"Let young, hungry ECO-entrepreneurs challenge old environmentally harmful dinosaurs. Wheely's is a revolution."
"Competing with Starbucks can feel like an impossible dream for independent coffee shops, but Wheely's Cafe could make an inpact on this particlar scene."![]()
"The Bike-powered coffee cart that could take on Starbucks"
"Once the company's Indiegogo campaign has ended, expect to see a number of Wheely's eco-cafes coming to NYC and other major international cities."
Thank you for writing!!:
and many more!
A Wheely's is a full service café enclosed in a bicycle. The bike serves most things any traditional café would serve; coffee, tea, cold drinks, juices, pastries, fruits and even salads and sandwiches. The advantages of doing this from a bike are numerous; very low running costs, ECO-friendly, healthy, fun and very profitable.
Our tests shows a daily profit of between $ 150 - $ 300 from our Wheely’s testing in Sweden, great revenue that goes hand in hand with great fun, not to MENTION the health benefits.
Wheely's will be a global brand with franchises all over the world providing you - the bike owners - with all the advantages that has made franchise owners of super brands like McDonald's so successful: A recognisable brand, design, marketing, social media presence and cheaper prices due to big volumes - but at a fraction of the cost.
You will be part of a global network of Wheely’s owners, getting a great bike, keeping fit and being ecological. In short: Making the world better, one pedal at the time!
Be your own BOSS. Wake up, take your bike, go to your favourite spot. Wheely's is more than selling coffee, it’s a lifestyle. Join our revolution!
One bike is great. When we tried them in the Swedish university town of Lund not only did we get popular and earned good money, we got really fit! But the really cool part was being part of a network. Yes, one bike is great, but many bikes is greater! From the start there will be Wheely's bikes in all five continents. Young people like you learning and helping each other out, sharing tips and tricks and experiences!
Numerous research has shown the advantages of belonging to a franchise. You know how it is: People prefer the known before the unknown. Therefore, a known brand is bound to attract more customers than an unknown. This also means that Starbucks can charge more than the no-brand in the street. Wheely's will bridge that gap, giving you and your bike all the muscle of a global super brand but without the expensive overhead!
Actually: The only thing you have to pay is if you want to order new cups, napkins or other material. We will deliver all those things in no-time if you want them, but that's totally up to you!
Buying a Wheely's bike includes the free LIFETIME right to use the brandname "Wheely's" on your bike and be part of the global network. This is a right that might well be worth money as more people order bikes.
Wheely's are now fully funded, we are EXTREMELY happy and look forward to reach even further! Thank you SO MUCH for your support!!
The bike has been developed by NSID. It is 100% ECO-friendly, but it is also a well tested, super functional micro café. The Wheely's bike is powered only by the sun and your own body only, making it's not only CO2 neutral, but carbon footprint negative, making the world greener with every cup of coffee.
The bike includes; among other things:
• A small gas burner used to keep coffee and tea water hot.
• Coffee Termoses
• Branded bottles for all fittings you will need (sugar, cream, milk etc)
• All items necessary to use the bike
• An ingenious locking solution for the bike
• A lot of small ingenious details, like a small loudspeaker to play the happy morning music.
• A small sink.
The bike has been tested in multiple cities, and in every case both people, media and city councils love it.
Every day with a Wheely's café is filled with opportunities. How much you will earn is actually up to you. Here are some ideas:
- Team up with newspapers and become their distributor
- Do gigs at Corporate events. These are well payed (often over $ 1000) and fun!
- Make people happy, it's verified by science that by giving something away (a lollipop for instance) people are more willing to give you something back in return.
- Work extra in the mornings before school! 50% of a days earnings comes in the rush hour.
- Help brands launch new products on the market. Give away samples.
- Make tests, do the math in order to find out the perfect place and time to place your Wheely's.
- Find exhibitions / sport games / concerts / parties and be where the people are. Make friends.
- Sell umbrellas on rainy days
- Buy many Wheely's, employ your friends and become a Wheely's kingpin
- Get patrons - befriend your buyers. If they like you, they will tell their friends. Always remember to award those trusty clients of yours.
- It there a ferry terminal nearby? This is a perfect place to sell coffee to cardriver waiting.
- Outside a school or a university has proven to be a great spot!
- Bus terminals are usually crowded by people but no cafes, use this opportunity!
- Rent out our bike to corporate events or sport events, everyone want’s coffee and snacks.
Thank you Fast Company for writing!
Will I need a permit for my Wheely's?
That depends. Most cities in the world allow for non-stationary selling. That means as long as you keep moving you won't be needing a permit. But check with your local council. In most cases they really like the idea of a bike-cafe, as they are considered being good for the city brand. :)
How much can I expect to earn in a day?
(Oh yes, that IS the question.) In our experiments it varies a lot depending on time of day, where you stand, day of month, weather and so on. A rough estimation is that in Scandinavia you will earn between $100 - $300 in one six hour day. Of course, most of the selling will be done in the rush hours. You can expand that money quite a lot by selling lunch / salads / sandwiches.
(Of course, )If you have a spot in central London / New York / Tokyo you can probably put a zero after our estimates.
What do you mean by saying you have learned from the giants?
We use what we have learnt from working with giants such as McDonald's and Starbuck's. How they do their branding, pricing, advertising, product development and so on. You could say we use their own weapons against them, only Wheely’s are is nimbler, smaller and faster moving. It's going to be FUN!
Can I order a Wheely's and re-brand the bike?
Yes. Ordering the bike makes it yours. We are an open source company. Most people will benefit from operating under the Wheely's brand, but if you want to call your self Mr Pineapple and sell Pineappledrinks in Aruba- go ahead. The bike is actually perfect for any kind of street operation.
What can be sold from a Wheely's?
We have decided to have a minimum selection of coffee, soft drinks, fruits and some pastry (ecological) Apart from that, every bike owner is free to add their own touch to it - yoghurt, croissants and an assortment of small candies etc. There might also be selling of magazines and newspapers as well as cooperations with new brands and launches. Bagels and sandwiches in the evening, or give it that French touch by making crepes!
How will you advertise Wheely’s?
In the team behind Wheely’s you'll find some of the most awarded advertisers in the world. We'll use all the latest social media strategies and techniques employed by the giants such as McDonald's, but we use them for good!
When will the bikes be delivered?
First we need to finish the Indiegogo project. After that the bikes will be ordered from various sources and hand assembled here in Sweden. THEN we will begin to ship. You have to count with at least six weeks after the funding is finished until you have your bike. Yes we KNOW that it is hard. But remember: first order first serve. If you order today, at least you will get your Wheely’s before everyone ordering after you!
Do I need to pay for the shipping?
Yes. The shipping vary between 75-200 usd depending on where in the world you are located. Though, we are doing our best to keep the shipping costs down, and the more bikes we sell, the cheaper we will be able to get the shipping cost.
Wheely's has been developed by Nordic Society For Invention and Discovery. We are a product development crew that together have worked with most of Scandinavias super brands, such as IKEA, H&M and several others. With this experience we have started a lab to develop the products of the future, most of the time focusing on sustainability. Our previous projects have been featured in most of the biggest world media.
Our goal is that Wheely's shall be present in over 100 cities in one year!