Greetings community,
A bike journey of a thousand miles begins with a single revolution.
Our Story:
This summer, we’re touring the pacific northwest from Vancouver to the bay - twenty of us, 3 bands, sound engineers, dancers, painters, puppeteers, clowns, and jugglers, all on bikes!
The Pleasant Revolution has been putting on musical bike tours from 2008-2014, traveling through The Americas, and Europe. More than a bike tour or music festival, this project has been the inception of a movement for an evolving culture of transportation cycling, renewable power, and greener music/community events. The entire experience is all human powered by setting up our bikes on stage, connecting them to generators, and having audience members pedal to power the system. This summer 2016 our crew will pick up their torch as the next generation of Pleasant Revolutionaries!
For the past three years we have been organizing bike tours from California through Mexico. On these tours we have carried all our musical equipment on bikes, but wherever we played, we had to rely on electricity. This year, we hope to abolish our dependence on external energy sources by purchasing a pedal-powered sound system from the good people of Rock the Bike, a Bay Area based small business who’s been working for years to develop a sound system which runs completely off of kinetic energy generated by people riding bikes.
Purchasing a sound system from Rock the Bike not only supports their ingenuity and innovation, it also allows us to share our message in the most authentic way possible.
Your donation:
By donating to this summers Pleasant Revolution Tour you will aid in supplementing the cost of our two month bike tour; this includes cargo bikes, touring gear, musical equipment, food, camping and ferry fees.
Cost breakdown:
3 bike Pedal Powered sound system: $10,000
Nesting Drum Kit: $2,600
2 E-bikes: $2,000
4 Cargo Bikes: $4,000
Ferries: $200
Food, gear, maintenance for twenty people over 2.5 months: $6,000
Why we need you!
Bike touring, and performing with a pedal powered sound system is 100% community effort, which is only possible with your support. Not only are we learning to live through alternative means, we are also realizing the power of a group of passionate people joining together to accomplish magnanimous feats. Every donation counts, even a small amount will get us one pedal closer to our goal. Please follow us, share our story with your friends and loved ones, and donate if you can. We are so grateful to you, our conscious community, for helping to create the vibrant fuel free world that future we all deserve.