Beyond the mists of Avalon exists a secret older than time…
Embark upon a daring adventure of power and mystery to a mythic realm where magic is born. A legendary isle of wonder possessed by frightening powers and superhuman sorcery. Where ancient gods govern the turn of the seasons and guide man towards their fate. Where the Eternal Waters of the Fountain of Youth flow in the shadow of lost civilization and the wheel of time teeters on the turn of a New Age!
This is the story of Arrowyn and Nibone
Of the beautiful Princess Otome and the mischievous Belle Pepper![]()
Of Lieutenant Caspain, the Wild Hunt, and the Dreaded Hounds of the Aku-Sith
Of the Armies of Eternity, mighty Dragons, and Fantastic Beasts!
Of incredible challenges, impossible odds, and bold heroes fiercely embattled with magical monsters!
Of Blood and Thunder! Light and Darkness!
And the Eternal Struggle of Good against Evil!
Prepare yourself for a graphic novel of incredible scope and incredible beauty. A timeless epic for all ages—for all people! Wonder Island – an illustrated journey into impossible lands and unstoppable adventure. It’s WONDER ISLAND: HERO OF BRIGHTWATER.
When the mystic realm of Brightwater comes under attack by ancient evils it falls to a spirited young boy to rise to the challenge. Armed with a Living Sword, a Magical Garment and three vials of Hero Water, its up to Arrowyn to protect the Secrets of Eternity and his home.
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