Short Summary
Hello Cowboys and Cowgirls!
My name is Jonathan Roy Rivera and I am the Writer/Director for Wine On The Desert. For the past 3 years I have not only directed music videos as well as short films for independent artists, but I have also helped upcoming actors with their reels and footage. Ever since I was a boy, I knew what I wanted to do and who I wanted to become. I was fortunate enough to be blessed with a very supportive family and very supportive friends who have the upmost faith in me.
This campaign is very important to the crew and I because it will help our vision come to life. This script is inspired by a short story by author Max Brand and is now in the public domain. A few years ago while in my college class, I was assigned to change the dialogue of the story but instead I began to change the action and events that took place. Before I knew it, everything was brand new and I created an amazing story between two characters and their journey to reconnect with one another. On the due date of the assignment I presented my new found script to my teacher and was very excited to see the reactions. To my surprise, I was given a lower grade and humiliated in front of all my peers for creating a whole new script. I felt embarrassed and crushed by it so I locked the script away and never picked it up again.
Earlier this year I was looking for a new project to work on, so I decided to go through some old files and see what new ideas I can come up with. I came across Wine On the Desert and reread as well as rewrote it to my own preferences. Now, I am here to finally shoot that idea and make it come to life!
The Impact
To know that you have others to support you in the choices that you make in life is one of the greatest feelings. Knowing that you are helping with this campaign will help me not only push myself to achieve my goals as a film maker but it will also make me want to help others. I have always been there to help those in need without wanting any reward but just to pay it forward.
I set out to dedicate this film to my family, friends and those who are not yet certain of who they'll become. This film will be living proof that with the right mind set as well as the amount of persistence, anything is possible. There are many artists who are very talented but either too affraid to follow their dream either because of the fear of failure or the fear of disappointing a family member. A great friend of mine once told me, "If you weren't afraid of your dreams, then they weren't big enough". This campaign will be dedicated to you, the talented artist who is certain who they want to become but too afraid of taking the chance. You will never know till you actually try. You don't need many to edge you on, all you need is just the one person. Yourself.
What We Need & What You Get
The reason that our goal is this much is because we need to pay for our equipment, food, location and our horse! In order for us to continue with this shoot, we have to go through many obstacles. We have to pay for insurance, worker's comp and feed our talented crew members. "A good meal soothes the soul and regenerates the body."
Perks! With every amount that you donate, you will recieve a fun gift. The higher you go the better they get.
Other Ways You Can Help
I understand that not many can contribute but we can all help.
SPREAD THE WORD! Throw this link onto your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. Make it known what this campaign is about and who you are trying to help. Tell your friends, your neighbors, friends, family, whoever as long as you are helping us out.
Thank you very much for sticking around and for your help ladies and gents.
I'm really grateful to know that there are those out there willing to help.
Yours truly,
Jonathan Roy Rivera
"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"