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Wild Zombie Blast Guide

WILD ZOMBIE BLAST GUIDE will release their third album! help them recoup the costs for this outbreak

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Wild Zombie Blast Guide

Wild Zombie Blast Guide

Wild Zombie Blast Guide

Wild Zombie Blast Guide

Wild Zombie Blast Guide

WILD ZOMBIE BLAST GUIDE will release their third album! help them recoup the costs for this outbreak

WILD ZOMBIE BLAST GUIDE will release their third album! help them recoup the costs for this outbreak

WILD ZOMBIE BLAST GUIDE will release their third album! help them recoup the costs for this outbreak

WILD ZOMBIE BLAST GUIDE will release their third album! help them recoup the costs for this outbreak

fabian schwarz
fabian schwarz
fabian schwarz
fabian schwarz
1 Campaign |
Würzburg, Germany
$222 USD $222 USD 11 backers
6% of $3,275 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Campaign Summary

Hello, and thank you for visiting our Indiegogo campaign. We are WILD ZOMBIE BLAST GUIDE, a thrashcore band from Würzburg/Germany. We have released two self produced albums and we want to do the next step right NOW! Help us financing our third full length CD. It will be released in august this year via MDD records, a very small but good label. To do it right, we need YOUR help, because this is what we want to do this time: releasing a cool brain crushing modern thrash metal record!


Each donation will help fund this bastard of an album, plus downloads and with your contribution comes various gifts of thanks. We have selected many great listening and visual “thank-yous” in addition to rare musical opportunities that most people don’t have exposure to; private home concerts, bike rides, used stage outfits special supporter shirts and what not. We believe everyone should have a glimpse into a musicians soul and quite honestly, what good is a funding campaign if you’re just going to keep your music to yourself, right?


Here is the breakdown

This is where the money goes:

Studio Time - Recording, mixing and mastering all songs  2000 €

Video Editing - 1000 €

Art Design - 500 € ( Designing the artwork for the album, Posters, Merchandise, and more NOT included!)

Purchasing of Merchandise - 1000 €

Marketing - Campaign for releasing these records - 1500 €

TOTAL cost - 6000 €

Thank you!

Crowd funding is another example of community and we are grateful for your involvement and support! Thank you!


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Choose your Perk

Album Download + Updates

Currency Conversion $9 USD
€8 EUR
Das neue Album pünktlich zur Veröffentlichung. Neun fette, frische Songs zum sofortigen Anhören! The new album as a download, ready for your rockin’ pleasure on the day of release. Nine new kick-ass songs!
1 claimed

New album on CD

Currency Conversion $16 USD
€15 EUR
New Album on CD Das neue Album auf CD, zum Erscheinungstag verschickt. Den Download gibt es obendrauf. Inklusive Porto! The new album on CD, send to you on release day, plus the download. Shipping included!
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Signed CD

Currency Conversion $20 USD
€18 EUR
Das neue Album, signiert von uns und zum Erscheinungstag verschickt. Den Download zum sofortigen Anhören gibt es zusätzlich. Inklusive Porto, aber limitiert. A signed copy of the new CD, send to you on release day, plus the download. Shipping is included. Limited supplies!
5 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Exclusive toxic-green cap

Currency Conversion $20 USD
€18 EUR
Holt euch die exklusive toxic-grüne Trucker Cap! Das Teil gibt es nur hier und so lange die Kampagne läuft! Die Cap wird danach nie wieder in grün erhältlich sein! Get this exclusive and limited, toxic-green trucker cap on indiegogo only! This cap will never be available in green after this campaign!
0 out of 20 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Supporter shirt „Zombie Squad“

Currency Conversion $27 USD
€25 EUR
Zeige der Welt, dass du zum Z-Squad gehörst – mit dem streng limitierten Supporter-Shirt. Das Beste: Auf der Rückseite finden sich alle 50 Namen der Supporter. Der Download der Platte ist dabei, Porto ist inklusive. Show the world that you belong to the Z-Squad – with this strictly limited Supporter Shirt. The best: All names of these 50 friends will be printed on the backside. Of course, you‘ll also get the download. Shipping included.
4 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

A night with the living dead

Currency Conversion $98 USD
€90 EUR
Treffe die Band und verbringe eine Nacht im hauseigenen SG RECORDS Kino! Fetter Sound und Riesenleinwand sind garantiert! Inklusive Getränke und Kinofutter. Natürlich werden nur die Lieblings-Horrorfilme der Band gezeigt. Also macht euch auf was gefasst.....die Jungs sind nicht zimperlich! Meet the band in the privat SG RECORDS cinema! Big sound and screen guaranteed! Including cinema-food and free drinks. Only the band's favorite horror movies will be on the list. Be prepared.....
0 out of 10 of claimed

Old Stage backdrop & sidedrops

Currency Conversion $131 USD
€120 EUR
Jetzt kannst du diese Unikate in deinen Partykeller hängen! Oder ins Büro, wir sind da nicht zimperlich, sondern signieren das noch. Als Soundtrack gibt‘s das Album als Download. Porto inklusive. Maße: Backdrop 3m x 2,10m; Sidedrops 1,75m x 2m Now you can hang these unique pieces in your party dungeon, your bedroom or office. We‘ll sign them, too. Shipping & album download included. Sizes: Backdrop 4m x 3m; Sidedrops 2m x 2m
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships to European Union

Bike Ride with REVEREND Z

Currency Conversion $164 USD
€150 EUR
Du kannst einen Motorradausritt mit dem Reverend ergattern! Wir leihen dir eine heisse BMW Schüssel und der Reverend wird dir die coolsten Bike Spots in unserer Gegend zeigen! Eine wirklich einzigartige Gelegenheit für jeden Biker-Zombie. You can have a bike ride with the REV! We lend you a great BMW bike and the REVEREND will show you the coolest spots in our area! A rare opportunity for all biker zombies.
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Full-on living room concert!

Currency Conversion $1,091 USD
€999 EUR
Wir spielen eine Stunde und es muss nur Platz für uns sein und Bier kalt stehen. Das Kleingedruckte: Unsere Reisekosten ab Würzburg kommen leider extra, wenn über 200km, der Termin muss abgesprochen werden, lässt sich alles regeln. We play an hour of music, we just need the space and some cold beers. The small print: Our travel cost from Würzburg have to be covered by you, if over 200km, date has to be agreed upon, but we‘ll work something out.
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships to Germany
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