Patty Greer is one of the hardest working independent UFO film makers today.
She is relentless, fearless and passionate, with 2 NEW movies in the works now!
Her work comes highly recommend by 3 of the world's most respected UFO Experts: Stanton T. Friedman, Paul T. Hellyer, Donald N Schmitt.
Please consider supporting her outstanding new projects today.
“Patty Greer is a breath of fresh air in the study of the crop circle phenomenon.
It will be through her passion and dedication to solving this riddle that a final resolution is at hand… and the answer may illuminate us all.”
Donald N Schmitt 5-31-15
"I have known Patty Greer for a number of years and am very impressed with her film work and her willingness to dig deeply into controversy areas.”
Stanton T. Friedman, Nuclear Physicist May 31, 2015
June 26, 2015 For: Patty Greer
“In appreciation of your fantastic exhibition of crop circles
Blessings and best wishes.”
Paul T. Hellyer
Thank you for being here in the front line as pioneers of a new way of living. As we focus together on healing the planet, we can accomplish anything! I used to think motherhood was the most daunting task on earth, until I became a Crop Circle filmmaker.
The chapter began in a 2006 English Crop Circle when I met the phenomenon head-on. It was a cold and rainy day when I entered my 1st Crop Circle and I was stunned by how the enhanced electromagnetic field affected my body! I had goosebumps from head to toe and a tingly feeling on the top of my head. Other people around me felt it too. It wasn't our imagination!
In 2007 I returned to England and had a life altering "Contact" experience in the center of a huge Crop Circle. My passion exploded from that day on, I took 1,100 photos of Crop Circles within weeks! I hired a film crew to help document what was going on in the UK Crop Circles, but I wasn't sure why. The footage exposed shocking evidence that Crop Circles were real, and the footage evolved into six illuminating movies. The movies won 6 prestigious awards so I knew I was on the right track. The process was strangely effortless because I was co-producing the movies through a telepathic communication. This 'unseen source' knew a lot about Crop Circles to say the least, and they flooded me with the data to produce the movies without research of any kind. The data came to me in dreams and also when I was awake.
My fascination with the Crop Circles became so insatiable that when I returned from England every summer with new footage I would edit 12-18 hours a day! This went on for months at the time, my mind was whirling with Crop Circle data, codes and pictograms! I completed a full feature film every 6 months for the next 2 years, and left the life I knew far behind.
Last year I spent three intensive weeks learning the most advanced scientific explanation of Crop Circles yet. A mysterious journey led me to meet the (secret) lab partner who worked with William Levengood for the last 16 years of his life. She understood his research completely and shared his data with me daily for 3 weeks. I
had to completely restructure my thinking about Crop Circles, this data in the new movie.
William Levengood was a brilliant scientist who was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for his advanced wisdom and scientific research, which included studying Crop Circles. Levengood passed away 2 years ago and although I never met the man while he was alive, he has visited me twice from "the other side." Both times he said (telepathically) "I orchestrated your visit here and I'm glad it worked out!" The was a witness present* I've been to his laboratory a few times and spent weeks at the farm where his Crop Circle seed testing experiments were done. His findings were truly informative and all of my Crop Circle questions were answered!
My goal this year is to complete 2 exciting and empowering new movies that will inspire people around the world. My desire is for conscious people and communities to recognize worthy projects that are devoted to planetary evolution & support them. I love making movies but unfortunately it became very expensive because my income has been close to zero $$ from three different 'movie distributors' for years. They suppressed my films rather than distributed them as promised, this is a fact. I wasn't thinking about business while I was rolling the Crop Circle movies, I was focused on the magic instead!
Foster Gamble told me years ago that this happened because "I've been directly over the target about Crop Circles since the beginning!"
We want the truth about UFOs - don't we??? I know that I certainly do! I had originally gone to the Crop Circles seeking a miracle cure for mercury poisoning. I was a professional musician for most of my life playing harp, piano and singing for 33 years - until I was poisoned. I paid a dentist to remove my old toxic silver fillings and replace them with white porcelain for $6,000. I awoke from his (free nitrous oxide) treatment with a mouthful of new toxic silver fillings (amalgam = 50% MERCURY!). Within six months I lost the use of six fingertips from the toxicity. The fillings are out and I detoxed for years. I'm still detoxing today, 12 years later. The dentist claimed I 'changed my mind' while I was unconscious (nitrous) although the chart clearly stated "porcelain."
After a few years I was so desperate to heal that I flew to England and started laying in Crop Circles. Ultimately it was a gift to be completely pulled out of my life as I knew it - and my invitation to begin visiting the Crop Circles! Once I stepped into my first Crop Circle nothing was ever the same again ...
Becoming a filmmaker was never on my bucket list, but I couldn't play music professionally in Band-aids and gloves. So the following year the Circlemakers welcomed me back and I learned how to "hear them telepathically." There were moments that were truly out of this world, episodes I could never have written! I've kept those telepathic communications confidential for years, until now in the upcoming movie.
My other equally important new movie project about Wise Woman Medicine is an empowering film honoring the wisdom and strength of women of all ages. These highly conscious women assist the planet in silent ways, helping humanity evolve simply by example. They are compassionate, nurturing, honest and strong. They are the women of today. Their bold and yet loving personality traits are excellent examples of what will be needed most as we move beyond corruption and greed. Ushering in a new way of living peacefully together, women may become the new leaders. By consciously transforming the energetic fields around the world through ancient wisdom and loving intention, balance will return to all living beings in record time. The advanced technologies being hidden today will become the norm for all. Free energy, zero point vehicles, worldwide organic food, clean water, world peace and happiness at large is possible ~ when we all agree!
I'm not planning to quit making movies any time soon for you or your family or your friends. That's what this crowd funding event is about. Let's all work together to make a difference in the world!
Please share some love with our project today - You'll be glad you did tomorrow!
Website: Investment goes to:
I do most of the shooting and editing myself and hire a pro editor to complete the process. In the past my movies cost $30,000 each for the editing alone. Now I can produce them for $10,000 by doing most of the editing myself. My goal is to complete two amazing new movies within a year.
I have an excellent reputation in the UFO field and spoke at many of the UFO venues this year in Canada and the US. I've been interviewed on Coast to Coast Radio twice and done more than 100 other radio shows over the years.
I love making movies and know that my films have made a difference in the world. My mission is to help further the awareness & truth about Crop Circles and their important messages for humanity. Generous support from others who are also
focused on planetary evolution is needed here. If you are wondering how you can help to awaken the masses, please support our highly informative films today!
Keep the faith & enjoy the process!
XO, Patty Greer