Short Summary
Hi, my name is Neil Chaske, I am a Dakota Oyate from Sioux Valley Dakota Nation and the Owner/Founder of "White Eagle Speaks". I Shall be bringing a flow of energy to the world with a new concept. Done through the creation of a New TV Show Called, "White Eagle Speaks". This show shall bring Indigenous people from different Nations around the world to bring forth the mighty voices in order to unite with one voice and one heart.
Voices from Elders, musicians, singers, actors, business leaders, dancers, professors, drum groups, artists, athletes, Chairmans from many different Reservations and tribal leaders, plus many other guests that have inspirational and positive stories of how they are supporting Mother Earth in a positive way.
These shows shall make a very huge and positive impact for future generations to come and will create a legacy such as never seen before. So with many supporters across North America and word of mouth, we shall be moving forward working towards having a TV spot on National TV stations like ABC, CBS, NBC and other stations.
What got me interested in the concept of a Native American TV show was when I worked at a utility pole business. From this experience and knowledge, I became very concerned and aware about the toxic chemicals that are being used. Chemicals that pollute our waters and land. These chemicals hurt people, children and animals great and small.
I also realized how many other problems there are around the world with indigenous peoples. So i decided to create a TV show, "White Eagle Speaks" in order to bring indigenous peoples from around the world to discuss and find possible solutions to these problems through our TV show. But not just any show, one that will air on major TV stations such as ABC, NBC and CBS. To bring the news around the world.
Lets all stand united and continue to work together toward a common goal.
No change is possible without creating and achieving awareness along with tribal and community support.
$10,000 - administration costs.
$10,000 - equipment.
$10,000 - expenses.
- For every Donation, we at White Eagle Speaks can move forward to produce our first TV show and once you make a donation you shall receive an,
- acknowledgment letter, (support/thank you letter), from White Eagle Speaks or,
- a wristband that says White Eagle Speaks on it,
- or a Signed Picture from Me (Neil Chaske)! The Owner/Founder, of White Eagle Speaks.
- Beautiful Pictures that show the beauty of Mother Earth and what she offers us each day.
The Impact
By donating or becoming a corporate sponsorship You shall be creating a Legacy For all children and Generations to come. How will this happen, you may ask yourself? Well, never before has a national TV station shown Native American cultural based programs. TV shows in which Elders, dancers, musicians, artists and many others will come on to show their talents and skills and discuss issues surrounding mother earth.
"JOIN US", in being part of the solution. You can do this by either donating or becoming a sponsor. Every donation or sponsorship received, shall bring us closer to our goal of presenting our first TV show to the world through "White Eagle Speaks".
We at White Eagle Speaks are strong in faith and speak from deep within our hearts. Traditionally, the Eagle feather is held in high honor and
esteem. The Eagle flies so high that it goes out of sight and travels to the
hands of the creator. The creator then returns our prayers, via grace and
intuition, directly to our hearts. The hope for White Eagle Speaks, is to
form a bond that encourages support across the lands.
Since positivity is our core, we shall seek
solutions to challenges while holding values of Native Americans in the highest
regard. Our Elders play a powerful role in our culture; Native-owned businesses
and tribal leaders set the tone. We shall plan to host the finest among them.
So with White Eagle Speaks new TV show, we shall spread more awareness and at the same time we shall be bringing many skilled and talented Indigenous people on the show to talk about the many problems.
Problems that we have with our Oceans or the pollution to the waters were garbage is being dumped. These topics and more will be analyzed and discussed as never before.
Some of the other issues that will be discussed include toxic chemicals used in playgrounds that our children play on and important topics for all of us to address and acknowledge such as the children, individuals and families who are suffering within our own Country. With one Mighty Voice, our Voices shall be heard, as It is time for the nation to hear our Voices.
Other Ways You Can Help
- You can also help by posting the White Eagle Campaign on your Facebook wall or on any social media and by spreading by word.