Short Summary
World Peace and Prayer Day, also known as Honoring Sacred Sites Day, was envisioned and
brought forth by Chief Looking Horse as a day to join worldwide communities and people of all races, ages, genders, and faiths, who share concern for the welfare of the Earth and
humanity. This endeavor is committed to "All Nations, All Faiths, One Prayer" uniting in order to bring about healing to our mother Earth on behalf of future generations by working together. It is highlighted by honoring-ceremonies, invocation, and prayer observed in
collaboration with indigenous and religious representatives. Special guest speakers and wisdom
keepers of all denominations share spiritual insight and discuss important
environmental concerns and cures on both a local and global level. This profoundly auspicious time is elevated by a cross-cultural celebration of music,
dance, and storytelling. All free of charge.
Chief Arvol Looking Horse is the 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White
Buffalo Pipe Bundle and recognized spiritual
leader of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Sioux
Nations. Following the birth of a
White Buffalo Calf in 1994, Arvol Looking Horse was directed to honor the
Four Directions with
ceremony on Summer
Solstice on June 21st.
According to Lakota Star
Knowledge, the birth of
“Miracle,” a female white
buffalo, signaled a time of Earth changes and the
coming of The Mending of
the Hoop of all Nations. The
Summer Solstice is said to be
a powerful time to pray for
peace and harmony among
all Living Beings.
Grandmother Earth’s gifts: the
air, water, plant, animal, and
rock nations must be allowed
to heal if we are to live in
harmony with Her.
This year's event emphasizes two initiatives, a Call to Action based on the Council Statement on Fukushima, and the Sacred Sites Draft Resolution, which many peace workers are working to see adopted by the United Nations.
In keeping with solutions-based thinking, the WPPD 2014 event will include opportunities to learn about sustainable living models such as permaculture and wilderness skills and ways for all ages to become reconnected with the Earth.
Representing the horse nation, Blue Star Equiculture will lead a sacred horse ride with 15 horses from their home base in Palmer, Massachusetts to the World Peace and Prayer Day site in Wappingers Falls, NY. Blue Star Equiculture is committed to sustainable equine husbandry. See links for more details.
World Peace and Prayer Day / Honoring Sacred Sites Day
is a continuing, 19-year-long project of the Wodakota Foundation.
Blue Star Equiculture is a co-sponsor of this event.
***Cover photo taken at Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 by Ivan Kuxxaan Sum.***
What We Need & What You Get
Humanity is at the Crossroads, and the importance of the energies created by our event cannot be underestimated. In order to see World Peace and Prayer Day 2014 become all it can be, our committee must raise the necessary funds for the travel and lodging expenses for our revered elders and wisdom keepers from around the world, the park costs, and all related expenses for the promotion and logistics of the multi-day gathering for possibly thousands of visitors. Due to the sacred nature of this event, we must maintain that entry and attendance is free to the public.
We have a varied collection of perks to serve as gestures of our appreciation for your assistance in bringing forth World Peace and Prayer Day 2014. Several are one-of-a-kind handmade items created by highly skilled Native craftspeople. Others allow you to spend time with some of our elders in return for your kindness.
The Impact
Ancient prophecies
throughout the world have
predicted this time...when
population growth, over-consumption, depletion
of our natural
resources and pollution
would severely damage our Earth’s life-sustaining
capabilities. It has become
Chief Looking Horse’s
personal commitment as
the “Keeper of the Sacred
Bundle” to assist in the mending of the Hoop of all Nations.
Besides his work with his
own community, meeting
with global and spiritual
leaders around the world
and speaking and offering
prayers at universities and
environmental symposiums
(including the United
Nations). Chief Looking
Horse’s mission with World
Peace and Prayer Day has
already made tremendous
contributions to the
progress of Earth Awareness
and World Peace.
Every year the imperative grows and the effects of the ceremony reverberate to all relations and into the future.
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand that you may not be in a position to donate funds. However, you still can play a critical role in making World Peace and Prayer Day 2014 a reality.
****You may donate ANY monetary amount, however large or small, not only the levels that are listed with perks.
****Please help raise awareness for the event by sharing through your social media networks! This not only will help us raise the needed funds, but will connect more like-minded people everywhere to the need to be as one mind on and around the summer solstice, further raising the global consciousness.
****Please attend the event itself in the beautiful Hudson River Valley at Bowdoin Park, in Wappingers Falls, NY. It is open to the public and is free of charge. Please come with an open heart and intentions for peace and healing toward all our relations. We thank you in advance for your cooperation in that certain protocols will be followed by all attendees to maintain the integrity of the gathering. Please refer to the link to the WPPD website for more details.****Gather with others at sacred sites around the world on the summer solstice; connect with the water, the land, and other beings wherever you may be.
****Send a prayer or peaceful intention regarding the healing of our natural world, harmonizing with our relations and protecting our future generations.
WE THANK YOU! Mitakue Oyasin, All Our Relations