editing of 540 minutes of video combined with 270 minutes of podcast material will require a "lean and mean" approach to accomplish at budget. 20 years of EMMY award winning production experience will be focused to build a team of different levels of production experience. With the right mix of committed personnel that have their own stories in recovery it is possible. 

Sustainability Through Membership


After 12 years of research looking for ways to help my family, I developed this campaign idea to design a platform of delivery that is sustained through paid memberships. Your contributions will help initiate the process. We will ask website visitors to pay a nominal fee to access member information to create long term sustainability and to utilize these resources to address and support ongoing needs within our communities. The website landing page will offer information and insights to help visitors just passing through. Members will receive comprehensive and thoughtful resources that deal with the complex process of family recovery.

Treatment is just the beginning. Long term recovery moves back into our homes and community once our child is discharged. Without dedicated resources families will continue to struggle.                    

Why Victims?    


The word victim can have a polarizing effect depending on a person’s life experience, education, political affiliation, religion and other individual perspectives. It is not being used for this campaign to solicit pity or to segregate the millions of family members already living with the stigma of drug abuse.

It is simply a word that best describes the results of living with a young person abusing drugs. It is our purpose to provide the coaching that families need to move from victimhood to empowerment over the negative influences that cause a family harm. Choosing to be victimized by an addict is generally not a choice. Making a decision to leave victimhood behind takes work and a commitment by individuals to seek answers that move their life choices into a healthy and positive perspective.

Other Ways You Can Help  

You can help us reach our goal even if you can't contribute financially, Please let other people you know about Victims of Addiction's mission. Your help in sharing the word about this campaign with your friends and contacts will be a great help. And if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact Frank or Jacqueline or visit our website for more information.

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Choose your Perk


Help Twenty-Five Families

$250 USD
Contribute $250.00 and receive a tote bag wristband, coffee mug, and a Victims of Addiction Rubik’s Cube and Stress Cube. You receive twenty-five 90 day "Give it Forward" memberships for unlimited access to our website content. Receive one full year of unlimited personal access to partner with us to develop future content via confidential email and feedback links. Choose your families or we will help find 25 families to "Give it Forward." Just $10.00 per family to make a big difference!
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

Make a Contribution

$10 USD
Contribute $10.00 and receive "A New Day-A New Way-A New Hope" silicone wristband and a personal thank you letter for helping us to reach our goal. Every dollar helps us to build our comprehensive on-demand website library of information for the millions of families in need. Every dollar counts to help us reach our goal!
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

Help Five Families

$50 USD
Contribute $50.00 and receive a wristband and an imprinted Victims of Addiction stoneware coffee mug. In addition, you will receive five 90 day "Give it Forward" memberships for unlimited access to website content to help families in need. You have the option of using a membership, providing a list of families, or allow Victims of Addiction to give memberships away on your behalf. These options are available for all PERKS listed below.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

Help Seven Families

$75 USD
Contribute $75.00 and receive a wristband, custom coffee mug, and an imprinted Victims of Addiction Rubik's Cube for helping us to reach our goal. In addition you will make it possible to offer seven 90 day "Give it Forward" premium memberships for unlimited access to our website content to help families in need.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

Help Ten Families

$100 USD
Contribute $100.00 and receive a wristband, coffee mug and a custom imprinted Victims of Addiction Rubik's Cube. In addition you will make it possible to offer ten 90 day "Give it Forward" premium memberships to our website content to help families in need. You will be able to choose an option to use or give memberships to families of your choosing or we can help find families in need.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

Help Fifteen Families

$150 USD
Contribute $150.00 and receive a wristband, coffee mug, and custom imprinted Victims of Addiction Rubik's Cube. In addition you will make it possible to offer fifteen "Give it Forward" 90 day memberships to our premium website content for families in need. Choose your option to use, give to families of your choice or allow us to find families looking for help.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

Jacqueline - Help 50 Families

$500 USD
A one hour conversation with Jacqueline to discuss her 12 years of experience with young people in treatment. Included with your contribution are a Victims of Addiction tote bag, wristband, coffee mug, and a Rubik's Cube and Stress Cube. You receive fifty 90 day "Give it Forward" memberships with unlimited access to our website and one year of confidential personal access for your contribution. Provide names or we can help find the families. The session is not intended to offer treatment.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 out of 25 of claimed

Frank - Help 50 Families

$500 USD
A one hour conversation with Frank. A personal talk about his journey with his son and 12 years of research about treatment and family recovery. Receive a tote bag, wristband, coffee mug, and a Rubik’s Cube and Stress Ball. Receive fifty 90 day "Give it Forward" memberships with unlimited access to website content. Also includes one full year of confidential personal access for you to help develop future program content. Choose your families or we can help identify families in need.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 out of 25 of claimed

Silver - Help 100 Families

$1,000 USD
Contribute $1,000.00 and receive special acknowledgement on our Topics Web Page. The page will be an active and integral service to our members. Members select from a menu of specific topics. Receive a tote bag, wristband, coffee mug, and an imprinted Rubik’s Cube and Stress Ball. You also receive one hundred 90 day "Give it Forward" memberships. Your contribution includes one year of confidential access to help shape the direction and content of our website. Provide families or we can help.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

Gold - Help 150 Families

$1,500 USD
Contribute $1,500.00 and receive recognition on Frank's and Jacqueline's blog pages. These webpages will be used to personally integrate change to the paradigm. Receive a tote bag, wristband, coffee mug, and a custom Rubik’s Cube and Stress Ball. You also get one hundred and fifty 90 day "Give it Forward" all access memberships. Your contribution includes one year of confidential access to help shape the direction and content of our website. Choose your families or we can help identify them.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

Platinum - Help 250 Families

$2,500 USD
Contribute $2,500.00 and receive production credit as an associate producer for the video library of the 6 initial video segments. You also receive two hundred and fifty 90 day "Give it Forward" memberships. Receive a tote bag, wristband, coffee mug, and an imprinted Rubik’s Cube and Stress Ball. You get one year of unlimited website access and confidential access to communicate with us as a partner to develop future content for members' needs. Choose your families or we can help find them.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed
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