Short Summary
When my partner had an accident and was in a wheelchair for a long time, and thankfully not forever I was required to care for him, our two beautiful children and earn an income. I became a Work At Home Parent and I have never worked so hard in a job before.
All our living expenses were now up to me whilst caring for my beautiful family. I spent many sleepless nights trying to get my business out there and even resulted making myself so sick I had to be hospitalised. I made a successful home business and now I want to help other work at home parents do the same. I want to published them at low prices to help get their businesses out there. I want to provide them with invaluable information from professionals that we wouldn't usually get to speak to. I want to provide them an ongoing community of never ending support and I want this to always be free to readers.
My dream is to create an online magazine to showcase and publish other WAHPs at very low rates (under $5) to help get their businesses out there as I know how hard it can be. This will be a monthly edition showcasing other work at home parents work and talent as well as including many editorials of successful WAHPs, interviews from some of the most known WAHPs, How Tos and much much more. Our content is being grown by the day by amazing people wanting to contribute to this magazine and help other work at home parents.
It is important that this magazine is an electronic and not printed edition as we are aware of the effects on the environment. We want to move forward with saving paper for future generations and our way to be able to contribute is making this an electronic publication and never printed to paper.
Your contribution small or large will be helping thousands of work at home parents trying to make an income for their families whilst still being able to stay at home with their much loved children. As this is an ongoing project you will be able to view your ongoing contribution and know you were a part of this amazing issue.
What We Need & What You Get
To get this project off the ground successfully we require $5,000.00 for software to develop the online magazine, set up a fully functional website where our writers have access to add content via the blogs section, a forum to interact with our readers and themselves, the plugins to have the magazine viewable from computers, electronic readers and mobiles. We also require a computer to replace the dinosaur I use now to run the software required to put this all together. We also require a small amount to be used to help us get the word out there to as many people as we can.
This is the first magazine of its kind to be published in Australia only. Not only do we have a great range of writers willing to contribute and share their wisdom we have features like no others. Small fees (less than $5.00) for WAHPs to be published, free classifieds, a monthly catalogue showcasing WAHPs products included in the magazine every month. We also have some fabulous individuals such as personal trainers, business advisers and more to confirm in the coming weeks willing to contribute and help.
If the full amount is not raised we can still use smaller amounts to pay for yearly internet hosting, software and advertising costs. All money raised no matter how small can help to make this magazine get started.
What you get? We want to help you and thank you for any contribution you can make! All contirbutors will be announced and thanked on our website and in our publications. We understand without your help this cannot happen and we will forever be grateful! Different perks will have more involvement with the magazine, please see below for more details.
The Impact
It is extremely hard starting your own business from home and letting the world know what you are doing. Advertising rates are so high most work at home parents can not even consider this option. We give the opportunity to advertise and showcase their businesses at free and very cheap rates. We understand how hard it is being WAHPs outselves and I want to make this easier for people starting out. There is so much talent to be shown from WAHPs, we want to find these people and share them to the world, as well as providing an ongoing supportive community to help them keep going with their journeys.
By contributing you are making this happen and helping thousands of parents. Not only by helping to get their business out there, make an income for thier families when it wouldnt be possible otherwise and stay at home with their children. You are also helping the readers find these talented people and purchase more affordable items that can cost huge amounts in department stores. WAHPs are known for finding ways to save on costs of production and passing these savings onto their customers.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you cannot contribute funds we understand. Believe us we do, otherwise we wouldnt be putting this campaign out there. There are other ways you can help though, that are free and require only your time. Help us spread the word about what we are doing and that we are accepting contributions for our start up costs. Indiegogo have numerous share tools that make getting the word out there easy.
Are you a WAHP who loves writing and helping others? We are always looking for parents wanting to write and be published with us. Any ideas you have that can help us help other work at home parents we would be grateful to receive so please get in touch with us.