Thank you for your interest in wristSOS. The idea of wristSOS came to life while watching the news long ago; a story about a kidnapped boy who was just 6 years old was found murdered and as a new father as well as a father to be, this had a heart wrenching effect on both my business partner and I.
A sad but simple news story had us thinking about things we can do to help another family not have to deal with the heartbreak of losing their child or loved one to such a horrible crime. After a long night of beating our brains I looked at my apple watch to see what time it was and a light turned on! SOS alerts with the Apple Watch. The search was on to see if this had been done and much to our surprise, every other solution out there is trying to include their own hardware which is inflating their overhead and making their goals just about unattainable.
You have an iPhone, you have an apple watch... why not use these devices to save your life? No clipping a button on your pants or buying a special wristband, protection for you using the items you already own. We have tons of fantastic features in the wristSOS lineup that will make it unlike anything on the market, we hope you can help us bring this feature packed life saving app to market in the very near future.
wristSOS Founder
Jason Nichols
What We Need & What You Get
Break it down for folks in more detail:
- We have the app idea and functions laid out but we need to fund the development.
- We want to make this app for you and we want you to be able to enjoy it! With that said, we are going to give away items that help you enjoy the app when it is done. iPhones and Apple watches are offered as perks BUT not just ANY iPhone or Apple watch, fully customized phones and watches that are serialized to be one of a kind items that will NEVER be reproduced. Can't pledge enough for these perks? Not a problem, every little bit helps. We will say thanks to you on our site or in our app and EVERYONE who donates will get the app for free at time of release!
- Every penny earned will go toward the final goal of development and public release of the app on the apple app store. Anything over our goal will go toward porting the app to android based devices.
The Impact
wristSOS can impact every day life and help track down a lost child or even save a loved ones life:
- If your child is grabbed, a simple apple watch press can track their location and help you find them faster. Future features will make tracking possible without your child or loved one pressing a button.
- Do you have an elderly family member who is home alone? What if they take a fall? Press the watch button and they start to broadcast an SOS to you and your family.
- Future updates which will be included for free will always put your family at the forefront of safety and technology and our product will never be dependent on extra hardware, the items you already own (watch and phone) will be all you need to stay safe.
Risks & Challenges
wristSOS is an iphone/Apple watch application that works with basic features in an advanced way, pushing these basic features to their limits can cause unforeseen delays in programming. wristSOS is committed to its release date of December 2015 before the holidays and we will bring on extra programmers if we see the need in order to avoid any delays.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
- Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about your campaign.
- Remind them to use the Indiegogo share tools!
And that's all there is to it.